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Technology has revolutionized the way we connect.

No longer are we limited to the hours of a school day to talk to

our friends. Technology has become vital in order to exist in high school and without it, you are isolated. During the
pandemic, the necessity of having a phone and social media has increased tenfold. With it, we were able to continue
to learn, laugh, and live in a somewhat normal way.

As most teens know, social media is very addictive. I, like many others, have scrolled through TikTok for more time
than I would like to admit. However, putting the blame onto teenagers is completely missing the point.

Social media and our phones themselves were designed with the explicit intention of being hard to put down. They
reward the brain by giving social validation and boredom free entertainment. Even Facebook’s founding president,
Sean Parker, admitted that his social media platform was “exploiting a vulnerability in human psychology.” Given this
design, is it any wonder that teens are addicted? Is it really our fault for falling prey to a device that is meant to be
hard to put down?

These past couple of weeks, I have felt frustrated by the blame that adults and leaders in this school have put onto
teens for our addiction to our phones and social media. The solutions provided are ignorant towards the true deeper
issues with these technologies. Putting our phone in a box whenever we go over to our friends’ houses, only garners
frustration and a lack of trust from teenagers and does nothing to solve the issues that social media companies
created in the first place.

Moving forward as a society we must devote resources to making smartphones less addictive. We shouldn’t blame
our teens through unproductive presentations, we should instead look at the deeper societal problems that our
dependence suggests. It’s true that there’s a correlation between social media usage and anxiety. But what if our
mental health crisis is causing a rise in social media usage and not the other way around? What does it suggest about
the state of the world for teenagers today? In this case cutting screen time may not solve the broader problems that
are driving us to our screens.

When we’re anxious and depressed we are driven towards experiences that dull our pain and provide us momentary
relief. Who doesn’t feel better after looking at fluffy cows or a chipmunk eating a nut out of someone’s hand? Solving
these issues of mental health and addictive technology is difficult and can’t be fixed by a presentation from a
magician or a movie calling teens ‘screenagers.’ Making changes to our technology and working to solve the issues
with teens’ mental health are what will truly make a difference.

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