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Abby Snyder

EDU 214

Lesson Plan Title:

Words That Sound The Same
Concept / Topic to Teach:
In this lesson plan students will get to practice identifying multiple meaning words.

Grade Level:
2nd grade

General Goal(s):
Students will be able to identify homophones and will be able to determine their meanings.

Specific Objectives:
Students will be able to identify homophones and their meanings in a fictional text with grade
level words using visual and written supports.

Required Materials:
1. Paper
2. Pencil
3. Colored pencils
4. Dear Deer - A Book of Homophones | Grammar Homophones Fun Children's Picture
Book Read Aloud! - YouTube
5. YouTube video Homophones for Kids - YouTube (homeschool pop)

Anticipatory Set (Lead-In):

Good morning class! Can anyone tell me what they think homophones are? (Pause for answers).
Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings. Can anyone think of
two words that sound the same but have different meanings? (Pause for answers). It is important
to know the difference between each word so you can use it properly!

Step-By-Step Procedures:
To start off this lesson, we will begin by watching a fun YouTube video called Dear Deer that
explains what homophones are. It gives different examples of words that sound the same but
have completely different meanings by using animals that live in the zoo. After we watch the
video, we will discuss what we think that the lesson will be about, and I will hand out an exercise
worksheet that has images of vocabulary cards that sound similar but have different meanings
(for example ant and aunt or night and knight). This exercise is collaborative, and students will
be allowed to partner up to figure out the meaning of words. After this exercise is finished, we
will get ready to do some independent work.
Plan For Independent Practice (Activity):
For independent work, I will hand out a work sheet that has two lines and a space to draw in. On
this work sheet, students will work to see if they can create homophones on their own and draw
pictures to represent the words. Student will then use them in a sentence to further demonstrate
their understanding of the differences in each word and their meaning.

Closure (Reflect Anticipatory Set):

I will close the lesson out by having students share their sentences out loud with the class and
watch another video that discusses in further detail about homophones with a review. Next class
we will be putting making our own book of homophones.

Special Needs Modification:

Student with a hearing disability will have closed captions that go along with the YouTube
Preferential seating will be available to those who need to see the video.
Headphones will be available to those who need it.

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