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Republic of the Philippines


Imus Campus
Cavite Civic Center Palico IV, Imus, Cavite
(046) 471-66-07 / (046) 471-67-70/ (046) 686-2349

Name: Julian Bragaiz Date: 3/13/2022

Section: BSIT-1C Instructor: Ms. Jenny


The first scene showed two men looking at the ring, and also explaining In this scene there's a guy
jumping rope at first when you try to jump ropes you're going to have a hard time because your body
isn't used to that exercise but when you're taking a rope you're more enjoyful. The FITT principle It
shows the FITT principle, the meaning of fitT F- Frequency I- Intensity T- Type T- Time. Cardiorespiratory
training at first it's hard to breathe but your body will be have a big improvements. Frequency the rate
at which something occurs or is repeated over a particular period of time or in a given sample. The
frequency of exercise is a fine balance between providing just enough stress for the body to adapt to
and allowing enough time for healing and adaptation to occur. When training, a decision has to be made
about how to often to train in order to allow enough time for the muscles in the body to heal and
restore themselves.

In intensity you'll need an effort example your training is 30 min intervals on the bike 5 minutes spinning
you need 30 seconds of max effort and 2 minutes of rest spinning and after that 30 seconds max effort.
This will improves you to increase speed, power, and endurance on the bike. Intensity It defines the
amount of effort that should be invested in a training program or any one session. Cardio Respiratory
Training, Heart Rate & Maximum Heart Rate, Target Heart Rate a target heart rate zone of 50% to 70%
of their maxinum heart rate that is a good place to start. So a 20 years old has a predicted maximum
heart rate of 200 that is, 220 minus 20. And 50% to 70% of this rate is 100 to 140 beats per minute.

Anaerobic training is very good in cycling because power intervals, short hill climbs interval and speed
interval will improve your speed, power, and endurance on the bike. Type the third component in the
FITT principle dictates what type or kind of exercise you should choose to achieve the appropriate
training response. And for anaerobic training the best form of exercise to work the neuromuscular
system is resistance training, which involves using weights, resistance bands or completing circuit
training with a focus on body weight exercise.

In anaerobic training you need only a sprint interval, when you spinning 5 minutes to stretch your body
and not be surprised because when you sprint intervals quickly you can dizzy or hurt your body, so you
have to spinning on the bike before you do the 30 seconds sprint intervals. Time the final component in
the FITT principle of training is time or how long you should be exercising for. fitness levels should aim to
maintain their heart rate within the target heart rate zone for a minimum of 20-30 minutes. This can
increase to as much as 45-60 minutes as fitness levels increase. Research reveals that a maximum of six
weeks is generally required before clear signs of fitness improvement are seen in training. And perhaps
as much as 12 months is required before a peak in fitness is reached.

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