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My video reflection, I chose group 3 MIMAROPA video for this is our group work report.

by watching the wonders of MIMAROPA makes me absolutely excited and hopefully will do this this
tour someday. It makes me alive imagining you’re in white beaches, exploring the culture locals,
watching the sun setting down, what a yearning for a meaningful and meaningful experience. And
you wake up slowly, at your own pace, rustling under a blanket on the bed of some room in a building
overseeing the glimmering sea. Your attention follows the pastel walls, the arrangement of the
furniture, unfamiliar bird song, and the unintelligible conversations leaking through the windows
from a distance. I feel alive, yearning to travel.

Traveling is one of the most important ways we engage in to satisfy our yearning for
adventure and that is, really our yearning for more meaningful and fulfilling experiences. Going and
living somewhere where you feel excited and intimidated at the same time can help you toughen up
mentally and emotionally. It promotes happiness and helps you take you mind off stressful situations.
Traveling can be exciting and exhilarating, it's so much more than sipping alcoholic drinks on a sun-
soaked beach. When you are in a place of choice, away from all of the conventions of a typical,
everyday lifestyle, looking around at your totally new surroundings, hearing strange languages,
smelling strange, new smells, you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about. This makes you more
flexible, patient and emotionally strong.

Once in a while, we catch ourselves dreaming of paradise. Known for its culture and
biodiversity, Region IV-B is home to: Mindoro Oriental known for – Tamaraw Wonderland of the
Philippines/The Loveliest Harbor in the Island. Mindoro Occidental – Island’s Hidden Paradise/The
Marine Wonderland. Marinduque – Island Heart of the Philippines/The Lenten Capital. Romblon –
The Marble Capital of the Philippines. Palawan – The Paradie Beyond The Reef/Home of the New
Seven Wonders of Nature. MIMAROPA is one of the busiest regions in terms of tourism. The
MIMAROPA region is home to a diverse array of tourist destinations. From natural and man-made
attractions to cultural and historical sites, its five island provinces will cater to any kind of traveler.
Here, you can bring different varieties of fish, fruit, and sweets back home for your family to enjoy.
The region’s economy relies mostly on agriculture, fishing and ecotourism. It is one of the producers
of the country’s top export products like rice, banana, coconut, cashew, and papaya. The region is
also the second top producer of fish and seaweed in the country. Its white sand beaches and rich
marine biodiversity gives way to various activities such as scuba diving, island hopping, snorkeling,
and trekking.

Travel isn’t only crossing oceans, having a language barrier, and being lost in unfamiliar
streets. Travel is a feeling. It’s the feeling of the unknown, being surrounded by unfamiliar people in
an unfamiliar setting. Travel is the thrill of feeling the wind in your hair and the sun on your face as
you drive down the highway with no plans. And we meet strangers who come into our lives at pivotal
moments and remind us that there’s nothing really strange about us at all. Traveling helps us feel like
our best self because we are more willing to receive the world’s many lessons, no matter their shape
or size. In travel, we find the best in ourselves and in others. We become the person that we had
hoped we would become as a child, an explorer, opens to meeting new people, and learning new

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