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Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) offer a flexible way to add styles to the pages of

your website. This set of formatting rules governs the appearance of your
pages and allows you to define fonts, colors, formatting, and other display
By using CSS to control your fonts, you can ensure greater consistency in the
look and formatting of your pages across multiple browsers. Some of the
many text properties that CSS allows you to control include font family and
size, text and background color, text formatting, and link color.
Using CSS, you can also position, add color, float text around, and set margins
and borders for elements at the block level. A block-level element is a self-
contained piece of content with a visual block format. For example, content
blocks (equivalent to p tags) and panels (equivalent to div tags) are block-level
elements. supports CSS3, which is the latest CSS specification.
About Inline Styles vs. Style Sheets
In Studio, you can:
Apply styles directly to a selected page or page element using the Inline
option in the Style panel (Style). Inline styles apply only to the selected
Add style elements such as classes or CSS IDs to a style sheet and apply the
style elements to the selected page or page element. This approach separates
the content (your web pages) from the presentation (the style sheet).
If you're new to CSS, you'll probably find the online option easier to use and
understand. However, inline styles lose many of the benefits of style sheets
because they mix content with presentation; inline styling is only applied to
that individual element. If you need to update the style of your site, you need
to update the style properties of all affected pages and page elements.
In contrast, while style sheets can be more difficult to understand at first, they
allow you to make site-wide changes from one convenient location. When you
update a style element in your style sheet, it immediately updates the style of
all pages and all page elements that use it.
The separation between content and presentation improves flexibility,
allowing authors to define a single set of styles that thousands of documents
will use, thus reducing the time and effort that must be invested in each
update. Likewise, the implementation of CSS allows a document to be
exclusively semantic, by freeing it from the need to use presentational
The declaration is the basic unit of CSS, which means you can't use anything
smaller than this in your documents. A declaration basically consists of
assigning a value to a property.
In other words, a statement is the answer to a question. How wide should this
table be? How thick this border? What color should this background be? How
big is the font in this paragraph? And that's exactly how you define the look of
your document: by setting declarations, one for each property you need to
But CSS has a specific format that every declaration must follow. This
consists of the property name followed by a colon (":") and the value that will
be assigned to it. When more than one statement is provided in the same
block, each statement must be separated from its next by a semicolon (";").
This is why authors typically use a semicolon at the end of each statement,
regardless of the presence of following statements. The following schematic
describes the parts of a CSS declaration.
These are all the CSS versions :
The official release of the first version of CSS was on December 17, 1996 and
lasted 12 years until the arrival of the third version. All the basic
functionalities of this language are present in it, such as the syntax, the
attributes and properties of the texts, the properties of the fonts, sheets or
boxes, and all the backgrounds and colors that are currently maintained.
This first version was very successful since with it the web pages had a better
design and a better layout that helped users to access the information they
needed or were looking for in less time; and it also helped and facilitated the
work of web developers who could make better websites with less code and
all this in less time spent.

The second version appeared only two years after the first release with the aim
of continuing to improve and supply the language with new and better tools
when it comes to making graphic designs for web pages.
New features include selectors, tables, visual effects, new box models like
auditory boxes, new text attributes, and last but not least, media types so that
all the different types of devices that connect to the network could see the web
pages without format problems. The latter was especially important, because
at that time new devices that were not pcs were beginning to appear on the
network and their display format was not the same.
However, this second specification came with some bugs and errors, which is
why the development of the CSS2.1 version quickly began, which was
published in 2004 with those bugs fixed. And it is for this reason that the W3C
kept this specification as a recommendation and not as an official one for
almost 5 years, until CSS2 was abandoned in 2008.

The current version was published in 2011 and to date it is the most complete
and extensive specification of all CSS, since it was being worked on for more
than 10 years until its official release.
In CSS3 the W3C had new features such as a much wider range of colors and
backgrounds, media, borders with images and gradients, boxes and text with
shadows, rounded corners or edges, media queries, grid layout, namespaces
and the use of multi-column layouts.
CSS3 has so many new or improved features that it brought with it the near
disappearance of CSS1 and CSS2 , as well as the division of code into
modules. However, at first all these new features did not help much as the
major web browsers used took a long time to offer support for the third
version of CSS, which sometimes caused problems.
Despite all that can be done with this graphic design language, there are still
significant limitations . For example, you cannot include styles from one rule
within another, since if you select a specific text, the markup can be altered or
the selectors cannot ascend. And it is for this and other reasons that the W3C
is already working on the fourth version of CSS .
What is expected to be the latest and improved version of CSS is currently
under development, but it is estimated that it will be ready and that it will be
published in the second half of 2019 .
In this latest specification, new features will be included that will solve
different problems such as transformations, transitions and animations, and
there will also be a new level of selectors.
Without a doubt, CSS still has a lot of work ahead of it, but we cannot deny
that thanks to its arrival, web pages underwent an important change or
transformation that has allowed all users to navigate better and in a simpler
way through the web. Web. So don't hesitate to learn more about this graphic
design language, CSS .

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