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Talent Management &

Personal Development Plan

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Talent Management, as the name suggests, is managing TALENT
the ability, competency and power of employees within an MANAGEME
organization. DEFINITION
The concept is not restricted to recruiting the right
candidate at the right time but it extends to exploring the
hidden and unusual qualities of your employees and
developing and nurturing them to get the desired results.
Talent Management, also known as Human Capital
Management is the process of recruiting, managing,
assessing, developing, and maintaining an organization's
most important resource i.e. its people.
Talent Management is a set of integrated organizational
workforce processes designed to attract, develop,
motivate and retain productive, engaged employees
(Find the
Right People)

Talent Talent
Deployment Identification
TALENT (Evaluate
(Get people
ready for key and
roles in the Understand
business) existing

(Invest in
People and
Goal of Talent Management

Talent acquisition is an
ongoing strategy to find
specialists, leaders, or future
executives for your company.
Talent acquisition tends to
focus on long-term human
resources planning and
finding appropriate candidates
for positions that require a
very specific skill se
Talent Identification

Talent identification is the

prediction of future
performance based upon an
evaluation of current physical,
technical, tactical and
psychological qualities.
Talent Development

Talent Development is a How are you dealing with Is everyone in the company
set of integrated your middle and bottom 100% aligned with the
organizational HR performers? business strategy?
processes designed to
attract, develop, motivate,
and retain productive,
engaged employees. The ENGAGEMENT
goal of talent development RETENTION
Have you identified your Are the employees fully
is to create a high-
top performers and do engaged and do they have
performance, sustainable
you have a plan in place tools and resources to be
organization that meets its
to keep them? 100% effective doing their
strategic and operational
goals and objectives.
Talent Deployment

Talent deployment is the

process of drawing on
identified talent to fill
critical workforce gaps.
This may include
placement of identified
talent in short-term roles
such as critical
projects/taskforces or
selection for long-term
Difference between Talent Acquisition and Talent Management

Talent acquisition is the process of Acquisition function encompoasses:

finding and acquiring skilled human Building a strong employer brand to
labour for organisational needs and to attract high potential candidate
meet any labour requirement. This
however should not be confused with Proactively building applicant pipelines
Recruitment which only aims at filling to meet current and future business
vacancies. Talent acquisition is an needs
ongoing strategy to find specialists,
leaders, or future executives for your Maintaining relationships with past
company. It tends to focus on long-term candidates for future opportunities
human resources planning and finding
appropriate candidates for positions that Strategically sourcing potential hires
require a very specific skillset. Talent from diverse backgrounds
Difference between Talent Acquisition and Talent Management

Talent acquisition forms a part of Talent Management as a process but

some sources indicate that Talent Management mostly comes into play
after acquiring talent. It is an ongoing process of developing employees,
retaining employees and preventing turnover once this talent is a part of
your organisation. Through Talent Management companies can:

1.Identify internal candidates to fill key positions

2.Increase retention rates through employee career-pathing

3.Boost morale to keep employees motivated

4.Coach and develop employees to help them achieve their full potential
Talent Gap
Talent gap simply refers to a lack of
skilled personnel in an organization.
Every organization occasionally faces
the tough issue of talent gap. The HR
Department makes an all-out effort to
fill this gap through various methods.
Persistent talent gap is likely to
hamper the growth and development
of an organization. It also has a
negative impact on the employees’
motivation as they feel demotivated
due to lack of talented people to look
up to for necessary instructions and
advice to work effectively

When an organization is fraught with

talent gap, it performs rather poorly in
every respect. This is when HR
managers step in to fill the gap by
recruiting talented people to work in
the organization.
How to fill talent gap?
Following are steps followed by HR department to till the talent gap.

1. Know the Knowledge, Skills and Abilities (KSAs) required for the
positions or vacancies.

2.Identify the areas where proficiency needed.

3.Look for persons with required KSAs within the industry or market.
Talent Management Process
Talent management process is the procedure to manage
the ability, competency, and power of employees within
an organization. Everything that is done to recruit,
develop, retain, reward and make employees perform
better is a part of talent management, people are
undoubtedly the best resources of an organisation.
Sourcing the best people from the industry has become
the top most priority of the organisations today. In such a
competitive scenario, talent management has become
the key strategy to identify and filling the skill gap in a
company by recruiting the high-worth individuals from the
industry. It is a never-ending process that starts from
targeting people. The process regulates the entry and
exit of talented people in an organisation. To sustain and
stay ahead in business, talent management cannot be
ignored. In order to understand the concept better, let us
discuss the stages included in talent management
Talent Management Process
1. Identifying the Goals 2.Attracting the Talents 3. Sourcing the talent

This is the cardinal stage The main aim of talent In this stage, the talent
and pivotal to the success of management process is to management personnel looks for
the entire talent hire the best talent for an appropriate sources in the job
management process. The organization. Organizations market or industries where the
first step is to identify what at this stage make effort to targeted people can be hired or
the organization aims to attract the best talented recruited.
achieve and what people from the job market.
characteristic qualifications
and skills the recruits should
possess to realize the goals.
Talent Management Process
6. Training and
4. Recruitment 5. Selection

This is the first stage of This is the stage where the At this stage, the selected
hiring the best talented objective of talent recruits are provided with
people for the organization. management becomes a necessary training to make them
Skilled and qualified people reality. It is when truly productive and efficient to work
are invited to join the talented people are recruited towards the goals of the
organization or hired in various roles. organization.
Talent Management Process
7. Retention 8. Assessment 9. Performance Appraisal

The notable objective of talent Periodical assessment of It is a measurement of the actual

management is not only hiring employees’ skills, abilities, performance of the employees in
talent but also ensuring their improvements and the job. It enables the
retention in the organization. competencies enable the organization to ascertain if the
Factors upon which the organization to know if they person can be loaded with extra
retention rate depends are are fit for continuation and responsibilities.
attractive pay package, job promotion.
specification, safety and
security of the employees,
personal development of an
employee, recognition and
culture of the organization,
and the fit between the job
and talent.
Talent Management Process
10. Promotion 11. Career Planning 12. Succession Planning

It refers to job enrichment. It If an employee is found This deals with the replacement
keeps the energy level high of befitting to handle work of people within the organization.
the employees and they are pressure and extra Employees who have given their
inspired to continue to work for responsibilities well, the best to the organization and have
the organization. management needs to plan been serving for long deserve to
his/her career so that he or hold higher positions.
she feels elevated and .
rewarded. Such recognition
and rewards inspire the
employees to remain with
the organization for a long
Talent Management Process
13. Exit Stage

This is the final stage of talent

management process that
ends in the retirement of the
employees and they are no
more a part of the
Talent Management Methodology
Every organization has a
different methodology for
talent management. The
following diagram shows
the complete cycle of
talent management which
involves Planning,
Acquiring, Developing,
and Retaining of able and
skilled personnel for the
Talent Management Methodology
It involves identifying, defining, and setting criteria for required
capabilities as well as examining the current talent levels.

It utilizes a varied range of strategies to attract talent.

It involves providing long-term incentive, a flexible and positive work environment, and
opportunities for advancement of good remuneration

It involves providing opportunities for career development and

training, managing employee performance, coaching and mentoring.
Planning Talent
Once you know what your organization needs, you can start thinking about
what type of talent potential to focus on.

Competencies are lasting individual attributes that cause high levels of performance. In this stage, the
organization clearly defines the specific and usable skills and talents its employees need, so as to
realize organizational goals and objectives.

There should be a set of criteria to evaluate, measure, and develop specific

competency. You need objective criteria to measure competencies effectively.

An audit may include different types of activities designed to

evaluate the level of competence. Methods include psychometric
tests and questionnaires, in-depth interviews, case studies, and
analysis of the most recent performance reviews.
Acquiring Talent
Organizations promote their culture and values to attract talented and skilled people from the
industries to work with

A recruiting brand reflects the core values of the organization and communicates the advantages of
working for the organization.

This process involves multiple steps such as interviews, tests, and

background checks

It is the final stage of hiring the skilled and talented people in the organization.
Developing Talent
These competencies help the organization attract, identify and develop talent.

Training program is useful for upgrading talent and skills of the employees and prepare them for
future challenges.

Performance management incorporates setting goals, giving performance

reviews, and providing feedback

Coaching and mentoring develops talent by encouraging people to excel at their work
and to learn on the job. These techniques engage people on a more emotional level.
Retaining Talent
Long-term incentives such as stock options or paid vacation or other benefits increasing over time
can encourage employees to couple their careers and personal goals with a long-term commitment or
association with the organization.

This involves providing genuine opportunity for advancement to the employees to retain talent in the

When working arrangements are inflexible and fixed, the options available to
employees are limited – forcing them to choose between staying with or
leaving an organization

Positive work environment is a key factor to retain talent. Management needs to

monitor these levels of satisfaction so they can forestall problems before people leave
an organization.
Development Goals
 Any activity that aims to promote or improve a particular skill,
abilities, behavior or knowledge in a particular work related area
or personal development area of an individual. So personal
development goals are objectives that helps to promote personal
and professional growth of an individual.
 Setting personal development goals will help a person in the
following ways:
1. To achieve performance objectives
2. Achieve career goals
3. Build and improve professional relationships
4. Promote time management skills
5. Find challenges in future and develop a proactive approach
6. Promote work life balance
7. Overcome the weaknesses
8. To accept the reality
9. Improve cooperation between individuals and departments
An individual should be able to set objectives to
achieve personal development that matches with
the strategic organizational needs.
The following are the major personal development
Objectives to objectives that should be set by considering the
organization’s need from a strategic perspective.
meet personal
1. To have confidence and perseverance
development  From various research work in management, it is
needs found that success depends upon self-
confidence, goal setting and perseverance.
 Since confidence and success are related, one of
the major objectives of personal development is
to enhance the confidence of the individual.
2. To gain empathy
 Empathy enables a person to objectively
comprehend different perspectives of an issue.
This will help the individuals to have various
insights about himself as well as others.
3. Develop Active Listening
Objectives to  Communication capability is one of the most
meet personal important element in the success of a person in
development an organizational setting.
 A good communicator must be a good listener
 Hence a person should develop active listening
abilities along with supporting body language.
4. To eliminate fear
 In an organizational setting, a person has to take
various risks.
 If fear dominates in taking decisions on the face
of ambiguity, the outcome will be negative or
Objectives to  Hence, a person should eliminate fear so that
meet personal he/she can make accurate and fast decisions.
development 5. To Move Along With Others
 A person has to create rapport with others in an
organization as he/she may be either a part of a
team or a department.
 Achievement of social intelligence will be helpful
in interacting with others smoothly, get the
support of subordinates, colleagues and
6. To become more proactive
 In a learning organization (double loop), the
individuals should be pro-active. This will help the
person to support the organizations to avoid
strategic drift due to unprecedented changes in
the market place
Objectives to 7. To achieve conflict resolution capabilities
meet personal  Conflict is a part of an organizational system and
development the possibilities of conflicts are very high in
modern global organizations due to the presence
of differences in nationality, race, religion etc.
 Hence, people should have ability to avoid
conflict which can be intra-individual conflict,
inter-individual conflict, group conflict etc.
8. To become more resilient
 Resilience is the innate ability to overcome any
sort of unprecedented or unexpected adversity in
personal life as well as in organizational life
 The chances of adversities are more for a
modern organization and the adversities always
Objectives to influence the implementation of strategy by the
meet personal management. Hence individuals should have
development high level of resilience .
9. Manage stress
 The individuals should be able to overcome
stress or manage it effectively.
 The possibilities of stress are very high due to
various types of changes that takes place in work
life as well as in our personal life
Personal Development Planning is a structured way
of doing the following:
• First, we should understand ourself and must set
meaningful goals.
• Next, we should define these goals in terms of what
we want to achieve and the steps we need to take to get
• Finally, we must identify gaps in our skills and
experience, and we should create an action plan to fill
them, so that we can move towards our end goal.
DEVELOPING 1.Understanding Yourself:
PERSONAL Personal SWOT Analysis
DEVELOPMENT 2. Personal PEST analysis
PLAN 3. Define Your Career
Objectives & Goals
4. Create Personal
Development Plan
1. Personal SWOT Analysis STRENGTHS

When thinking about your

strengths, don’t limit yourself to
What are you really good at?
your professional skills.
What skills do others recognize in you, and what do you
Explore all of your experiences,
get rewarded for?
and the opportunities that you’ve
What do you do better than most people you work with?
had to grow and develop. This
What are you most proud of? What experiences,
includes your education, aptitudes,
resources or connections do you have access to that
personality factors, and interests.
others don’t?
Ask yourself the following

Remember to ask your friends and colleagues to list your strengths as well. We can tend to be
self-effacing, and we often downplay our own abilities, so this is a great way to get more ideas.
When you learn where others think you excel, it can be a real boost to your self-esteem!
1. Personal SWOT Analysis WEAKNESSES

To complete the Weaknesses section of your Personal

Here, you think about the things SWOT Analysis, use the following questions as a guide:
that you’re not so good at, or the
areas where you can improve your
performance. When you list your
weaknesses, you can reduce or What skills do you struggle to master?
manage them, so that they don’t • What do you do only because you have to, in order to
stop you achieving your goals. satisfy job requirements?
Don’t “beat yourself up” about your • Are there one or two aspects of your personality that
weaknesses: we all have them. hold you back?
The trick is to recognize them and • What do other people most often identify as your
manage them appropriately. Also, weakness?
don’t be too self-critical. If you’re • Where are you vulnerable?
fair and forgiving about other • Where do you lack experience, resources or
people’s weaknesses, make sure connections, where others have them?
you forgive your own, too.
1. Personal SWOT Analysis OPPORTUNITIES

In what ways can you take advantage of your

strengths? What opportunities are open to people who
do these things well?
What would you love to do that you’re good at? • How
can you minimize your weaknesses? If these no longer
Now ask yourself.. held you back, what could you do? • Where do you see
the most potential growth for yourself: within your
current company, in a different organization, in another
industry, or in a separate career entirely? • What trends
are having an impact on your current career, or on the
one that you’re thinking about pursuing?
1. Personal SWOT Analysis THREATS

Finally, reflect on the things that could

derail your success. Although threats
often can’t be directly controlled, they can
be planned for. That’s why it’s so
important to identify as many of them as Are there any general threats that you need to think
possible. The more you know about them, about? • If you don’t address your weaknesses, what
the less likely you are to be “blindsided” problems could they cause? • What setbacks might you
by something unexpected. You might feel face? • What obstacles have other people overcome
that thinking about threats will cause you when they’re trying to get to where you want to go?
undue worry and stress. However, you
will likely experience more anxiety if you
don’t consider them, especially when they
start becoming more significant.
Remember, a threat loses much of its
impact when it’s managed and prepared
Personal SWOT
analysis worksheet
To know about the strength and
weaknesses of an individual,
he/she can use another model
which is known as Johari Window
This model enables an individual
to know about the hidden skills as
well as to improve the
internpersonal communication.
Increasing Interpersonal

What You Know About You. What You Don’t Know About You
What E
Others L
Arena Blocked F

What C
Closed Dark O
Johari Window
JOHARI The Johari Window is a conceptual model for
studying interpersonal awareness. It was
developed by Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham
WINDOW (the name Johari combines their first names).
It is a schematic model that shows how
people expose themselves to others and
receive feedback from others in their
interpersonal relationships. As shown in

Figure , the Johari Window has four parts:
Arena, Blindspot, Closed and Dark.
Arena represents the "Public self" that is
ARENA BLINDSPOT known to the self and others.
The Blindspot area is known to others, but
CLOSED DARK not to the self.
The Closed area is the "private self" which is
known to the self, but not to others.
The Dark area is neither known to the self
nor to others
Johari Window
 When feedback is given the blindspot
becomes small ( ie what you don’t know
about you becomes less and less due to
 Similarly, when self-disclosure is made,
what others don’t know about you becomes
smaller and smaller. This makes others to
interact with you by knowing you very well.
 Feedback plus self-disclosure leads to self
discovery of the hidden part of the
 Shared discovery will be there to the
unknown part.
Johari Window
Johari Window
• The implication of this model is that if Arena is
very small, there is very little free and
spontaneous interaction.
• On the other hand, the larger the Arena, the
greater the chance for participants in any
relationship to make correct perceptual
judgments about each other.
• This accurate perceptual judgment helps them
to develop realistic, mutual expectations.
Meeting these expectations increases their level
of trust and influence, and it helps them
maintain a mutually satisfying relationship. As
Arena expands, the closed area or private self
shrinks and it becomes less necessary to hide
or deny things one knows or feels.
• The Blind spot takes longer to reduce because
self concept protection mechanisms are
Johari Window
• Arena can be expanded by means of self-disclosure and feedback.
• These two variables are shown as two large arrows in the figure and range from less
to more.
• Self-disclosure means revealing oneself to another person and sharing one's own
"feelings, emotions, facts and knowledge with that individual.
• Self-disclosure is an act of showing respect for, and sharing intimacy with another
• Such an act requires trust in another person and is likely to encourage the other
person to follow suit.
• But self-disclosure involves both rewards and costs.
• Being open (more self-disclosure) offers the possibility of self-understanding, growth
and better interpersonal adjustments.
• On the other hand, when we disclose ourselves to another, we are taking the risk of
being rejected, misinterpreted or short changed.
• However, unless someone takes the risk and initiates self-disclosure, the relationship
will not develop
• Feedback reduces the Blindspot area
and helps us increase our self-
awareness, since we often do not know
how others view us.
• We can guess how they see us by their
reactions, but these reactions are often
not clear and likely to be misperceived.
• Unless we receive feedback as to how
they see us, or what kind of effects our
behaviors have on them, we are likely
to be blind to their feelings and
• The feedback given by others can hope to reduce Blindspot
only if it has the following characteristics (Anderson, 1970):
2.Based on the
foundation of 3. Should be
1. Intended to trust between the descriptive rather
help the recipient giver and than evaluative
5. Given at a time 6. Checked with
4.Specific rather when the others to be sure
than general with recipient is in a of its validity
clear examples condition to
accept it
7.Includes those 8. Should not be
things that the something which
recipient is able to is beyond the
perform capability
Self Disclosure
• How much personal information should you reveal at work? And
how should you respond when other people "open their hearts"
to you?

• Self-disclosure is a delicate issue. If you get it right, it can

strengthen relationships, instill trust, and boost your ability to
inspire and lead.

• But if you make unwise, inappropriate or untimely disclosures,

or react badly when others divulge personal details, it can have
the opposite effect.
What is self-disclosure
• Self-disclosure is the process of passing on information about
yourself to someone else – whether you intend to or not! The
details can range from the superficial, such as your favorite food
or TV show, to deeply personal information, such as religious
beliefs, and big turning points in your private life.

• There are two types of self-disclosure: verbal and nonverbal.

We self-disclose verbally, for example, when we tell others
about our thoughts, feelings, preferences, ambitions, hopes,
and fears. And we disclose nonverbally through our body
language, clothes, tattoos, jewelry, and any other clues we
might give about our personalities and lives.
Why Is Self-Disclosure Important?
• Research suggests that self-disclosure plays a key role in forming strong relationships. It
can make people feel closer, understand one another better, and cooperate more

• Emotional (rather than factual) disclosures are particularly important for boosting empathy
and building trust. And sharing your feelings with colleagues can allow you to manage
your stress and even to avoid burnout .

• There may also be times when you need to inform your manager or HR department about
highly personal information – such as a serious medical diagnosis, financial difficulties, or
a family issue. As well as keeping you in line with company policies, this type of self-
disclosure is essential for accessing the support that you need.
The risk of self-disclosure

• Self-disclosure isn't always straightforward. You need to know when

it's right to share personal details, and how to do it appropriately. Use
your best judgment in each situation to decide when to disclose
information and when to keep quiet!

• Even then, people's responses can be unpredictable. Their reactions

may come as a pleasant surprise – or they may cause
embarrassment and upset.

• If self-disclosure goes badly wrong, it can do serious damage to your

reputation . It can also put other people in a difficult position, if they
end up knowing more about you than they're comfortable with.
2. Personal PEST
analysis Personal SWOT Analysis looks at the factors within you – and
the ones close to you – that can influence your success. By
contrast, PEST Analysis digs deeper into the “big picture”
external factors that will either help or hinder your career
success. Using it makes the difference between choosing an
exciting career that’s aligned with the forces of change in the
world, and struggling for survival in a dying industry. PEST is
an acronym for the Political, Economic, Socio-cultural, and
Technological environments in which you function. To
complete a Personal PEST Analysis, you first identify the
external factors that can influence your career. Then, you
analyze each of these to identify the opportunities and threats
that they present.
1.Political Factors

Here, you consider the influence that the government and its policies may have on
the opportunities you’re looking at. Consider these questions: • What new laws or
regulations are likely to affect these? • Are you aware of any policies or schemes
that will boost or support any of these? • Will any of these policies affect your
ability to work in a specific area, make a certain amount of money, or be
reasonably secure? • Is there a change in government, or a change in policy,
expected? • What opportunities and threats do these changes or events
3. Socio-Cultural Factors

These are the societal trends that influence how attractive a particular opportunity
may or may not be.
Things to consider include:
• What demographic trends will have an impact on these opportunities? • Are the
educational requirements for them expected to change? • Are there lifestyle trends
and changes that will have an impact on the desirability of these careers? • Are
there familial expectations you have to consider when making a career decision?
How will these affect your ability to be successful? • What opportunities and threats
do these situations represent?
4. Technology Factors

Finally, you need to look at the What technological trends affect the careers you’re
technological factors that affect your considering? • Are there aspects of these jobs that are
career decisions. Technology moves likely to be automated or digitized in the next few years? •
forward quickly, and you don’t want to get What technologies are emerging to do this, and how can
left behind because you failed to consider you get experience of using them? • How is technology
its potential impact. More than this, you influencing the type of work you do, or the way you
can expect great new opportunities if you complete your tasks? • What opportunities and threats do
can get good experience of a valuable these situations present?
new technology.




 Just as all effective organizations create a
statement of their intended purpose, you must also
define the basic direction of your career.
 This is a fundamental starting point for your
Personal Development Plan.
 Take some time to decide what you want to do.
3. Defining Consider these questions:
Career • What do you intend to accomplish?
Objectives • Why is this important to you?
• What values are at the core of your decision?
• Does this make you feel that you’re making
significant contribution to other people?
• What deep emotional value or meaning does this
have for you?
• How do you want others to perceive you?
 A Career Mission Statement is very personal,
which means that there’s no formula for writing
3. Defining one.
 For example, one person might choose a very
Career specific mission such as, “To be a Finance Director
Objectives by the time I’m 45.” Another could be less specific:
“To make a real difference, and to improve the
quality of care for the elders in my town.”
 With your Career Mission Statement as your guide, you
now break your long-term objective down into manageable
 To do this, you set Major Career Goals. These are important
steps toward accomplishing your mission, and you’ll use
3. Defining them to ensure that your Personal Development Plan is on
Career track. For instance, your Career Mission Statement may
indicate that you want to be a Finance Director by the time
Objectives you’re 45. If that’s five years away, you must ask yourself
what major steps you need to take within this time to get to
that position.
 For example, you may need to complete a management
accounting qualifications, or gain experience in another
 To identify your Major Career Goals, ask yourself
whether you need to do the following:
3. Defining • Upgrade your education or qualifications?
• Gain a promotion from your current position?
Career • Get experience in a particular department?
Objectives • Move to a different organization or industry?
• Master a particular skill, or set of skills?
Ensure that the career goals are SMART
 Conducting a Skills Audit
 So far, you’ve defined where you want to go, and you’ve
identified the major steps you need to take to get there.
4. Creating  Now, you’ll take a critical look at your current situation, and
you’ll pinpoint any skills and knowledge gaps that you need
Personal to fill.
Development  You can then set specific development goals to address
these weaknesses and put yourself on course to achieve
Plan your long-term objectives.
 Your Personal Development Plan includes a Skills Audit
section that you can use to assess the skills and strengths
you currently possess, compared with those that you need.
 When you’re evaluating the skills that you’ll need,
4. Creating remember to include important general career skills, such
as team management and communication, as well as
Personal others that are directly related to your company or
Development profession.
 “Soft skills” are important, and they become increasingly
Plan important the further you go in your career.
 Create an Action Plan
 You’re finally ready to put together your Action Plan .
 This contains short-term Development Goals and Action
Steps that you can start working on right away to achieve
your Major Career Goals; and it focuses on any skills gaps
that you identified in your Skills Audit.
4. Creating  The following points should be considered while developing
Personal the action plan.
1. Choose the planning period that best fits your
Development circumstances, and add this to your Action Plan. Typically,
Plan your planning period will be the next six to 12 months.
2. For each Major Career Goal, think about what you need to
achieve within your planning period. Next, carefully
evaluate each of the skill gaps you identified in your Skills
Audit, and consider how you intend to close it. Add these
Development Goals to your Action Plan.
3. For each Development Goal, think about the specific actions
you will take to accomplish it. For example, if you need to
complete a course, you might have to write a business case for
your boss or HR department, to outline why the organization
should pay for it. Depending on the nature of the goal, there
4. Creating may be actions that depend on other people’s involvement,
Personal such as your manager or teammates.
 Factors to consider include:
Development • What training or education do you need?
Plan • What experience do you need?
• How will you get that training and/or experience? (For
example, job share, on-the-job training, courses, e-learning, or
experience through voluntary work.)
• What kind of support do you need?
• What will others do to help you? (Mentor, coach, evaluate.)
Examine Your Personal Leadership
Potential (Pinnow, 2011)
1 Self Knowledge
2 Communication
3 Able to delegate
4 Withstanding conflicts
5 Dealing with change
6 Conferring meaning
7 Having power
8Providing guidance and making decisons
9 Inspiring people
10 Loving people
Categories of Personal Development
1. Personal Skills

2. Personal Growth

3. Personal Power

4. Personal Improvement

5. Personal Empowerment

6. Personal Analysis

7. Personal Objectives
1. Personal Skills

 Personal skills can be ones you were born with as well as skills
gained through deliberate practice. They’re often referred to as soft
skills. Examples of personal skills are decision-making, teamwork,
organization, and communication.
 If you’re interested in growing your skills at work, try working on your
personal skills. The highest-paid, top individuals in their field are the
ones that focus on growing their personal skills.
 Knowing what areas you excel in and which need development is
very useful in your personal and professional life.
2. Personal Growth
 Having a personal growth plan is one of the first steps
toward bettering yourself and stepping out of your comfort
 Humans and the human mind are constantly evolving. Think
about it: you are not the same person you were a year ago.
You’ve learned more, grown in many different ways, and
have experienced more life events to further shape your
personality, beliefs, and world outlook.
 In order to experience personal development and growth,
strive to be a better version of yourself today than you were
3. Personal Power
 Personal power is the authority others believe you to have in certain
situations and is fueled by your contacts, knowledge, and financial
 Developing an ever-widening circle of contacts, seeking to learn
more, and growing financially increases the number of doors that
others will leave open for you to step into.
 Expanding your network, knowledge base and financial status will
also allow you to help others do the same, further increasing your
personal power and opportunities for personal development and
4. Personal Improvement

Knowing others is intelligence

Knowing yourself is true wisdom
Mastering others is strength
Mastering yourself is true power

4. Personal Improvement

 Personal improvement stems from good work habits and having a

positive mental attitude.
 Thinking before you act is critical to developing a strong amount of
personal improvement.
 To help you think first, try to set priorities on a list and consider the
likely consequences before beginning.
 Working on personal improvement and generating a positive mental
attitude will also reduce the amount of time that it takes you to
achieve your goals.
5. Personal Empowerment
 Personal empowerment is similar to Personal Power, except
empowerment is the power you see within yourself, instead of how
others view you.
 Promoting a positive image and adopting creativity within your daily
life can speed up the time it takes to achieve personal empowerment
and your goals.
 To help you increase your personal empowerment, consider looking
for new, creative ways to finish a project in a faster, easier or cheaper
way without compromising the end result.
6. Self Analysis
 It is very important to be conscious of areas in which
you are naturally gifted as well as analyze areas in
which you need improvement. This is called personal
 Being truthful about where you currently stand is the
first step to moving forward.
 You should be constantly evaluating where you are in
relation to achieving your goals and ambitions.
7. Personal Objectives
Ambition goes to waste when there are no clear goals in
Developing short-term and long-term goals is a pivotal
step in actually accomplishing them and growing as a
Having a set plan will help you have a clear
understanding of which strategies are necessary in
order to reach your desired destination.
Personal Development
Self Improvement
Recognizing the difference between self-improvement and
personal development can be a little tricky.
While they are similar in that they are both very instrumental in
achieving your goals and improving yourself, there are key
differences between a self-improvement plan and a personal
development plan.
Personal development is the work you are putting in to transform
yourself on a daily basis. It’s the efforts you’re making to advance
in your work, lifestyle, attitude, physique, and sociability.
Setting personal development goals and creating a plan helps
you take full advantage of any opportunity that may come your
way and make the most of your potential.

Self-improvement is an inner transformation. It is a self-motivated

study to improve one’s character, status, or knowledge by their
own efforts.
Self-improvement is a lifelong process of constantly searching for
ways to change your habits so you can reach your fullest
The specific efforts you put into personal development lead to
Napoleon Hill was a journalist and a writer. He was called to an interview with Andrew
Carnegie, one of the wealthiest people in the world in the 1920’s. Carnegie told Hill that
he wanted him to develop a philosophy or formula for success.
He told Hill that he would open the doors to the 500 richest people in America at the
time, so he could interview them and put it into a series of books to help young people
become successful much faster. The challenge however was that Carnegie wouldn’t pay
him a penny. Hill accepted the offer.
After Carnegie opened the doors for Napoleon Hill, he interviewed every wealthy person
in America. These were people that started from nothing and became exceedingly
Over the years, Napoleon Hill found that there were 17 qualities and behaviors that
every wealthy person had. He found that none of them originally started out having
these qualities and behaviors, but that they were all learned over time. They were
Hill wrote a 22 volume set on self-development and success that nobody would buy,
then he wrote a 1000 page self-improvement book that nobody would buy. Then the
depression hit and nobody would buy any books on success at all. In 1936, the
publisher released one small 250-page book called Think and Grow Rich.
It became the most successful self-improvement book in the history of the world. I’ve
read it over and over again and so have some of the most wealthy people in America.
It shows you how to completely change the way you think. It shows you how to set goals
in every area of your life. It teaches you how to dramatically take control of your life in
every area and eliminate negative emotions that hold people back.
It also shows you how to have beautiful relationships with the most important people in
your life and how to develop self-esteem, self-confidence among many other things.
Maximum Achievement is based on my lifetime of study from reading hundreds of self-
improvement books and articles, putting the material into seminars, teaching over a
million people in over 58 countries these principles and then, putting it all together into a
Maximum Achievement and Think and Grow Rich are the right hands and the left hands
of the best personal development books.

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