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Reminder: To show your personal understanding, all assignment responses must be in your own words unless

quoting a source.

02.07 East Asia



Step 1: Identify at least one significant bit of Japanese history for each of the five
Japanese periods.

1. Heian

2. Kamakura

3. Ashikaga

4. Azuchi-Momoya

5. Tokugawa

Step 2: Create your mnemonic or mnemonics.

Remember, a mnemonic is simply a tool to help you remember something. It can be a haiku poem, a
rhyming song, a drawing with key words, or a short fantastical story—anything you can think of making
that will help you remember the important parts of Japan's major historical eras. Don't overthink it!

Step 3: Explain how your mnemonic(s) helps you remember the content.

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