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If you had £1billion, how would you use it on improving the world?

Every step that my peers and I take to improve the world is literally an action to solve
the problems that humans in the past decades made by their decisions. For example, climate
change is one of the biggest challenges facing my generation and was created by the irregular
use of fossil fuels in the past 30 years. This challenge is affecting not only human beings’ life but
also wildlife and their ecosystems. So, if I were to spend £1billion on improving the world, I
would first try to solve this urgent crisis that is indeed a barrier against any improvement
humans want to bring to the world.
      One way to overcome climate change is by taking steps towards net-zero carbon emissions.
We can reach this target by bringing clean energy, otherwise known as renewable energy, into
every aspect of humans’ life that needs power. This issue might sound easy to achieve, but, in
reality, it calls for a large investment of money, impetus, and desire to take these steps toward
the target of net-zero carbon emissions. The problem that many people face regarding using
clean energy is the cost that it takes to use. In this circumstance, we need to reinforce the
industry of renewable energy generators to make them affordable for everyone around the
globe. So, investing £1billion in this field can bring a significant impact on the affordability rate
of renewable energy. Consequently, more people will get to use these renewable sources; that
is when we are taking steps towards net-zero carbon emissions.

      The good news is that there are many efforts put on the ground to enhance the use of clean
energy by making it affordable. On Nov 16, 2020, Jeff Bezos, the founder of and
Blue Origin, announced that he made a $791 million donation from his $10 billion Bezos Earth
Fund that aims to help organizations who are working intently on the ground to discover and
implement more ideas and solutions for the climate crisis and global warming. Just as Bezos’
dedication to solve the Global Warming problem, there are hundreds of thousands of youth
doing their part toward this issue by conducting campaigns, implementing shiny ideas, and last
but not least, protesting about the current crisis of climate. These steps against global warming
are highly counted the same as the amount of money that tech giants invest on this issue
because these activities raise the awareness of more people and call governments from all over
the world to take urgent action towards the climate crisis of mother Earth. As a result, every
human becomes responsible for doing their part to maintain the positive trend in solving
climate change and global warming problems.

           In summary, with £1billion I would take a big leap to solve the climate change crisis that
has stopped us from bringing any improvement we wish to the world. As stated before, this
amount of money can have a significant impact on the use of renewable energy sources that
will lead us to the net-zero mission. Also, this investment will raise awareness about the climate
crisis and encourage visionaries and change-makers in the battlefield against the Climate Crisis.

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