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A cover letter, initialed "July 23, 1941" by President Roosevelt.

US Government: President Roosevelt approves Secret plan JB

355. This is a proposal to establish a force of 500 Lockheed Hudson
bombers in China to be organized as "The Second American
Volunteer Group" under Clare Chennault's command. The planes
would be manned by US crews and strike industrial targets in
Japanese cities such as Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagasaki. The aim is
"destruction of Japanese factories in order to cripple munitions and
essential articles for the maintenance of economic structure in
Japan." As with Chennault's "First" American Volunteer Group, the
unit would be funded through a dummy corporation and the
Americans involved given fake papers.

Army Chief of Staff General George Marshall is not a fan of the plan,
warning that it inevitably would lead to war with Japan and would not
fool anybody about who was behind the bombings
anyway. Secretary of War Henry Stimson also opposes the plan.
White House adviser Lauchlin Bernard Currie, however, strongly
supports the plan.

Secret Plan JB 355 never takes place despite its approval because
the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor before it can be implemented.

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