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Town of Warwick

2023 Special Town Meeting

December 12, 2023
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To either of the Constables of Warwick, GREETINGS:

In the name of the Commonwealth, you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of
said Town who are qualified to vote in elections and in Town affairs, to
ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2022, AT 7:00 P.M.
Then and there to act on the following articles:

ARTICLE 1: Shall the Town vote to authorize the Selectboard to enter a long-term and
renewable contract with the Pioneer Valley Regional School District that recognizes and defines
the annual settlement of Warwick’s portion of the Regional School District’s pension and other
post-employment benefits (OPEB) attributable to Warwick’s former membership; or take any
other action related thereto?

ARTICLE 2: Shall the Town vote to amend Article 8 of the Special Town Meeting of October
17, 1973 vote on the composition of the Scholarship Committee, by striking the words: “at least
one member of said committee to be a Warwick member of the Pioneer Valley Regional School
District”; or take any other action related thereto?

ARTICLE 3: Shall the Town vote to allow the Selectboard to appoint one of its members to a
position under their supervision as allowed by MGL Chapter 268A, section 21, or take any other
action relative thereto?

ARTICLE 4: Shall the Town grant an ethics exemption under MGL Chapter 268A, section 20 to
Selectboard member Brian Snell to be compensated for work as an education planner and teacher
for Warwick’s planned school district and set compensation at $25 per hour, not to exceed $5000
per fiscal year, beginning in January of 2023; or take any other action relative thereto.

(Mr. Snell is a Selectboard member meaning compensated work requires Town Meeting

ARTICLE 5: Shall the Town grant an ethics exemption to Louise P. Doud, spouse of a
Selectboard member so that she may hold an interest in a contract with the Town (funded by a
private grant) to provide educational consulting on reading and curriculum; and set compensation
at $70 per hour with a maximum contract value of $3000; or take other action relative thereto?

ARTICLE 6: Shall the Town approve payment of prior year bills to the following named vendors
and not to exceed specified amounts: Verizon $841.36; Athol Rental, $260.51; Lithium Hosting
$244.00 and Fire Department Permit Revolving (up to $1705.00) as recommended by
Selectboard; bills to be paid from corresponding departmental current year account; or take other
action relative thereto?

(90 percent vote required to authorize prior year bill payment).

Town of Warwick
2023 Special Town Meeting
December 12, 2023
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ARTICLE 7: Shall the Town vote to authorize the treasurer to borrow, appropriate from
Stabilization, or transfer from available funds a sum of money for the acquisition of a new hybrid
electric all-wheel drive police cruiser; or take other action relative thereto?

(2/3 vote required for Stabilization or borrowing authorization)

ARTICLE 8: Shall the Town transfer a sum of money from certified “Free Cash” to the
Stabilization Fund; or take any other action related thereto?

Hereof fail not and make return of this warrant with our doings thereon at the time and place of
said meeting. Given under our hand this 28th day of November 2022

Keith Ross Brian Snell Alan Genovese

And you are directed to serve this Warrant by posting up attested copies thereof at Town
Hall, the Senior Center (Town Hall Dining Hall), the Transfer Station and the Warwick
Free Public Library fourteen (14) days before the date of the meeting, as within directed.

Pursuant to the within warrant, I have notified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of
Warwick by posting attested copies of the same at the Town Hall, the Senior Center (Town
Hall Dining Hall), the Transfer Station and the Warwick Free Public Library fourteen (14)
days before the date of the meeting, as within directed.

This 28thday of November, 2022

A. George Day, Constable

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