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Taversity of Puerto Rico at Ponca ‘English Department ENGL 4021 L03 MINUTES ‘heeting Date: August 29, 2022 : : ‘A regular meeting ofthe Course ENGL 4021 L03 of Puerto Rico at Ponce was held in room [MTC-1 on August 29, 2022, The meeting convene presiding and Fabiola |A. Alvarado Rodriguez, secretary. All students atter Approval of Minutes: gust 24, 2022 were approved after corrections. “The minutes corresponding to the meeting of Aus of the University dat 1:45 p.m, Professor LeCompte rnded except: Isabelle Gonzalez. bk bed question quiz. about the documentary “The Future of Food”. Mattors Discusse 1. The professor gave the students a two- 2, Professor Le Compe started the discussion of the key words ofthe documentary. The key words discussed were te following: Seed benks- tanks where farmers, government and corporations stref seeds in ease a | catastzophe happens foundup’Dherbicide produced by Monsanto. Goptbtined “Roundaf ready" seeds- seeds genetically modified to survive ‘roundup’. ed For an invention, inthis case @ gene, © Patent- right gran © GM..- genetically modified organism © E coli- bacteria used like a vector in the production of the G.M.O. Monoculture- grow a single type of crop. {grow 3. The professor discussed briefly Tinduistc ares of study which are the following + Phonology- phoneme. © Morphol His 5 iusto axopt Sint JU cus, + Semantics: enoaions and connotations Geng © Lexicon- vocabulary word, Adjournment: ‘The meeting adjourned at 2:50 p.m. ‘Submitted by: FabioltA, Alvarado Rodriguez, Secretary

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