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You arrive on an island.

Write a description of your first impressions of the place and its


As I placed one foot out from my wooden boat, and the next foot out, my feet decided to plant
itself into the sand. My eyes felt like it didn’t know how to blink at that moment as I was awe-
struck by what my eyes witnessed. In front of me was a place filled with the unending grains of
golden sand, as if the whole island was made out of gold itself. Shimmering blue waters that
sparkled in the presence of the sunlight encircled the island. Greenery spread out all around the
island, with patches of different coloured flowers that grew among bushes occasionally. In a
distant, was a majestic waterfall that looked like a sheet of blue velour swishing down, its edges
hemmed with whipped-white lines. The water thundered down into the pool like a gigantic

Just as I arrived, it so happened the sky began to glow as the flaming orb rose from the horizon
and ignited the sky, causing it to burst into a bright, passionate mix of scarlet and yellow. The
clouds had no place in the morning sky as the majestic sun reigned supreme. The colours of the
sky blended perfectly with the colours of the scenery. Its ineffable beauty was like a masterpiece
painted by Picasso that came to life, lying right in front of my eyes.

As I was finally able to take control of my body, I walked towards the island, with my feet
brushing against the silky, smooth sand. The feeling of the sand in between my toes reminded
me of my childhood where I spent a reasonable amount of time at the beach. The stream of dark,
glossy waves falling over my shoulder swayed to one side as the gentle breeze blew. Palm trees
swayed with synchronisation, as if it was choreographed dance.
I rested my eyelids and instantly, my ears could pick up the unnoticeable sounds of nature. An
orchestra of birds chirped harmoniously to a melody that soothed the ears of a person, the
leaves rustled softly in the breeze as they fell and fluttered like snowflakes. The calming,
repetitive sounds of the lapping waves came together in gently, a hypnotic melody, casting a
spell of serene tranquillity over the mesmerizing scene.

From a distant, I heard the sounds of words being said, though I could not make out what the
words were. I started to regain my sight as my eyelids gradually lifted. Tiny figures from afar were
nearing towards my direction. There were humans living in this place that seemed like a dreamed
paradise, how fortunate for them to live in such a place, I whispered to myself. I jogged lightly
towards them, eager to meet them.

Finally, we were close enough to communicate with each other as we shook hands and
introduced each other. The smiles and excitement on their faces were welcoming and inviting, as
if they had known me for ages. As they spoke, they were filled with energy and liveliness, their
personalities made one feel like a part of their family. Their characters fitted perfectly with the
view of this paradise island, a place where the world seemed flawless, a world where there’s the
insignificance of money and fame. After my personal encounter with this place, I finally believed
there was a heaven on earth.
Decriptive writing

Appeal to the reader’s sense of sight so they can imagine what the scene looks like.For
instance:“After years of heavy smoking, the once-white walls in her living room were
now the colour of a torched crem-brulee.”As long as the reader knows what crème
brulee looks like, they now have a very accurate description of how the living room walls

Write for the reader’s hearing senses so they can imagine what sounds are going
on.“George woke to the sound of his Labrador barking, deep and loud, repeatedly and
angrily, at the neighbour’s cat standing on the opposite side of the window.”It helps us
imagine the sound now we know its pitch and volume.Be aware: onomatopoeia can be
effective – perhaps a burst tyre can hiss or blood can gargle – but don’t use it
gratuitously – only if it adds extra detail to your description.

Think about what scents and smells are going on. You can even cause a physical
reaction with this one! Particularly if  you’re describing food because you can get the
reader’s mouth to water. For instance:“As I lifted my slice of pizza from the box, that rich,
creamy smell of four melted cheeses – together with the sweet, sticky smell of buffalo-
chicken – sent my tastebuds gushing.”Adding some detail about the smells in the scene
helps place the reader there and makes it much more realistic. 

If the person in your description is eating, what tastes can you describe?For
instance:“The roasted hazelnut mixed with the flavour of dark chocolate. It was sweet,
and bitter, with a slight aftertaste of wood – that same taste you get when you bite the
top of a pencil.”Be creative, using your own experiences to help express your ideas.  

What do the objects in your scene feel like? Is the blanket someone’s sat on slightly
itchy and course; is the ticket they’re holding slightly waxy;  is the snowball they’re
holding so cold that it feels numb to begin with, then turns slightly wet, and suddenly it
feel like hundreds of needles are going into their skin as the cold sets in? We’ve all felt
these sensations, so almost everyone can relate to these feelings. Another example
here:“I was expecting it to be wet and slimy, but as the snake moved on my palm it was
surprisingly dry and incredibly smooth – like a well-polished wooden banister.”    

You can also immerse your reader by using personification to bring some of these
senses to life a bit more.

The wheels screamed

 The trees trembled

 The dog danced enthusiastically
 The fire swallowed the whole building
The mountains bullied and intimidated the valley underneath

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