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Angela Martinez

Professor Villa

English 1302

January 30,2023

Effects of Technology

No matter how we feel about technology, it is always changing and will continue

to be a part of our daily lives. Teenager’s lives are a clear example of the profound impact

and significance of technology’s growing role in today’s modern lives. With the help of

social media, it has become extremely helpful in connecting teens from all over the

world. The modern world has come to almost entirely rely on technology more than it has

ever done before. As teens grow up and become adults, technology will only continue to

advance, so they need to keep up with it.

This technology has both positive and negative effects, particularly on teenagers.

Nowadays, technology exerts literary control over adolescents. These teenagers are

familiar with every topic that, in one way or another, is connected to technology. Grades

will be higher for students who make good use of the internet for their education than for

those who misuse it. Second, technology is causing problems in the classroom. Although

teens benefit greatly from technology in their studies, inappropriate use of technology can

result in serious academic issues. It goes without saying that students will not perform

well in their studies if they spend the majority of their time studying for exams on

smartphones and computers. Additionally, the student may be distracted from their

studies by the aforementioned social issues social media has.

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The social skills of children are greatly impacted by technology. Children in

today's society lack basic social skills and manners. Children's social development can be

affected by technology by depriving them of empathy, compassion, and sensitivity to

human relationships, which in turn affects their focus and how close they are to their

family. Children are calling friends and family rather than going out to socialize. Despite

the fact that it is much simpler to connect with others, humans are also losing that

connection because we are forgetting what it is like to connect with someone in person.

In addition, people are becoming more and more afraid to meet new people in person. In

today's society, adolescents find it easier to say things they wouldn't say in person over

the phone. Because many children no longer have basic social skills, situations like this

can have an impact on relationships with friends and family as well as job opportunities.

Additionally, adolescent emotional connection is deteriorating, and phones are

removing emotions. People are more concerned with their phones and social media than

they are with people. But this new generation has gone too far, and connection has lost its

significance. Technology is affecting not only social skills in adolescence but goes as far

as affecting mental and physical health. Mental health in today's society is more talked

about and is very important among youth. Physical health is just as important, because

technology is leading to obesity Within children and Adolescence. Social media has an

impact on mental health due to cyberbullying, which can cause depression and anxiety.

However, social media can also have an impact on physical health due to the unrealistic

body image adolescents now have.

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Youth girls tend to have an unrealistic body image because they see models on

social media and believe they need to look like them to be pretty. This can result in

anorexia and bulimia, both of which have long-term negative effects on physical health.

Because young children enjoy spending time on technology, they no longer enjoy playing

outside, which results in no physical activity. Many people are unaware that prolonged

use of smartphones and computers can have an effect on one's eyes. During the day,

exposure to blue light helps maintain a healthy circadian rhythm. The wake-and-sleep

cycle can be disrupted by excessive blue light exposure late at night via smartphones,

tablets, and computers, resulting in difficulty sleeping and daytime fatigue. Some gaming

systems, such as "Just Dance" and "Wii Sports," not only help kids have fun playing

games but also get them moving. Things like this should be used more often, but kids are

slowly losing interest in exercise.

Last but not least, adolescent learners' attention spans and learning styles are

changing as a result of technology. It is exhausting for education systems to include

online courses in an effort to rekindle student interest, but education systems are having

trouble keeping up with this shift in society. Due to their addiction to technology, students

are no longer doing their homework and quickly lose interest in it.

In conclusion, adolescents are negatively impacted by technology. Technology

and social media play a significant role in defining adolescence in today's society because

young people are frequently exposed to it. People today are forgetting how to connect

with one another and adolescents are losing their social skills. Second, when it comes to

technology and social media, mental and physical health are extremely delicate issues.
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Anxiety, depression, and anorexia can all be exacerbated by technology. Last but not

least, children are more focused on their phones than on learning, and they quickly lose

focus in class. In general, technology will only continue to evolve, and it is abundantly

clear that it is harming adolescents as they grow up. Technology is out of control and

becoming a bigger problem all over the world.

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