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All about the arctic


want to

Arctic Fox
Hi, I am an Arctic fox!

I live in a very cold place called the

Arctic. It sometimes gets to be
below 50 degrees here, but I don't
mind too much because I have a
white thick coat of fur to keep
me warm. I also have very furry feet, short ears,
and a short nose. All of these features help make it
so I can live in the Arctic. My feet are so furry, that
my nickname is sometimes "hare foot!" My coat isn't
always white though. It is white in the winter to help
me hide against the snow. When it is summer, my coat
can turn brown or gray to hide me against the tundra
of the Arctic. This camouflage helps me to catch my
food. I have very good hearing. So good, that I can
even hunt my food under the snow. When I hear it, I
leap into the air and stick my head in the snow to grab
it up. I'll admit, it's kind of cute. I like to eat rodents,
birds, and even fish! My favorite food is lemmings
though. Yummy! But in winter food is a little harder to
find, so I'll share with a polar bear or find some
veggies to munch on. After a long day, I go home to
my burrow.

Thanks for chatting, I'll be seeing you later!

All About the Arctic Fox

do I
Draw a picture of me here.

3 cold weather adaptations

What did you learn about the Arctic Fox?

do I
live? .
Label theWalrus

nose whiskers stomach

tusks flippers eyes

Print all pages at 80-85% scale to fit inside a standard
composition notebook. For worksheets or binders, leave
at 100%.

Page 1: All about Arctic

Allow student to color and personalize this page. This begins the
All About Arctic unit in their book!

Page 2: K/W/L
Cut out elements. Glue or tape the heading. Glue or place tape
along the top edge of each box, no bigger than a half inch.
Underneath the flap, the student writes what they know
about the Arctic, what they would like to know, and at the end
of the unit, what they learned.

Page 3: Arctic Fox Reading

This is a nonfiction reading page to get information from. Tape
or glue into your notebook after reading.

Page 4: All About the Arctic Fox

Cut out the elements. "What do I eat?" "Weather Adaptations"
and "Where do I live?" are intended to be flip-flaps, glue or tape
only the top square. The rest is adhered directly to the page.
Cut the two middle lines in "Weather Adaptions" so each
adaptation is its own flap. Write info underneath flaps.

Page 5: Label the walrus

Cut out top square and adhere to page. Cut out labels and
glue/tape where they belong on the walrus.

Look for the full Notebook, coming soon!

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