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Técnicas de Traducción

Taller evaluado I: Procedimientos técnicos de ejecución

1. Entregue dos (2) ejemplos originales (no presentes en la literatura sugerida ni en
explicaciones de clase) de las siguientes técnicas y variedades. Recuerde incluir tanto el texto
original en LF como su respectiva traducción a la LM. (12 puntos)

a. Lo abstracto por lo concreto o lo general por lo particular

b. La parte por el todo
c. Inversión de términos o del punto de vista
d. Lo contrario negativado
e. De visión directa a figurada
f. Equivalencia

2. Traduzca las siguientes oraciones e identifique la técnica de traducción utilizada en las frases
subrayadas. (20 puntos)

Frase idiomática a frase no idiomática (llana)

a. She has three favorite films, but Transformers 2 is the one that really gets the prize.
b. The way she's always correcting other people really gets on my nerves!
c. The bank manager caught the security guard while taking forty winks on duty.
d. Isn’t it odd how an earworm is usually a song that you hate?
e. Did he say that to you? I guess he hasn’t heard that snitches get stitches.

Frase idiomática a frase idiomática

a. After a refreshing vacation by the sea, I now feel fit as a fiddle.

b. The negotiations were brutal but she took it on the chin and didn’t cave in.
c. In spite of her lack of manners, she is a force to be reckoned with when it comes to
d. Despite all his attempts at winning the competition, he could never quite do it. It was close,
but no cigar.
e. The accused thought he would go scot-free just because he had hired a big lawyer! It didn’t
quite work out well for him.

Frase no idiomática (llana) a frase idiomática

a. In spite of all the recent success, he remained calm and humble.

b. The inspector saw them arriving late, but he pretended not to notice.
c. The match wasn’t going well for him, but it was not time to give up. He needed the victory.
d. She asked me if I could help her move the piano across the room.
e. Intelligence is both beneficial and problematic. Things may come easy to you, but people
will always expect more.

Proverbio a proverbio
Técnicas de Traducción
Taller evaluado I: Procedimientos técnicos de ejecución

a. «Si quieres que la gente te crea, entonces haz algo. Las palabras se las lleva el viento.»
b. La situación era bastante mala incluso antes de que llegara ella a echarle leña al fuego.
c. «Ponte el cinturón de todas formas. Ya conoces el dicho, más vale prevenir que curar.»
d. Incluso en la peor situación no hay que perder la calma, pues no hay mal que por bien no
e. Es una pena que por un idiota que copió en la prueba todos tengamos que pagar los platos

3. Traduzca al español los siguientes textos utilizando la técnica de adaptación para evitar los
calcos culturales y lograr la equivalencia de situaciones. Tenga en cuenta que las traducciones
van dirigidas a la cultura meta chilena. (15 puntos)

1. John became an extremely overprotective father when his wife died three years ago. He
made a promise not to let anything happen to his two little children. He managed to change
his work hours in order to pick them up from school at least three times a week. If it
could’ve been possible, he would’ve even taken the School Bus with them.

2. This Turkey recipe is perfect for Christmas, Thanksgiving Day, and whatever major
celebration you want! And because it is so cheap and fast, you can almost make it on the fly
just before game night!

3. Mike approached to a Spectrum office because he had had trouble with his decoder, and he
wasn’t able to watch the World Series on MLB Strike Zone HD. Although when he got there,
the front desk clerk told him that was the office building of 7-Eleven.

4. Defrost a 12 ounce salmon fillet. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees. Season salmon with salt
and pepper (you can also add some Kerrygold, if you like). Place salmon, skin side down, on
a non-stick baking sheet. Bake until salmon is cooked through, about 12 to 15 minutes.
Serve with any salad.

5. The interview had gone extremely well, but Julia knew it was all ruined when, once she and
the supervisor, Mr. James, had finished talking, she kissed him goodbye and left the room,
which was a little too much.

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