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The Film Genres

What are film genres?

Genre is the “term for any category of
literature or other forms of art or
What we consider film genres today
often are hardly pure film genres, as
they were in the early days of film. The
majority of content produced in the last
years are often genre hybrids.
The Basic Film Genres
In the early days of cinema, genres were much
more uniform and defined. And those defined
genres are:

Action Mystery
Comedy Romance
Drama Thriller
Fantasy Western
My Favourite Genres

Horror Films

Thriller Films

Drama Films

Sci-Fi Films
The Horror Film Genre
While perhaps considered one of the more
recent film genres to come into existence,
elements of horror have long been a bedrock
of classic cinema, its main topics are
zombies, slashers, found footage, murders,
assassins, haunted things/places/people,
etc... Some of the main sub-genres include:
Zombie Horror
Folk Horror
Body Horror
Found Footage Horror

Favourite Movie:
Texas Chainsaw Massacre saga or SAW saga
The Thriller Film
Thrillers are often dramas that are full of physical
conflict. They pack in unexpected twists. The
anxiety, terror, and uncertainty inflicted on a
viewer by thrillers force them to question reality.
Sub-genres are:

Conspiracy Thriller
Crime Thriller
Legal Thriller
Spy Thriller
Supernatural Thriller
Drama Film Genre
These are serious stories that hinge on events that
regularly happen in everyday life. These films portray
realistic characters in conflict with themselves, others, or
forces of nature. They usually focus on character and how
these people arc over time. Sub-genres:

Favourite movie:
The Theory of Everything, Forrest Gump, and Instructions
not Included
Sci-Fi Films Genre
One of the most experimental and thought-
provoking of the classic genres, the genre goes all
the way back to the silent film era. Some of the
earliest films ever created focused on man’s
fascination with outer space and the scientific
unknown. There are concepts like alien life forms,
artificial intelligence, and humanity’s place in the
universe. Sub-genres:

Space Travel
Time Travel
Cerebral Science
Robot and Monster Films
Disaster and Alien Invasion

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