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Name – Chandan


Roll No. – 2220993025

Subject – Foundation

BBA (Business
Analytics) Section – W
Assignment - 2
Q1- According to you, what is the most important and critical component of management?

Answer 1 - Appreciation of Employees

Companies with strong management teams recognise the value of treating workers with respect and gratitude.
The expression of appreciation can take many different forms, including thank-you notes, cash bonuses, paid
vacation days, and other worthwhile benefits. Employee morale increases when managers show their
appreciation for their workers. Employees that are happy in their positions respect their work, show up to
work frequently, and work enthusiastically. Another way management might demonstrate their appreciation is
by finishing employee assessments and awarding staff members based on their achievements.

Provide Necessary Resources

Good management gives employees the resources they need to get the job done. Employees can suffer from a
lack of motivation when they are asked to complete tasks and reach goals without proper resources. A well-
managed company properly trains its employees in the latest technologies, ethics and teamwork. Good
organizational managers believe in providing their employees with the skills and knowledge they need to grow
and sustain the success of their organization.

Being Generous with Knowledge

Management must have the necessary knowledge to compete effectively in its industry. The knowledge that
managers possess comes from the ability to learn relevant information. Therefore, managers need to keep a
close eye on issues related to their industry and their organization. Managers should also generously share
their knowledge with employees and other managers.

Listens and Makes Good Decisions

Managers should take time to listen to their employees. At times, management is willing to listen to the
suggestions of valuable employees, but can brush off employee complaints. Effective managers understand the
importance of listening to its employees. One reason is that it causes employees to feel as if their opinion is
valued. Another reason is that management can consider employee suggestions, concerns and complaints
when making decisions. The decisions made within an organization should benefit the company and its

Lead Employees and Delegate Tasks

Good managers know how to develop their employees by focusing on their strengths. In most cases,
employees need to hear what they’re doing well instead of constantly hearing what they’re doing wrong or
where they’re weak. Furthermore, an organization with good managers will hire professionals who know how
to delegate tasks to subordinates. Successful organizations use groups and individual contributions. A manager
who assigns tasks to employees shows that employees are seen as responsible and capable of performing their
duties. Delegation also allows managers to focus on more pressing issues that require expertise beyond what
employees possess.

Q2- Explain the various leadership styles with relevant examples. Which style of leadership is best, in your
opinion and why?
Answer 2 - Lewin's Leadership Styles

In 1939, a group of researchers led by psychologist Kurt Lewin set out to identify different leadership styles.
While other studies identified more distinct leadership styles, this study This initial was influential and
established three main leadership styles that set the stage for many more. Specific leadership theory.

In Lewin’s study, students were assigned to one of three groups with authoritarian, democratic, or liberal
leaders. The children were then guided through an arts and crafts project while researchers observed the
children’s behavior in response to different leadership styles. The researchers found that democratic
leadership styles tended to be most effective in inspiring subordinates to perform well.

Authoritarian Leadership (Autocratic)

Autocratic leaders, also known as autocratic leaders, set clear expectations about what should be done, when
it should be done, and how it should be done. This leadership style places a strong emphasis on both the
command of the leader and the control of the followers. There is also a clear division between the leader and
the members. Autocratic leaders make decisions independently, with little or no input from the rest of the
group. The researchers found that decision-making was less creative under authoritarian leadership. Lewin
also concludes that transitioning from authoritarian to democratic is more difficult than vice versa. Abuse of
this method is often seen as controlling, authoritarian, and dictatorial.

Autocratic leadership is best applied to situations where there is little time for group decision-making or when
the leader is the most capable member of the group. An authoritarian approach can be good when the
situation calls for quick decisions and decisive actions. However, this tends to create a dysfunctional and even
hostile environment, often pitting followers against the overbearing leader.

Participative Leadership (Democratic)

Lewin’s research shows that participatory leadership, also known as democratic leadership, is generally the
most effective leadership style. Democratic leaders give instructions to group members, but they also join the
group and allow other group members to contribute ideas.

In Lewin’s study, children in this group were less productive than members of the authoritarian group, but
their contributions were of a higher quality. Participating leaders encourage team members to participate, but
retain the final say in the decision-making process. Team members feel involved in the process and are more
motivated and creative. Democratic leaders tend to make their followers feel part of the group, which helps
foster commitment to the group’s goals.

Delegative Leadership (Laissez-Faire)

Lewin found that children under delegating leadership, also known as liberal leaders, were the least productive
of the three groups. Children in this group are also more demanding of the group leader, less cooperative and
unable to work independently.

Delegated leaders give little or no guidance to team members and let team members make decisions. While
this style can be useful in situations involving highly skilled professionals, it often leads to roles that are unclear
and lack motivation.

Lewin notes that laissez-faire leadership tends to lead to teams lacking direction and members blaming each
other for mistakes, refusing to take personal responsibility, making less progress, and creating less work. More

Situational Leadership

Situational leadership theories emphasize the significant influence of environment and situation on leadership.
One of the most famous situational theories is the leadership style of Hersey and Blanchard. First published in
1969, this model describes four main leadership styles, leading styles:7

Telling: Telling people what to do

Selling: Convincing followers to buy into their ideas and messages

Participating: Allowing group members to take a more active role in the decision-making process

Delegating: Taking a hands-off approach to leadership and allowing group members to make the majority of

Later, Blanchard expanded upon the original Hersey and Blanchard model to emphasize how the
developmental and skill level of learners influences the style that should be used by leaders. Blanchard's SLII
leadership styles model also described four different leading styles:8

Directing: Giving orders and expecting obedience, but offering little guidance and assistance

Coaching: Giving lots of orders, but also lots of support

Supporting: Offering plenty of help, but very little direction

Delegating: Offering little direction or support

Q3- Explain the concept of ST in marketing with relevant examples from corporate?

Answer 3 - STP marketing refers to using the STP (Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning) model to develop
customer-centric marketing strategies to discover and optimize marketing for audiences and segments. Since
its inception, the STP model has proven to be one of the most important marketing models that marketers can
use to improve their marketing strategies, plans, and results. The STP model helps companies apply marketing
principles, marketing mix, and design marketing plans. The STP model is designed to create marketing
segments that give companies a competitive edge that they can use in their marketing strategies. This model
helps you discover your most optimal audiences and segments, determine which segments are best, and
position your business within those segments. The STP model is derived from the three steps of creating
segments. Segmentation, targeting, positioning. The purpose of the STP model and its use in marketing is to
discover profitable marketing segments and identify target groups for marketing efforts. When you use the STP
model to create your marketing strategy, create a marketing strategy focused on the audience you want to
reach and develop and deploy your product in the best possible way. The advantage of this model is that it
depicts your most valuable customers and the methods you can use to create better products and marketing

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