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Name : Rifaldita Yunika

Id : 2401992443
Final Exam : Public Speaking (LA51-LEC)

Here's the outline of the speech I'm going to deliver.

I chose Informative Speech with the material "Parenting Method"

Purpose Through the presentation that I bring, it is expected that the audience can

understand the meaning of what is conveyed and the expectations that I

represent about the material about good and true parenting methods.

Introduction Nama saya Rifaldita Yunika dan saya memilih materi “ Metode parenting yang

baik dan benar “ sebagai harapan dan tujuan saya didalam penyampaian materi

yang akan saya berikan.. Karena menurut saya peran orang tua dan metode apa

yang mereka pakai untuk mendidik anak itu sangat penting untuk tumbuh

kembang sang anak.

Central Idea The main idea of this speech is the primary role of parents used in parenting

methods that symbolize my hopes and goals so that everyone does not take it

for granted.

Preview About the preview, in the first point I explained the importance of good and

correct parenting methods. The next point tells about my hopes and goals so

that this method can be applied and useful for the future. And the last point is

the conclusion that can help explain the author's opinion briefly to the

Body Outline Regarding the material I choose that is a good and true parenting method, I have

some hopes and dreams. The first is that I hope that as long as that method takes

place in our lives then the characters formed in each child will form a good

character. Some good and correct parenting methods are,

1. Accustoming children to play outside early on (to train the child's

confidence and social soul)

2. Make their childhood simple but meaningful (spend free time playing

with children so they feel that they are considered important)

3. Teach children to love the environment wherever they are (Train

confidently and so that children are adaptable)

4. Don't forbid anything he wants to know, just give advice and examples if

it's dangerous.

5. Start giving lessons about life.

6. Never compare your child to someone else's. Because every child never

asks to be born where and they have their own advantages and strengths.

7. Trying to be a friendly parent, so that the child makes us a place where he


Some of these methods prove that hope understanding the meaning of the

importance of the parnting method which is useful to many people in all aspects

is expected to be achieved.
Conclusion The conclusion I can convey is, No matter how busy we are, and whatever the

child's behavior towards us, remain a parent who has the provision of knowledge

to educate him, care for him and give the right love. So that our children can have

good character, have sympathy and empathy. So they're comfortable and think

we're the home they're home to.

• This is link video Which you can access :

• This is a photo together after the final session :

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