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In this court case. We are against school prayers, ‘voluntary’ or not.

As not every student is

correlating to one specific religion if religious at all, some students may be deeply disturbed by
religion from past experiences that may lead to frequent PSTD attacks that will affect the
student’s learning abilities. Or is just uncomfortable regarding religions.

A school board member mentioned that school prayer needed to happen because morality has
been lost in this generation, which directly violates the establishment clause against
establishing religion within the country.

The school prayers also violates Engle V. Vitale, which prevents prayers in school

Amendment one would also be violated against the first amendment freedom of religion.

The fact that the prayers would be teacher lead it can make students feel pressured to attend
as well.

Lemon V. Kurtzman would also be in violation as it is a test to keep religion out of public schools

Wallace v Jaffree was a court case that held an Alabama law authorizing a 1-minute prayer that
was shut down as many used it for a prayer in the morning, to which it became a school prayer
which violates amendment one and the establishment clause. Shutting it down

The one minute period to pray In the mornings should not be allowed as it is in violation of the

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