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Name: Class Period:


Using the process of analysis (What, How, Why), you’re going to analyze someone
from the Humans of New York Instagram page. Think: how their overall message
(theme) is affected by different aspects of themselves and their presentation?


1. Choose a person to analyze (click on the links):

a. Person #1
b. Person #2
c. Person #3
d. Person #4 (trigger warning)
e. Person #5 (trigger warning)
2. Choose an aspect to analyze about them.
3. Fill out the ‘What - How - Why’ Analysis for your chosen person.
4. Write your full paragraph analyzing the aspect you’re observing about your
chosen person. What is their overall message? How does this aspect affect
that message?
a. Give 2-3 direct examples from the text/visuals, with citations!
5. Submit your completed analysis worksheet on Google Classroom.

Some aspects you can choose to analyze:

● Character, or what story they present. Why are they choosing to tell this story?
● Background, or what life background does this person present? How did their
background influence their later life?
● Tone/Attitude, What is the overall tone, or attitude of their piece? Why did they
choose this tone?
● Word Choice, choose 4-8 words that stand out to you. Research other synonyms;
why did they choose to use those words over others?
● Visuals, what does this person look like? Describe them. How does their look affect
their message?
Person you are analyzing: Person B

What aspect are you analyzing about them? What is their overall theme/message?
To watch what your eating and eat more healthy

How does this person show this in their article? Provide at least 2-3 textual/visual
examples with explanations:
a. ‘1981 Oldsmobile Cutlass, right? I got a great deal on it. And I knew it matched my
vibe. In the beginning it was all about the exterior. Visual stuff, you know what I
mean: add-ons, and new rims, and new tires with fresh white walls. But I ended up
losing my first engine. Because I never paid much attention to things like
maintenance, and oil changes. How clean it should be on the inside. When they
lifted the old engine out of the car, I remember thinking: it looks just like a
mechanical heart. It made me think about the food I was eating. There were never
many healthy choices in my community. It was McDonald’s every day after school.”
a. “Right now I’m in transition to a plant-based diet.”
a. “My specialty is sea moss. Sea moss has 92 out of the 100 minerals that your
body needs.”
a. “never had anyone yet, make a funny face about one of my drinks.”

Why do they present the (aspect you’re analyzing) in this way? How does it
support their theme/message?

Because he shows that not all healthy food trastes bad and that healthy food is very
good for you

Write out your Analysis Paragraph here:

In the article series Humans of New York, Healthy food is very good for you and if you make it right, it can be
very good. presented by the narrator of this piece, Person 2, greatly affects their message. This message that
they explore in their piece is the idea that eating healthy foods and making it taste good is good for you,
through their past and future experiences. For example,”never had anyone yet, make a funny face about one of
my drinks.”( Line 46-47). This helps reveal the theme because it shows that healthy food can be very good
tasting and very good for you. Another example is when the narrator “My specialty is sea moss. Sea moss has
92 out of the 100 minerals that your body needs. And I mix it right.”(Line 41-43) This again helps reveal the
theme by showing how good healthy food can be for you. Although healthy food can taste bad person 2
shows that you can make it tasty and how healthy they are like the sea moss.

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