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Top 10 Medical Plants

Anbumaran R
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1 Calendula (Calendula officinalis)

2 Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla)

3 Peppermint (Metha x piperita)

4 Holy Basil (Ocimum tenuiflorum)

5 Plantain (Plantago major)

6 Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis)

7 English Lavender (Lavandula angustifo-

lia “Vera”)

8 Hops (Humulus lupulus)

9 Hawthorn (Crataegus ambigua)

10 Elecampane (Inula helenium)


This flower has anti-inflammatory properties and triterpenoid compounds,

which inhibit bacteria. Calendula also has antispasmodic, astringent, anti-
septic and detoxifying properties. Ingested, it helps stomach ailments such
as gastritis, peptic ulcers, regional ileitis and colitis. It can also be extremely
cleansing for the liver. You can use the flowers in tea, oil infusions, or in salves
to help with internal and external ailments. Growing tips from staff horticul-
turalist Blake Burger: Calendula can be started indoors in the spring rather
easily. Start inside 6 weeks before last frost and make sure to provide a sun-
ny location for the seedlings to thrive. Plant in full sun after the danger of
frost has subsided. To encourage growth throughout the season, fertilize and
02. Chamomile
(Matricaria chamomilla)

Chamomile can be taken internally as tea for minor digestive problems.

Chamomile can be used as an aromatic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic,
carminative (digestive aid), and de-stressing nervine. Externally it has been
used in hair wash, hair dyes, and for sore skin or eczema. Chamomile is prob-
ably the most well-known plant used as a nervine tonic, helping to relieve
stress and tension. An essential oil made from the chamomile flowers has
been used to help cure diaper rash in newborns. Growing tips from Heath-
er Rhoades of Gardening Know How blog: Plant the chamomile (seeds or
cuttings) in the spring. You can grow chamomile in places that have partial
shade to full sun. Chamomile does not need a lot of water, so the soil should
be mostly dry.
03. Peppermint
(Metha x piperita)

Because peppermint is antimicrobial, hikers chew peppermint while drink-

ing from a stream to kill microbes in the water. Peppermint is considered a
choleretic (bile secretor), antiseptic and invigorator. Tea made from pepper-
mint leaves is soothing for a sore throat, cough, cold. Growth tips from staff
horticulturalist Blake Berger: Peppermint prefers a sunny location and moist
soil, although it can tolerate part shade. Planting peppermint in a sunny lo-
cation will increase its production of oils and therefore increase its medicinal
potency. Although garden mints have the reputation as an aggressive grow-
er, peppermint isn’t as invasive as some of its relatives. Harvest peppermint
leaves and stems often to encourage compact growth. It is ideal to harvest
the leaves before and during flowering.
04. Holy Basil
(Ocimum tenuiflorum)

Indigenous to India, holy basil is a mild antihyperglycemic, anti-inflammatory,

antimicrobial and expectorant. It can be taken internally as tea and is good for
treating diabetes, cold or cough symptoms. Internally holy basil can help in
treating intestinal tract problems, as well as asthma and reducing fevers. The
juice from this plant can be extracted and applied to insect stings, ringworm,
and other skin ailments. Growing tips from University of California: Plant in
full sun in ¼ inches deep of holes. Keep soil moist but avoid overwatering.
Harvest before the plant flowers to avoid flowering and more holy basil grow-
ing. This plant continues to grow and flower, so much maintenance is needed.
05. Plantain
(Plantage major)

In Colorado, common plantain is considered a weed. Medicinally, plantain has

anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antimicrobial, emollient and wound-healing
properties. Plantain has vitamins A, C, K. You can eat the leaves raw, as they’re
more nutritious than other greens and taste similar to swiss chard. Howev-
er, cooking the leaves will help improve their texture. The leaves can be used
externally as poultices to treat insect bites, snakebites, sunburns and cuts.
Plantain can also be taken internally as a tea and helps with cold symptoms.
Growing tips from Amy Grant of Gardening Know How blog: Plant plantains
in sunny areas. Plantains love moist soil, so water without overwatering. Keep
plantains about 4 to 6 inches apart. Cover the plant during cold spells to avoid
any damage.
06. Hyssop
(Hyssopus Officinalis)

Hyssop has astringent, emmenagogue (stimulating menstrual flow), relaxant,

diuretic, and wound-healing properties. It stimulates mucus production, and
is helpful in soothing sore throats, and coughs. It has also been known to help
against asthma. Because it also relaxes muscle, it is helpful in aiding digestive
problems. Its antibacterial properties make hyssop a good vermifuge (expels
intestinal parasites). Hyssop essential oil has medicinal properties, but has
also been linked to epileptic seizures, and should be taken with precaution.
Growth tips staff horticulturist Loddie Dolinski: This plant is pretty hardy and
doesn’t need too much water. Once it’s been established it merely needs
normal watering. It should be grown in full sun. Hyssop gets no pests after it’s
07. English Lavender
(Lavandula angustifolia “Vera”)

Lavender has analgesic (pain relieving), antidepressant, antifungal, antiox-

idant, antiviral, aromatic, cholagogue (something that stimulates the flow
of bile from the liver) and cicatrisant (wound healing) properties, as well as
many others. It also acts as an effective sleep aid and can be combined with
valerian or chamomile in tea, or merely sprinkled onto the sheets as lavender
oil, or dried flowers can be sewn into a pillow. Lavender is also powerful at cur-
ing headaches. Growth tips from staff horticulturalist Angie Andrade: laven-
der angustifolia or English Lavender prefers full sun and slightly alkaline soils
which is perfect for our Colorado gardens. Be careful when buying Lavender
because French and Spanish Lavender are not hardy here.
08. Hops
(Humulus lupulus)

Hops is known to have soporific, anti-spasmodic, diuretic, and nervine prop-

erties. The bitter properties of hops stimulate digestion. Hops has estrogenic
properties and shouldn’t be given to young children. The cones can promote
good night’s sleep. Growth tips from Blake Berger: Plant a rhizome rather
than growing from seed. A hops rhizome should be planted in early spring
when the soil can be worked. Keep the rhizome moist but not in boggy soil.
Once sprouts rise from the soil, pick the strongest and healthiest and start
to train up a trellis. Cut back the weaker ones. Once established, water sever-
al times a week. Keep the base of the plant relatively thinned out to prevent
powdery mildew.
09. Hawthorn
(Crataegus ambigua)

The bark has astringent properties which helps in treating fevers. Hawthorn’s
an antispasmodic, cardiac (promotes heart health), diuretic and vasodilator.
Hawthorn can help fight heart weakness, spasms, and murmurs. It also bal-
ances blood pressure and can be a sedative on the nervous system. Growing
tips from staff bonsai specialist Larry Jackel: Hawthorn is vulnerable to fire-
blight, so prune in the winter, sterilizing the tools between uses. You can grow
these from seeds or cuttings. The berries are known to germinate quite quick-
ly. Once the plants have been established, only basic maintenance is needed
as hawthorns are hardy. Hawthorns are known to have extra sprouts around
the base of the tree, so you can either remove those or have them sprout into
separate plants.
10. Elecampane
(Inula helenium)

Elecampane is a tall bushy-like plant that gives height to any garden. It has
beautiful sunflower-like flowers that attract all sorts of pollinators. Medicinally,
elecampane has expectorant, choleretic, cholagogue, antimicrobial, vermi-
fuge and diuretic properties. It can be taken internally as a tea, made from
the root to treat colds, coughs, asthma, loss of appetite, intestinal worm and
digestive problems. Decoctions and tinctures are also made from the root
and can help treat cold and cough symptoms. Elecampane can be applied
externally to help with skin ailments such as eczema and itching. Growing
tips from Growing Hermione’s Garden blog: Grow this plant in partial sun with
moist, well drained-soil. Minimal maintenance is needed for this plant. It is a

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