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1. ph of calcium hydroxide .. 12.

2. After bleaching a tooth, we want to restore the tooth with composite resin, we don
’t want to compromise the bonding, we wait for:

a. immediatly

b. 24 hours.

c. a week.

d. use a different material.

3. What the first thing to check in FPD try in

A.proximal contact

B. Margins

C occlusion

4. Cantilever used to support maxillary

A.lateral incisor

B. Central incisor

C. First premolar

D.second premolar

5. Lesion at junction between hard and soft palate and surrounded with psudoepitheli
um and hyperplasia in salivary gland:

a. Necrotizing sialometaplasia.

b. Squamus cell carcinoma

6. X-ray about odontoma

7. upright chair position , what is the underlying medical problem:

1) asthma
2) congenital heart defect
3) seizure
4) renal failure

8. Parapost system is

A)Parallel and serrated

B) Parallel and threaded

C. Threaded
9. Pt. Presented after insertion of complete denture complaining of dysphagia and ulc
ers what is the cause of dysphagia?

a. over extended.

b. over post dammed.

c. under extended.

d. under post dammed

10. Flash sterilization

a. put instument in tray to sterilize and use after 24 hour
b. fastly sterilization instument in tray to be ready to use in operation
c. sterilization instument in warpage to be use after 24
sterilization instument in warpage to use after 12 hour

11. how can accurate sterilisation be achieved ?

A) by changing strip indicator weekly and spore former indicator daily

B) by changing strip indicator daily and spore former weekly
C) by changing strip indicator weekly and spore former monthly

12. Fluorosis most commonly seen in ?

A. lower 1st molar

B. Maxillary 2nd molar and premolars
C. upper lateral incisor
D. Lower central incisors

13. Abnormal sequence of eruption ?

A.first molar before central incisor

B.central incisor before first molar

C. Second molar before second premolar

D. Canine before second molar

14. Healthy young patient after extraction heavy bleeding . Most effective powerful
hemostatic agent

A.Gelatin sponge

b- Bone wax

c. Oxidized cellulose

d-cotton soaked in epinephrine

15. Patient complain of sensitivity on cold drinks on tooth 24 diagnosis by

A. Probe


C.cold test


16. etching before putting fissure sealant :

a. makes a chalky appearance

b. demineralized enamel matrix,increase surface area, for resin tags

17. A young patient suffers from oral ulceration along with genital and ocular sympto
a- Sjogren syndrome
b- Behcet syndrome
c- Reiter syndrome
d- pemphigus vulgaris

18. the difference between the alveolar epithelium and the gingival epithelium is?

A. Absence of stratum spinosum

B. Absence of stratum granulomatous
C. Absence of stratum cornium

19. fiber optic diagnosis is

A. Quantitative

B. Qualitative

C. Qualitative and quantitative

20. 70 yrs. Old male pt. Comes to restore his badly decayed upper second molar .
chance of involving pulp by the infection from dentin compared to young patient?

A.Progress slowly in adult

B.Adult suffers less pain compaired to young

C.More progreesing in old patient than young

D.higher pulpal involvementhavhe less pulp affection

21. how long is the rinsing time of chlorhexidine in mouth wash to be effective

A. 15 s

B. 30 s

C. 40 s

D. 50 s

22. Mother called dentist and said that the child drank 50mg fluoride ... What will th
e dentist advice?
A. Check for the symptom and take to emergency room
B. Give acidic food and take to emergency room
C. Give nothing and take to emergency room
D. Give calcium and take to emergency room

23. Functional appliance

A. Bionater

B. Posterior bite plane

C. Head gear

24. Angulation of the face of blade of the currate to stone during sharpening :

A. 50-60°

B. 70-80°

C. 100-110°

25. Decalcificiation in case of fixed orthodontic appliances occurs most commonly on

which surface of tooth?

A. Lingual

B. Inter proximal

C. Just behind the brackets

D. Around the brackets

26. Pt underwent renal transplantation ions 3years ago he white non scrap able lesion
on the lateral side of tongue appeared corrugated and he has shaggy and frayed
whats your diagnosis?

A. hyper plastic candidiasis

B. idiopathic leukoplakia

C. lichen planus

D. hairy leukoplakia

27. what does Enamel bonding agent (EBA) consist of:

A. Unfilled resin

B. Primer and bonding agent

C. A mixture of resins in an acetone or ethanol solvent

D. A wetting agent and resins

28. The most destructive occlusal interference is

A. Centric

B. Working

C. Non working

D. Protrusive

29. 8 year Patient came to your clinic has impairedhearing, upon examination his mou
th you found copper color lesion , notchedincisor and mass on the occlusal surface
of the molars . this patient has :

A. Congenital syphilis

B. Gardner's syndrome

C. Turners hypoplasia

30. Anticariogenic sugar substitute is :

A. Xylitol

B. Mannitol

C. Sorbitol
31. If you did two holes of rubber dam too close what will happen :

A. Difficulty of putting dam interdentally

B. Stretching of dam will happen and subsequent leakage

C. Wrinkling of dam

32. patient came with ulcer on the dorsum of tongue. Lab report says that Poorly diffe
rentiated squamous cell carcinoma. What does that mean?

A. Good prognosis , high recurrence

B. Bad prognosis , high recurrence

C. Bad prognosis, low recurrence

D. Good prognosis , low recurrence

33. time of curing in very small class 3 composite restoration

A. 15 sec

B. 20 sec

C. 10 sec

D. 5 sec

34. What is the goal of maintenance therapy

A. To prevent recurrance of disease

B. Evaluate tissue response

35. Substantivity is the property to release when required from the oral structures, is
the property Of which material


B.chlorhexidine gluconate

36. .Name of dental carry system



37. Instrument which use for grasping a tissue when remove thick epulis fissuratum:

a-Allis forceps.

b-Addison forcep.

c-Curved hemostat.

d-Stilli forceps

38. What is the property of nickel titanium wire


B.Low coefficient of friction

C.Shape memory

39. 10 years child with congenital heart disease came for extraction of his lower 1st m
olar,the antibiotic of choice for prevention of infective endocarditisis:





40. Contraindication of epinephrine to pt.have?





41. Proxy brush used with embrassure





42. clean/dry/sterilize the cavity:

a. Best in deep cavities.
b. Causes damages of the pulp
c. Not useful to use
43. Pregnant lady with lesion and its bleeding
a.Giant cell granuloma
B. Pyogenic granuloma

44. Amalgam fracture at isthmus portion this fracture due to :

1/ wide preparation at isthmus
2/ high occlusal
3/ shallow preparation
4/ constricted isthmus

45. Disinfection of alginate

46. Missing 6 with tilted 7:

A. Up righting of molar by orthodontics.
B. Proximal half crown.
C. Telescope crown.
D. Non rigid connector

47. Premature missing of primary teeth will accelerate the eruption of permenant teet
h by

A.1-2 years

B. 3-4 years

C.5-6 years

D. 7-8 years

48. Pterygopalatine ganglion is anatomically related to :

A) maxillary nerve
B ) Facial nerve

49. TMJ supply by

A. deep auricular
B. External carotid
C. Common Carotid

50. What is pulpectomy

51. What is hyalinization in ortho

52. Step deformity of the mandibular body fracture may due to:
a. Forward pull of lateral pterygoid muscle.
b. Upward pull of masseter and temporalis.
c. Toward pull of medial pterygoid muscle.
d. Downward pull of geniohyoid and myalohyoid
53. oral habit the most affected by;
1- force
2- magnitude 3- duration

54. Rest seat prepared by

A. Round bur

B.fissure bur

C.tapered bur

55. Missing 12 , 11 protruded ,,#11 and #13 have lingual and proximal caries how to
restore the missing tooth ?
a-implant fixed prosthodontics
b-conventional fixed prosthodontics
c-resin bonded fixed prosthodontics

56. Subgingival scalling by



C. Bone file

57. Distance between patient and cephalometric .. 5 feet

58. Ques about osteoma

59. Question about fluoride tray

60. 2 Questions about osteomylitis

61. Loose enamel rods at the gingival floor of a class 2 amalgam cavity should be rem
oved using:

A. gingival trimmer

62. Best type of bone for implant :

A. Type 1

B. Type 2

C. Type 3

D. Type 4
That’s all what I remembered .. the rest are new questions and first time
I saw it.

I wish all the best and to have benefit from these questions

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