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Name: Christian Karl Luneta

Course: MMA 201

Full name of Course: Bachelor in Multimedia arts
Professor: Mr. Jumel G. Estrañero

How technology impact the youth today


The role and effect of technology is increasingly rising in both our personal and working
lives. It is crucial not only for all who study, create and adopt new technologies, but also for all
those individuals and organizations who have to use these technologies in their working and
personal lives, to understand how people shape technology and how technology shapes people's
relationships with each other and the natural environment. Technology is not a term which is
impartial. Based on their point of view and context, multiple persons will owe it a particular
meaning. Technology changes the way people engage, read, and think. It benefits society and
defines how individuals communicate on a regular basis with each other. In culture today,
technology plays an important part. It has a positive and negative effect on the environment and
affects everyday lives. We are living in an age where advances in technology are popular. Some
examples are the internet and mobile phones. With technical developments, though, there's a
drawback to it all. In this research we will be talking about our teenagers/ youth. Young people
around the world have eagerly adopted technology as a means to learn awareness and connect
with others. Cell phones are currently the most common device in the world, and in the past
decade, use has grown significantly. Eight out of ten people own a cell phone in developed
countries (although this varies by region), with all of those phones connecting to the internet.
Young people are also the most enthusiastic technology users, though twenty percent of young
people own smart phones, only 8 percent of those over 45 do.
Technology has been such an important part of our lives over the past couple of decades that
few of us can remember life without our smartphones and the internet. There's no question that,
in our current age, we need technologies to keep up. Other than teenagers, no age demographic
has welcomed the modern world. Overuse on technology, however, may have severe
implications, especially for adolescents who are still at an impressionable age. The frequent and
obsessive tech-related behaviour, ignoring the negative effects they encounter, is increasingly
practiced by a person. It includes internet addiction, social media or video/computer gaming.
They still discuss how their youth years formed the basis for life ahead if someone elderly
speaks about their lives. It is also a worry that today's young people are being influenced in all
aspects of their lives by technology.

Today's teens seem overwhelmed with stuff to do

and details to absorb. Because of an after-school
party, it's not uncommon for a young person to come
home late from school, turn on the TV and screen
and be friends while watching a show with one eye,
texting on the other on the smartphone, somehow
managing to play a computer game while having a
hasty dinner. Anything before going to another club
or meeting friends where they are going to text
friends who are not there at the same time as listening
to music, talking and maybe watching one screen or
another and playing video games.
Teenagers are connected not only to their peers, but to a larger spectrum of people who
extend their horizons by using the internet and cell phones. So, arousal doesn't seem to be an
issue on the surface. Except, as in anything, you might get too much of the same in a rut. In
repeated acts, some young people get trapped. Instead of understanding new things about their
approach, they just say the same thing over and over again. And if there is internet connection
and TV in the homes, what really happens is that even though the teenager might be connecting
with others outside the house, they are not connecting with their families at home. There’s no
doubt that we need technology to keep up in our modern world. No age group has embraced the
digital world more than teens. However, overdependence on tech can have serious consequences
especially for teenagers who are still at an impressionable age. Experts now recognize internet or
technology addiction as a major diagnose-able problem affecting adolescents. What is it, in
medical terms? Simply put, technology addiction is the frequent and obsessive tech-related
behavior increasingly practiced by an individual in spite of the negative consequences they
experience. It encompasses addiction to the internet, social media or video/computer games. The
commonly questioned by mother is why technology is so addictive? Then here is the answer, Our
innate desire for relaxation, communication, and contact with others is appealing to technology.
Digital experiences activate the brain's reward center and cause the activation of the pleasure
hormones dopamine and endorphins, such as those on social networking. When teens continue to
see reactions to their social media messages, this leads to a kind of peak. It's also the reason that
some teenagers are stuck on social media and technology as well as many adults.
It is important to note that they will need these stuffs to protect them while online, just as
teens need to have clear limits and guidelines for offline conduct, and the guidance and values to
make good choices. Teenagers should avoid some risks associated with being online. These are
cyberbullying, trolling, isolation, inappropriate material, and inappropriate relationship.

Almost every area of the world economy has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic,
and education is no exception. Perhaps it is one of the sectors most affected, with not only short-
term but long-term implications as well.
In the middle of the crisis, though, technology seems to be the one thing linking teachers and
students. While teachers turn to live video streaming for online classes, students focus in their
modules to finish their activities or homework. Technology is expected to continue to play a
prominent role in the educational landscape by all means.
The gains of our technological advancements should be understood by all of us; however, we
need to remain concerned about the harmful effects as well. There are several questions that will
take time to address about our dependency on the modern environment. And certainly, there is
no fault for technology itself, so now is the time to rethink the way we use it. How it is
introduced into the lives of our children can have enduring implications on their development
and growth. In order to maintain a balance in your child's life, knowledge and careful control of
time, material, and engagement are important.


I see how easily and efficiently, as a user of digital media and a communications specialist,
technology has opened doors, aligned people from distant areas with the same values, and
created new opportunities for women, disadvantaged populations, and young people in
particular. Technology has significantly helped to expand access to vast volumes of data and has
supported reforms that have forever changed our lives. In tandem with the influence of
technology, young people's creative ability is also proving to be a strong factor on the road to
meeting the Sustainable Development Goals. Today, young people are strongly contributing to
the development of new jobs, the economic advancement of disadvantaged populations, the
advancement of improved health services and access to affordable and equitable schooling.
My parents were concerned when I was a teenager about how much of what I saw on tv.
Since there were just three network channels and minimal choices, they could monitor it fairly
easily. Not only are there hundreds of outlets to track for parents today, but teenagers have
access to the internet, video games, social media, and more; not to mention that smartphones
have access to almost everything in the palm of their hands, anytime they choose. Perhaps most
critically, television is predominantly a static interface, while today's technology is interactive,
binding youth not just to peers and students around the globe, but also to bullies and predators.
There is a yin and a yang of technology that is difficult to balance for parents and educators
As a teenager I seen the transition of technology since I was born. It is big difference as time
grows and also for the technology. I realized that every human effort is much pretty easy when
you add a gadget or technology to it, in return you have less work and effort it results to laziness.
We should deal the consequences and use technology correctly

We become even more vulnerable to their addictive existence with the advancement of
technology and the internet. Regulation of our use and learning what other steps we should take
to shield ourselves from internet abuse and addiction to technology is important.
We can describe technology addiction as a kind of impulse control problem in which, as a
result of obsessive use of computers, the internet, video games and mobile devices, the
individual is addicted to the adverse effects of technology. For game addiction, computer
addiction and internet addiction, it is also an umbrella term.
What are the forms of addictions to technology? As stated before, with the overuse of the
internet or technology in general, there are forms of dependencies that can create. one of this is
game addiction, this is common in children now also for the adults. The second is shopping
addiction, A shopaholic who is a person who can't manage his/her shopping urges. They are, in
other words, addicted to shopping. Next is content consumption addiction, If you create an
internet addiction and lose influence, the internet can be a valuable resource. At this point,
technology-addicted children in particular should be carefully watched to prevent interaction
with forbidden material. Social media addiction, this is also common in this generations this is
also tha main cause of cyber bullying and different cases.
Along with these emotional and physical consequences, signs of internet addiction may also
cause social damage. Along with a loss of comprehension, children can have developmental
disabilities, and adults can lose concentration and suffer from weak relationships. You can see
how lives are impacted by internet addiction. Such signs of technology and internet addiction can
occur one by one or all at once. To keep a close watch on your activities, I is important to
monitor your mental and physical health and assess your own technologies and internet use.
Read on in our post to learn more about how to beat internet addiction if you find like you need


Technology is one of mankind's finest devices, but it has the power to be misused.
Technology may also cause some occupations to become redundant, contributing to joblessness.
In addition, current systems need to work on being more environmentally sustainable and
minimizing their carbon footprints. This is the best way to guarantee that our natural resources
and, fundamentally, our world are not ruined by technology.
Technology has revolutionised our society and everyday lives over the years. Technology has
produced incredible instruments and tools, putting at our fingertips valuable knowledge. The
path for multi-functional gadgets such as the smartwatch and the smartphone has been paved by
new technologies. Computers are often quicker, more compact, and more powerful than ever
before. Technology has also made our lives simpler, quicker, safer, and more enjoyable with all
of these revolutions.
So use correctly our technology so that we will have also a good impact. Use and don’t forget
the saying “Think before you click”.

Emerging innovations are evolving at a fast rate, such as industrial robotics, artificial
intelligence, and machine learning. The speed, consistency and expense of goods and services
can be increased by these innovations, but they also displace vast numbers of staff. The standard
profit model of linking health insurance and retirement savings to employment is questioned by
this prospect. We need to think about how to provide benefits to unemployed employees in an
economy which employs significantly fewer workers. There has to be a way to deliver incentives
outside of work if technology makes workers less safe in the future.
As my outlook in technology in the future, I hope technology will help us to be better and
progressive country, but before we obtain that, We people should be the first who help each

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