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Dengue Fever

Dengue is a viral fever. Its virus is carried by a kind of female Ades

mosquito. This mosquito usually bites at day time, specially before morning
and evening. This virus can easily spread from people to mosquitos and from
mosquitos to people. If an Ades mosquito bites an infected (AvµvšÍ) person,
it carries the virus. Later on, (ciewZ©‡Z) when the same mosquito bites a
sound (my¯’¨) man, the virus enters into the blood of that person. In this
way, the Ades mosquito transmits (msµwgZ Kiv) this virus to different
persons and they also get infected by the virus. After getting infected by the
virus, it takes some time to show the symptoms. These symptoms (jÿY) can
take 4-12 days to appear (`„wó‡MvPi nIqv). By this time, the infected
person who is carrying the virus in his blood suffers from high fever along
with (cvkvcvwk) some other symptoms. These symptoms are-severe
headache, pain behind the eyes, vomiting, muscle and joint pains, rash, etc.
Once someone is infected by the dengue virus and starts to show symptoms
of dengue fever, immediate actions should be taken otherwise it can lead the
person to death. Normally, this fever lasts not more than seven days. The
victim must drink a lot of water and take a lot of vitamin C. Usually, the
Aedes mosquito breeds in standing fresh water and rain water. It lays (wWg
cvov) eggs on standing water in the plastic bottles, coconut shells, (‡Lvjm)
in spoiled tires, in the blocked water, in the flower pot, where water remains
for long time. To prevent the dengue fever, everyone should take some
effective steps. First of all, we should keep our environment clean so that,
Ades mosquito can’t breed. To destroy Ades mosquito there should be no
such place which is containing clean water for more than three days. City
Corporation should play a vital role in cleaning the city areas to keep its
people safe from dengue virus. If anyone gets infected by the dengue, he
should immediately consult (civgk© Kiv) with the doctor and take proper
treatment. Mosquito net can be used all the time to prevent dengue fever
virus. Moreover, the government should take necessary steps to prevent
dengue fever from spreading. In fine, public awareness is a must in this

Shakhawat Hossain (Lecturer English)

Gazipur Metropolitan College

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