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Team 1 :

Member’s mane:

Nhu Quynh


Arushi Shrivastav

The rule for handling the conflict discussions

1. Plan, when possible, and stop fights before they happen

2. Don't rush to judgment
3. Have an "Active Listening" session
4. Don't be afraid to ask for outside help

Including the detailed description and explanation of why this rule needs to be

1. Plan Ahead When Possible, and Stop Fights Before They Start

If there are topics you know will likely prompt a disagreement down the road, see if you
can cut them off before they start. For example, One of the common contradictions is the
unfair division of work. If you’re heading into a new expansion phase, or the holiday
season, or any other unusually busy time, lay out specific responsibilities in advance, so
there can be no questions about the division of labor.

2. Don’t Rush to Judgment

Every decision can seem large, and often deeply personal for the owners and operators of
a small business. When your partner disagrees with you on an issue that’s important to
you, it can be very easy to shut down and shift into battle mode. But finding the patience
to stop, take a breath, and consider your partner’s position will be a huge determinant in
whether the argument gets resolved quickly and painlessly. Remember the bigger picture:
you entered into this partnership because you both shared a vision for the business and
brought strengths to the table. If you value your partner as a whole, you must value her
viewpoint on this issue, even if you don’t agree with it.

3. Have an “Active Listening” Session

This is a common dispute-resolution tactic in which each person agrees to sit and listen to
the other’s position and opinion, without speaking or reacting, for a set period — usually
around 3 to 5 minutes. It’s a remarkably useful tool for cooling tempers and giving each
side new insight into the other’s position. In a business partnership, it matters less who
wins than how each partner feels once the conflict is resolved — if one side feels
marginalized and resentful, that result can poison the partnership, and the business, over
time. Practicing active listening and other exercises can ease any ongoing tensions and
make each side feel heard.

4. Don’t be afraid to ask for outside help.

Sometimes, a neutral third party is what’s needed to resolve a dispute. The entire field of
mediation exists for this reason. Mediators are trained to handle disputes of all kinds, and
using one could lead to a cleaner dispute, a faster resolution, and an outcome that is more
favorable to both parties. If the outcome is a compromise, a mediator can ensure that each
side is giving up a fair amount and that no one leaves the negotiating table feeling ripped

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