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Practicum Student Teacher Report

Delaney Douglas
Dec. 1st, 2022

I have been very impressed with Delaney during her entire practicum at Rosemary School.
Right out of the gate Delaney seemed to take charge of the classroom and had a clear direction
for how she wanted to present herself as teacher. During my observations I could tell she had
established her expectations with her students and that she had developed a positive rapport
with them. She did a great job of getting to know her students and be personable with them
while at the same time commanding the respect from her students she needed to run the
classroom smoothly.

In terms of planning Delaney proved to be very organized and on top of what was going on in
the classroom. On the two occasions I formally observed her teaching, I held pre and post
conferences with her. During these meetings we went over her lesson plans and unit plans.
There was strong evidence that she was closely following the program of studies. Her learning
objectives are clearly stated and she does a great job of communicating those learning
outcomes to her students in student friendly language. Delaney is also great at reflecting on
what went well and what needs to be worked on in her lessons. She recognizes the learning
needs of her students and plans accordingly. She wants to do her best and that is reflected in
the enthusiasm she shows everyday in her classes. I also appreciated Delaney’s efforts to
differentiate for her students. She provided multiple ways of demonstrating their learning as well
as used a variety of teaching strategies to reach different learning types. Examples of this
included class discussion, debates, direct instruction, group work, videos and role play. Delaney
also made a concerted effort to bring in FNMI resources and perspectives into her lessons in a
respectful and caring way that made sense.

Delaney was an active participant in all professional development, PLC meetings, Collaborative
Response Meetings and Parent Teacher Interviews. She very much seemed like just another
member of our staff and was willing to learn and help out wherever she possibly could. In
addition to taking part in professional responsibilities Delaney helped coach our Sr. Girls’
Volleyball team, took on extra classes to try out teaching in different subjects and grade levels
and helped out in classrooms that needed an extra set of hands. She will be greatly missed at
the end of her practicum. In small schools the staff often have to wear a lot of hats to make
things run smoothly and Delaney was not afraid to help out and get her hands dirty.

From an administrator’s perspective I would not hesitate to hire Delaney Douglas If the
opportunity were to come up. She has proven herself to be a team player, she loves and cares
for the kids she works with and is very willing to learn and improve her practice. She has pushed
herself to take on more than what was expected of a practicum student and I think she has
proven herself to be competent as a beginning teacher. I wish her the best of luck in her future

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