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Factors that Affecting the Physical Development of Learners

After studying this lesson, you will be able to

 discuss the importance of nutrition, exercise, sleep, and a healthy

 explain how physical well-being contributes to students’ success in your
classroom; and
 analyze how you can foster optimal physical well-being among future


Factors that Affect Physical Growth and Development

* Heredity – This is the passing on of characteristics genetically from
one generation to the next, or from parents to children. Genetics plays a
key role in physical development. Some children may be taller than children
their age, while others can be shorter, depending on the height of the
parents. Some regions of a country may have taller or heavier than children
from other regions of the country. Heredity can play a big role in
differences in height, weight, aptitude, intelligence, and even
predisposition to the disease.
* Environment – The environment in which a child is raised can affect
physical growth and development. Clean, healthy, and safe physical
surroundings promote normal physical development. On the other hand,
disease, toxic streets, accidents, pandemics, exposure to alcohol, tobacco,
and toxins in the environment all affect a child’s physical development
negatively. Children who grew up exposed to air pollution may develop
chronic lung disease, pneumonia, or asthma. Those who grew up with
constant loud noises, like near airports may suffer some degree of hearing

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