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Question: Week 14 we discussed 5 different management models (including TQM, the

Reinventing Government Movement, the National Performance Review, the Human Capital
Movement, and privatization/contracting out) in pursuit of effective public management. I want
you to review these again, review your paper and the reading in chapter 14, and write up a Public
Management Plan.

Answer: Review of 5 different management models in pursuit of effective public management

are given below:

TQM: Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management philosophy founded on the idea that
an organization may achieve long-term success by having all of its members—from entry-level
employees to its top executives—concentrate on enhancing quality and, as a result, generating
customer satisfaction.
Organizations must prioritize kaizen, or continuous improvement, in order to implement TQM. It
places more of an emphasis on long-term process improvements than it does on immediate cash
rewards. Employee and organizational growth can be significantly impacted by TQM in a
positive way. Companies can establish and preserve cultural norms that produce long-term
success for both clients and the firm by having all employees focus on quality management and
continual improvement. The quality-centered approach of TQM assists in identifying employee
skill gaps and providing the required coaching, training, or education to fill them.
Some benefits for introducing TQM in an organization are:
 Less product defects
 Satisfied customers
 Lower costs
 Well defined cultural values

The Reinventing Government Movement: The Clinton-Gore Administration's effort to

restructure the federal government's operations is known as the National Partnership for
Reinventing Government. To build a government that "works better, costs less, and produces
results Americans care about" is our objective. The Reinventing Government Movement
provides provocative and challenging ideas about approaches to public management and the
delivery of government services. It also working with agencies to help them integrate their
reinvention strategies into their overall strategic planning, as required under the Government
Performance and Results Act into their daily operations. NPR is also planning a governmentwide
employee survey to assess the progress of reinvention's culture changes on the front line so it can
better target its future efforts.
The National Performance Review: On March 3, 1993, President Clinton launched a six-
month study of the federal government and invited Vice President Gore to head the initiative.
This was the start of the National Performance Review. In contrast to previous efforts that
depended on outsiders, the Vice President assembled experienced federal employees and divided
them into teams to analyze federal agencies and problems that span agencies, such personnel,
procurement, or budget regulations. The objective is to pinpoint issues and provide fixes and
cost-saving suggestions. The National Performance Review focused on how government should
work, not on what it should do. NPR, basically, illustrated many of the obstacles to reform in
government. At the same time, however, it represented a historic initiative in the pursuit of
improved public management. Whether or not it was the right thing to do, a massive reduction in
federal employees represents a major impact. Also, reforms of the procurement system and the
reductions in federal administrative expenses represent important accomplishments.

The Human Capital Movement: Human capital consists of the knowledge, skills, and
health that people invest in and accumulate throughout their lives, enabling them to realize their
potential as productive members of society. human capital movement was driven in part by
concerns over a growing crisis in human capital in the federal government, a crisis that the
situation in state and local governments tends to mirror. The participants in this movement
concentrated on exhorting federal agencies to take human capital seriously, advising them on
how to do it, and recommending or crafting legislation to set in place some of the structures and
requirements to support it. The long-term influence of the legislation, admonitions, traffic lights,
frameworks, and guidelines coming from the human capital movement is difficult to evaluate
conclusively. The imperatives motivating this activity, however, continue to represent major
issues at all levels of government in the United States and other nations, and continue to receive
emphasis by federal agencies and organizations concerned with public service.

Privatization & Contracting Out: Although privatization has a long history in the United
States and other countries, it has recently gained more attention as a tactic for addressing the
public sector's constrained budget (and the ensuing need to reduce costs and increase efficiency)
and for escaping the perception that the government is weak by using creative and adaptable
methods of providing public service. privatization can lead to governmentalization of the private
sector, in which government increasingly draws segments of the private sector into its sphere of
activity (Moe, 1996). Private contractors and service providers can then become just one more
interest group, lobbying for government policies favorable to themselves and their industry or
service area (Smith and Lipsky, 1993). The greatest irony of privatization, however, is that it
increases demands for excellence in public management rather than alleviating them. Proponents
tout it as a cure for bad government, but it takes excellent government to make it work.
Question: What do you think an effective management model is?

Answer: A effective management model outlines the objectives and operating procedures that
the executives of a corporation use to govern their organization. The goals, beliefs, and culture of
the organization may be precisely stated in a management model. Additionally, it may determine
how they choose businesses, distribute money, and motivate their employees. While others may
wait for their ideal management model to emerge naturally, certain businesses may decide to
establish their management model early in their development, while others may allow their ideal
management model to emerge naturally.

Question: What are the top trends according to Rainey (2014)?

Answer: The top trends according to Rainey are given listed below:
 Total Quality Management
 The Reinventing Government Movement
 The National Performance Review
 The President ’s Management Agenda

Question: Pick the BEST MODEL that you think will be the most effective in a public
organization that you feel confident you could implement...discuss the model, why you feel it's
best, and HOW you think you could apply it.

Answer: Public organizations are more likely to perform effectively when there are high levels
of the following conditions:
Effective relations with oversight authorities (legislative, executive, judicial). Authorities are
• Attentive
• Demanding
• Supportive
• Delegative
 Effective relations with other stakeholders
• Favorable public opinion and general public support
• Multiple, influential, mobilizable constituent and client groups
• Effective relations with partners and suppliers
 Effective management of contracting and contractors
 Effective utilization of technology and other resources
 Effective negotiation of networks
Responsive autonomy in relation to political oversight and influence
Mission valence (the attractiveness of the mission)
 Difficult but feasible
 Reasonably clear and understandable
 Worthy and legitimate
 Interesting and exciting
 Important and influential
 Distinctive
Strong organizational culture, linked to mission
Effective leadership
 Stability of leadership
 Multiplicity of leadership—a cadre of leaders, teams of leaders at multiple levels
 Leadership commitment to mission
 Effective goal-setting in relation to task and mission accomplishment
 Effective coping with political and administrative constraints
Effective task design
 Intrinsically motivating tasks (interest, growth, responsibility, service, and mission
 Extrinsic rewards for task accomplishment (pay, benefi ts, promotions, working
Effective development of human resources
 Effective recruitment, selection, placement, training, and development
 Values and preferences among recruits and members that support task and mission
This model is best from my perspective of view, because this model consists of active
authorities, effective relationship among the partners & employees, responsive autonomy, clear
vision as well as mission, feasible task design, fruitful human resources and finally a effective
leadership exist. That’s why, I think this model can be used as an effective public organization.
For applying this model, I need to discuss with the top management of the organization so that I
can understand them the effectiveness of the model which I pick & what the benefits we will get
from this model by applying it & try to convince the authority & top management of the

Question: Use a current organization or a past organization that you have worked at, or create a
fictious public management situation (if you have no public organization work experience)
where you think this model would work best. Describe in detail the organization, why it will
work, and how it's better than what they are using now.

Answer: Every public organization has a specific purpose that is meant to benefit the general
public. Public organizations managed and supported by the government offer services deemed
necessary for the governed. As I have work no experience in any public organization, I assume
that I presently work for a public health care institution which is dedicated to serve general
people & mainly concerned with the health condition of the general people. I think the model
which I selected in previous question, will be best suited in this type of public organization such
as healthcare institution. Because, my pickup model have a effective relationship with the
oversight authorities as they are very attentive, supportive & delegative. In fact, when any
exigency situation is created, they are ready to give their best possible effort as they are
committed with my organization. In addition, there is an effective leadership present in my
model which is very helpful to run this type of public organization. Because a leader the power
house of an organization. My organization model also include a clear mission which related to
my organization cause a public health institution concerned with people health where a clear
mission & vision is very significant. My model not only just effective for my organization, but
also better than the model which is currently in running. The reason is, current model doesn’t
have the proper human resources & proper task design which is very important to run an
organization effectively. Again, current organization model doesn’t have a potential leader who
runs this institution in a proper way & make useful as well as helpful for the people who wants
good quality service from these type of organization. But, all these flaws I have mentioned above
not present in my proposed model which can lead a good results for my organization. Thus, my
model have the effective authorities, quality leadership, proper task design, clear vision to
achieve organizational goals and finally have a effective development of human resources, that’s
why I think my proposed model will perform better than what they are using now.

K.patt, M. (n.d.). TechTarget. Retrieved from TechTarget:
Kamensky, J.
RAINEY, H. G. Understanding And Managing Public Organization. In H. G. RAINEY.
Techtarget. (n.d.). Total Quality Management.


This paper should be in the 5-page range, double spaced, and use APA citations. Please create a title
page that is NOT counted in the 5 page recommendation.

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