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and a special body of troops, largely Arab, for the defence of

salts, he held that ``neutral salts are those compounds

holdings. Mr W. J. Harris created small holdings in Devon,

late in the reign of Edward I. It gradually became a fixed

is injected through the canula, which is then withdrawn.

by its fragrant odour; or by heating with arsenious oxide,

Gallina Avenor

Alzano, near Milan, on the 12th of January 1492. He displayed

ft). and with broader crests. Another usage applies to

been applied to the flagship of an officer commanding a

many adventures, and became involved in political intrigues,

a favourable reception. In 1833 he returned to Europe, and

likely that he was a young man with a thirst for universal

ALEXANDER, WILLIAM LINDSAY (1808-1884), Scottish divine,

the penetration, on the one hand, of Anarchist ideas into

service for which they were employed, altars fell into two

and then to compare them with the theoretical values,

The ancient Canopic mouth of the Nile (now dry) was 12 m. E.

accordance with a definite theory of ``the good.'' Finally,

sufficiently unlike @, it is necessary to suspend judgment.

windows. The chief trade is grain. The great salt caravans

the ordinary fare of the monks, unless he had to entertain a

Leonard Digges's Prognostication Everlasting of Right Good

W;, and flow on under the name of the South Saskatchewan

He further indicated (following H. Spencer) the difference

Alompra, with his usual promptitude, at once quelled the

successively, of J. Bradley, N. Bliss, N. Maskelyne and John

the total imports nearly one-third come from the east coast of

a new crop rotation and hindered innovation of every kind.

study in the episcopal schools. Roscellinus, the famous

way, such as the island of Angediva, near Goa, and Cannanore,

Saint-Omer, as well as the province of Franche Comte. The

explosives. One of the most important of his investigations

the British and the French governments free to devote increased

crisis by his refusal to surrender the two royal castles of

AUTHORITIES. -- P. Semenov and G. N. Potanin, in supplementary

des Weltimperiums in Prophetic und Sage'' (in H. Granert's

flag. Whereas in Germany and France such aid is officially

the whole of which time the rations of each member were weighed

south. From the Kunar it crossed into Bajour by one of

(2500 B.C.?) the scattered communities of the centre of the

leader should arise. A second and more determined attempt

and he brought forward an ingenious system for reconciling

commercial importance, due, no doubt, to its position on the

the Otiosi. The condition of membership was to have

Khawak (11,600 ft.) is not a high pass; the grades are easy

a similar establishment. He married the Princess Ikbal


XIII., and the disinclination he felt to joining the members

in 1556, and contains a number of fine memorials, notably

for the purpose of allowing applicants for allotments, when

and its name became very familiar in England from the part

saputadalanam. ``This casket of relics of the blessed Buddha

who was their prisoner. The son of the latter claimed

There still remain for discussion the alphabets of the

obstinately as it clung to old ways, it was forced to remove


v.-ix.; M. Dubois, Les lignes Etolienne et Acheenne

drums. In the tapping process a fixed crucible is used,

field. In this magnetic field is pivoted a small circular

from India in 1847. Among subsequent possessors were Scott's

plain that joins the inland plain of Esdraelon, and so affords

to the time and place of its origin is of a highly complicated

the ammoniacal liquor of gas-works (see GAS: Manufacture)

purification it may be shaken with hot milk of lime, the oily

is natural to regard (3) the curious resemblance as to the

injuriously. It is, of course, a question of dose and

T. O. Bergman also observed that the addition of potash or ammonia

oxus, acidus, sour, and oxos, acetus, vinegar.

cigarette-case, containing a syringe and hundreds of doses of

Herat. Dost Mahommed now became the British ally, but on his

the entire destruction of Greek liberty for over a century.

therefore be avoided by him should he desire to do so. Its

chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster and the secretary for

intermittent albuminuria, &c. Its recognition is of extreme

told in Mrs Ednah D. Cheney's Louisa May Alcott: Her

in 1488, and in 1498 Vasco da Gama, after having rounded

rules of the unwritten law, the ``common law'' as it is

in the former as is compatible only with an early date.

BIBLIOORAPHY.--For a general account of Algeria, see Maurice

important recommendations of the Food Products Committee,

met with in those countries where the Code Napoleon is in

carry, for example, a full cargo of grain. In such a case the

In modern times its historical value has been seriously

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