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Assignment 4

FILM VIEWING Artificial Intelligence


Why does the future need us?

As technology become higher and advance, a

drastic growth of humanoid robots occurred.
Robots, who never go hungry and do not use
resources, are a necessary component of society.
These robots, known as Mechas, are utilized to
serve humanity in a variety of capacities, including
housekeeping, cleaning, and even showing affection
for people.
Technology itself is neither good nor bad; rather, its
usefulness determines whether it is good or evil.
Everything has both a positive and a hazardous
characteristic, if you "truly" think about it. Although
fire is a form of technology, it may significantly burn
you or cook your meal. It has the power to either
heat or destroy your house.
Why does the future need us?

When technology is used with ILL INTENT, it becomes MOST DANGEROUS. To reduce actual human
casualties in combat, robotic soldiers can be made, but they run the risk of developing artificial
intelligence (AI) that makes them uncontrolled.
I must be honest. The ending was good. this is a flawed movie with an emotional climax. Even if it is all a
projection from the creatures who saved him, it impacted me because it helps David to realize he is the
recipient of love and can finally mature and become human. I would have thought this was a drab,
uninteresting, and depressing experience without its resolution. Robots are treated by people as pets that
are quickly abandoned once they are no longer useful.

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