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Clutching my ticket tightly in my hand, my mother’s skirt in other, I stared-slack-

jawed and exhilarated-at the wonderland in front of me. Every inch around me
buzzed with the shouts of boisterous youngsters who screamed like maniacs at the
sight of ice-cream and rides as their parents chastised them to keep quiet. Fast food
stalls were quickly flooded by exuberant teens which filled their appetite with food
lathered in fats and guzzling acidic drinks. On a small stage nearby some teens filled
with exhilarating exuberance of youth performed gymnastics with their dexterous
body as the tumultuous onlookers whooped and hollered. In the centre stood a band
which played some rock music which blasted from gigantic speakers.

The music filled the surrounding without effort like water filtering through my mind
like a wakeful dream, the notes rejuvenating me like a medicine delivered in the most
divine way. The music somehow hypnotized me, making my foot thump the ground
and my eyes to shut down. For a second my mind conjured an idyllic beach where
the rhythmic waves hit the sandy shore and I felt my heartbeat at the same slow
pace. As I made my way towards the park, the notice gradually amplified.
Disconsolate toddlers were found imploring their parents to buy them some snacks.
The weather was also enjoying the exciting surrounding as cold, keen winds hit my
body, sending a shiver down my spine.

The scintillating sun spread its luminescence to the surrounding, as white milky
clouds travelled together. The wind sang softly through the trees like a lullaby taking
dead, yellow leaves with them. Under the sunlight, the apples glowed more rosy as
they peaked out, shy and red-cheeked from the leafy shade looking as soft as
baby’s cheeks. The branches of each tree spread out as if so proud of the bounty
the brought and the sweetness within given each one. The colorful birds with chilli
red beaks let out their sweet melody as big, buzzing, bumblebees swarmed up in the
air searching for nectars. Vendors covered in sweat screamed to advertise their
products on a corner an old man was selling some scintillating balloons in which
superhero printed on them which enticed the youngsters.

Innocuous looking children’s burst into unceasing tears as they got misplaced in the
unceasing hustle bustle of the crowds. Adrenaline secreting screams and luscious
and sumptuous food accompanied with people of all the ages were the attraction of
the theme park.

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