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Name: Jan Albert Navarro

Course: BEED – 103

“My Ideal Teacher”

Teachers play maybe the most pivotal part in the process of one’s education.
They're laboriously devote their lives to passing on knowledge to youngish generations.
They're the key to progress in society and secure the future of forthcoming generations.
however, just like us, teachers are human, they're imperfect, which means we can never
anticipate them to conform to everything we want. students must also cooperate with
preceptors to insure that both sides continue to grow and learn.
Because of these defects, we can never really ask for the most amazing
schoolteacher in the world. However, every schoolteacher has their own skills and
capacities that they can continue to work on. Students can offer their advice and help
the teacher improve their method or attitude toward students by pointing out any areas
where they may be lacking. Being the best teacher possible involves more than just
refining your methods or teaching style. Additionally, it relates to strengthening
relationships with students. this can occasionally mean changing some aspects of one’s
personality to suit the students and encourage them to learn.
We experience different teachers in our life. All teachers are not the same. There
are a few of them that are very special and they influence us in different ways. We can
address them as our ideal teacher. My ideal teacher would be their own expertise. They
would usually be very knowledgeable about their subject and would be able to answer
any doubts. They would constantly be keeping themselves updated with that specific
field and reading more scholarly works about that subject. They would be passionate
about this subject, and that passion would encourage me as a student to work hard in
that ideal teacher’s class. If they are well-aware of their subject, it makes them self-
The teacher's attitude and behavior toward the students reflect this confidence,
which also contributes to making a great first impression. The ideal teacher would go
beyond only imparting knowledge; They would also extend to being a mentor and
guardian to students, helping them with whatever problems they have. The teacher
would be able to build a strong, trustworthy relationship with the students.
This instructor I admired to have is a great role model. One of the biggest
contributions of a teacher, no matter what subject he or she teaches, can offer to the
society is serving as a positive role model for all the youngsters.

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