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Name: Jan Albert A.

Navarro Section: BEED-103

“Curriculum Design”

Every curriculum shares the same end goal, to help students learn and this
starts with a solid plan along with an effective curriculum design. The word
"curriculum" is described by John Kerr as "all the learning which is organized and
led by the school, whether it is carried on in groups or individually, within or
outside the school," which is what we should be talking about when we think about
teaching. If we want our students to succeed in their learning process, developing
curricula is the most important thing we can do. There are many other factors that
must be considered as well, but some of them include getting to know our students,
setting clear objectives, and class planning. It is the arrangement of the curriculum
with four elements; intent (aims, goals, and objectives), Subject matter/content,
Learning experiences, and Evaluation. Moreover, there are three models of
curriculum design: subject-centered, learner-centered, and problem-centered

Subject-centered curriculum design revolves around a particular subject

matter or discipline, such as mathematics, literature, or biology. This model of
curriculum design tends to focus on the subject, rather than the student. It is the
most common model of standardized curriculum that can be found in K-12 public
schools. Instructors compile lists of subjects and specific examples of how they
should be studied. In higher education, this methodology is typically found in large
university or college classes where teachers focus on a particular subject or
discipline. Subject-centered curriculum design is not student-centered, and the
model is less concerned with individual learning styles compared to other forms of
curriculum design. This can lead to issues with student engagement and motivation
and may cause students who are not responsive to this model to fall behind.

Learner-centered curriculum design, by contrast, revolves around student

needs, interests, and goals. It acknowledges that students are not uniform but
individuals, and therefore should not, in all cases, be subject to a standardized
curriculum. This approach aims to empower learners to shape their education
through choices. Differentiated instructional plans provide an opportunity to select
assignments, teaching and learning experiences, or activities that are timely and
relevant. This form of curriculum design has been shown to engage and motivate
students. The drawback to this form of curriculum design is that it can create
pressure to form content around the learning needs and preferences of students.
These insights can be challenging to glean in an online or hybrid learning
environment. Balancing individual student interests with the course’s required
outcomes could prove to be a daunting task.

Problem-centered curriculum design teaches students how to look at a

problem and formulate a solution. A problem-centered curriculum model helps
students engage in authentic learning because they’re exposed to real-life issues
and skills, which are transferable to the real world. Problem-centered curriculum
design has been shown to increase the relevance of the curriculum and encourages
creativity, innovation, and collaboration in the classroom. The drawback to this
model is that the individual needs and interests of students aren’t always accounted

The systematic method used to build better courses for a school, college, or
university can be referred to as curriculum development. It is necessary to
incorporate new discoveries into educational curricula as the world continues to
change. To enhance the educational experience of students, creative teaching
methods and strategies are also being developed. Examples include active learning
and blended learning. A plan must be in place for an institution to recognize these
adjustments and then be able to incorporate them into the college curriculum.

The main goal of curriculum design is to provide a comprehensive course

blueprint that links the course's content to its learning objectives and explains how
to build the course from the ground up. Having an integrated approach to designing
a curriculum is more effective than dealing with individual models of curriculum
design. Since the aspects of each model are very important, then combining them
into one would yield a more efficient and effective curriculum.
Today, our understanding and theories of curriculum have undergone a
tremendous evolution. The disciplines that make up a course of study at a school,
university, or college are the most basic definition of the word "curriculum" today.
Latin is the word's original language of origin. Course planning and course design
are interchangeable terms for curriculum development, which was originally
referred to as "racing chariot" and comes from the word currere, "to run." It's
critical to acknowledge that different universities have distinct approaches to
course design. While a math course at one university might cover the same topic,
the instructor might present it differently. The underlying principles of curriculum
development haven't changed, though.

There are three areas in which the main difficulties encountered during
curriculum development can be grouped. Challenges on an internal, external, and
social level are included. In terms of internal problems, curriculum development
faces the difficulty of adhering to the demands of the ministry.

The schools place a high priority on these prerequisites. The culture

typically has an impact on the process, requiring adjustments that take into account
its beliefs and traditions. To ensure that the proposed curriculum addresses topics
of global relevance, such as health, science, and human rights, external influences
may also prevail during the construction of the curriculum.

In conclusion, the entity in charge of developing the curriculum must be

dedicated to it, as do the numerous stakeholders. To ensure the credibility of the
process's results, the procedure should be transparent and methodical. The created
curriculum should incorporate contemporary technological advancements. It
should also comply to the widely recognized criteria for an effective curriculum.
This guarantees the nation's educational system is properly integrated.

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