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Task: in 4-6 sentences, write a brief paragraph describing your

personal feelings regarding the steps taken by the U.S. to

prepare for wartime. Use at least two details mentioned in class
to support your claim.
Evaluative Criteria

Full/Partial Credit
For this worksheet, a full credit response (3 points) includes:
 Student provides two examples mentioned in class.
 All examples are factual and accurate.
 Response is 4 or more sentences long.
For this worksheet, a partial credit response (2 points) includes:
 Student provides one example mentioned in class.
 One example listed is incorrect.
 Response is 2-3 sentences long.
For this worksheet, a no credit response (1 point) includes:
 Student does not provide any examples mentioned in class.
 None of the examples are factual and accurate.
 Response is only 1 sentence long .

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