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‫الدين النصيحة‬

(The deen is sincerity)

‫((عن أبي رقية تميم ابن أاوس الداري رضي هللا عنه‬
"‫ "الدين النصيحة‬:‫أن النبي صلى هللا عليه و سلم قال‬
‫قلنا لمن؟ قال للله و كتابه و لرسوله و ألئمة المسلمين‬
)‫(رواه مسلم‬

((On the authority of Tameem ibn Aus ad-Daaree (ra); the prophet said.
“The deen (religion) is naseehah (advice, sincerity) we said to whom? He
said “to Allah, His book, His messenger, and to the leader of the Muslim
leaders and the common folk”.))
‫الدين النصيحة‬

There are two types of deen

1. The deen of work
2. The deen of reward
The intended meaning of deen here is the deen of work and
Naseehah is sincerity. It reported that in some narrations, this phrase
was said three (3) times.
The companions of the prophet then asked the prophet, as to whom
they should be sincere to in the religion. Then the prophet said

(To Allah)

Being sincere to Allah encompasses two (2) things

1. Being sincere to Allah in terms of worship
2. Testifying to the oneness of Allah as the creator, as the only one
to be worshipped, and as well as His names and attributes

‫و لكتابه‬
(And to His book)

Being sincere to Allah’s scriptures accounts to the following

1. Being firm in your believe that, it’s valid, genuine and truthful in its
message. For whoever rejects the message of the book is not sincere.
Same as whoever has doubts in it.
2. Being submissive to whatever it commands and abstaining from
whatever is prohibits. Whosoever does not adhere to this is not
sincere to Allah’s book.
3. To believe that, it is the best book to judge with for there is no book
on earth better than the book of Allah in terms of judgement.
4. To believe that it is the speech of Allah in meaning and in word sent
to Jibril who sent it to the heart of the prophet in the Arabic language

‫و لرسوله‬
(And His prophet)

It also consist of
1. Following Him (Ahzaab: 21) (Nisaa: 59) (Nisaa:80) (Hashr: 7)
2. Believing that he is truly the message of Allah
3. Believing in all that He says (i.e. be it pass, present or future)
4. To be submissive to his commands and prohibitions

‫و ألئمة المسلمين‬
(And the Muslim leaders)

With being sincere to the Muslim leaders, we can talk about

1. To love them
2. To always refer to them. for anything that is not referred to a
scholar is false
3. Helping them spread the truth
4. Being submissive to whatever good they command you to do
5. Covering their faults
6. Avoid running away from them or forsaking them i.e. when they
are not in act off disbelieve

‫و عامتهم‬
(And the common folk)

1. To love them
2. To smile towards them (cheerful face)
3. Saying salaam to them
4. Helping them etc.

‫الدين النصيحة‬
(The deen is sincerity)

‫((عن أبي رقية تميم ابن أاوس الداري رضي هللا عنه‬
"‫ "الدين النصيحة‬:‫أن النبي صلى هللا عليه و سلم قال‬
((On the authority of Tameem ibn Aus ad-Daaree (ra); the prophet said.
“The deen (religion) is naseehah (advice, sincerity) we said to whom? He
said “to Allah, His book, His messenger, and to the leader of the Muslim
leaders and the common folk”.))
‫الدين النصيحة‬

There are two types of deen

3. The deen of work
4. The deen of reward
The intended meaning of deen here is the deen of work and
Naseehah is sincerity. It reported that in some narrations, this phrase
was said three (3) times.

The companions of the prophet then asked the prophet, as to whom

they should be sincere to in the religion. Then the prophet said

(To Allah)
Being sincere to Allah encompasses two (2) things
3. Being sincere to Allah in terms of worship
4. Testifying to the oneness of Allah as the creator, as the only one
to be worshipped, and as well as His names and attributes

‫و لكتابه‬
(And to His book)

Being sincere to Allah’s scriptures accounts to the following

5. Being firm in your believe that, it’s valid, genuine and truthful in its
message. For whoever rejects the message of the book is not sincere.
Same as whoever has doubts in it.
6. Being submissive to whatever it commands and abstaining from
whatever is prohibits. Whosoever does not adhere to this is not
sincere to Allah’s book.
7. To believe that, it is the best book to judge with for there is no book
on earth better than the book of Allah in terms of judgement.
8. To believe that it is the speech of Allah in meaning and in word sent
to Jibril who sent it to the heart of the prophet in the Arabic language

‫و لرسوله‬
(And His prophet)

It also consist of
5. Following Him (Ahzaab: 21) (Nisaa: 59) (Nisaa:80) (Hashr: 7)
6. Believing that he is truly the message of Allah
7. Believing in all that He says (i.e. be it pass, present or future)
8. To be submissive to his commands and prohibitions

‫و ألئمة المسلمين‬
(And the Muslim leaders)
With being sincere to the Muslim leaders, we can talk about
7. To love them
8. To always refer to them. for anything that is not referred to a
scholar is false
9. Helping them spread the truth
10.Being submissive to whatever good they command you to do
11.Covering their faults
12.Avoid running away from them or forsaking them i.e. when they
are not in act off disbelieve

‫و عامتهم‬
(And the common folk)

5. To love them
6. To smile towards them (cheerful face)
7. Saying salaam to them
8. Helping them etc.


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