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A DEEP SEA ORGAN Encounter The Elemental waits as the player continues to
by Patrick Gregg play. Make two more Charisma (Performance)
checks (DC 15 and 17, subsequently) should the
You enter the underwater grotto to find it completely player fail two checks or stop playing before finishing
silent, still, and unnerving. Everything seems bleached the song (any song), the Elemental viciously attacks.
and dead. There is no current. No ambient sound of the Every successful Charisma (Performance) check
reef. Everything lies still as if frozen in death. The silence reveals the Elemental flowing and moving elegantly,
of a tomb. while every failed check sees the water bristle and
chill. Another player can sing or play an instrument
With a successful Intelligence (Investigation)
that functions underwater to give advantage to the
check (DC 15), the players will notice a layer of
bleached-white dust settled over the entire grotto,
and a large organ opposite of them. It has two seats, If the players finish the song, the Elemental
although only enough room for one “instrumentalist”, disperses into the grotto, cleansing the white bleach
the other clearly for accompaniment. and instantly giving the players the benefits of a
short rest. The song fills the grotto and continues
Should a player begin to play the instrument, roll
to play even though the player has finished, filling
a Charisma (Performance) check (DC12). As they
the space with a soft sound and giving the area the
play, the other members notice the water behind the
Hallowed benefit.
player shift, and the water piping through the organ
throws the white dust into the area, revealing a mass If the players defeat the monster in combat
of churning water that seems to move in time with instead, they find a Pearl of Power (DMG pg 184)
the music. This churning mass is a Water Elemental and a Trident of Warning (DMG pg 213). The grotto
(MM pg 125). returns to its eerie stillness, and the water slowly
coalesces back into its massive form, waiting for
The creature is huge, has double its maximum HP,
another song.
and is invisible due to being underwater, it is only
noticable when moving and stirring the dust.



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