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Unfortunately, the problem of corruption in our country has deep roots, since

until now there has been no innovative legal mechanism (such as

extemporaneity) to discourage this behavior, and it is a culturally rooted social
problem, especially in developing laws. of a country like ours make it even more
vulnerable, but we know that because human beings have different situations of
power or privilege over ordinary citizens, there is a natural tendency to ignore
the vision that has been legally entrusted to them, giving rise to what we call
Due to the weakness or indiscretion of the existence of corruption, which has a
large-scale impact on society, but not only from economic methods, but from
different methods that have ceased to be seen or perceived, such as the life in
society, the common good, implying a loss of values, principles of axiological
foundation that make a society spiritually poorer.
As we mentioned at the beginning, although corruption is a long-standing
problem, it is only in recent years (2016-2020) that issues such as the different
judicial processes against former presidents, transnational corruption, illegal
financing of political parties, etc. , have been discovered. The media, which
sooner or later make society understand that they cannot be tolerated, since
corruption is both the main and fundamental cause of all the problems facing
Peru today.
Corruption occurs when the exercise of such public power is diverted from a
public purpose and is used to serve private interests. In this way, corruption
distorts the purpose of our State model, and in that sense, this thesis adopts the
approach of "Impresceptibility of crimes of corruption in the Public
Administration" will be sought against the always perfectible anti-corruption
system to have a different approach. , a greater incidence, capacity and time to
investigate, prosecute and punish serious cases of corruption, having as an
intrinsic awareness that it is a serious problem in any society since its greatest
reproach falls in the violation of fundamental rights that it harms, especially for
people with less economic capacity.
In the first chapter we proceed to point out the real situation of the problem, the
definition of the investigation, the determination of the general and specific
questions, the questions related to the object of investigation, then the general
object and the specific object are raised. time, and finally exposes the reasons
and limitations of this research.
Secondly, in the second chapter a theoretical framework is established, which
includes historical background and previous research, legal and theoretical
foundations, and definitions of basic terms.
Finally, in the third chapter the results are analyzed, the results are discussed
and the corresponding conclusions and suggestions are presented.

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