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What particular challenges do middle and late adolescents face? In the previous chapter, we studied about the crisis or
conflict that comes with adolescence as theorized by Erik Erikson. He identified identity vs. role confusion as the
developmental challenge an adolescent faces. We also discussed the changes that happen during the adolescence stage. It
involves the whole person, and all the aspects of a person, from the physical changes that result to puberty, to the
cognitive and brain development, social skills, personality, and spirituality. We also explored the different ways in which
the adolescent is evolving from childhood to adolescence.

In this chapter, we will discuss the challenges that an adolescent faces, particularly, the challenges a Filipino adolescent
faces. Below is a list of common challenges normal adolescents encounter. The list is not exhaustive nor is definitive. Let
us examine each of these challenges and reflect on which ones we are also experiencing.

1. Attitudes and behavior toward sexuality and sexual relationships

Puberty drives the adolescent to experience surges of sexual desires, which often lead
them to experimentation and exploration. While this is often healthy to engage in, there
is the danger of losing control over one's sexual drives which inevitably end up in
lifetime of regrets.
Adolescents exploring their sexuality should be able to draw their limits in terms of
sexual expressions, and should be responsible enough the future results or consequences
of their behaviors. Sexual relationship is healthy when the adolescent sees this as part of
a loving relationship and not as something that is just for exploration or pleasure, what is
the proper and healthy attitude toward sexuality and sexual relationships? The attitude of
being responsible for one's actions is the guiding principle toward a healthy sexuality.
Responsibility implies dealing with one's sexuality as part of establishing a healthy self-
concept or self-identity. Being responsible also implies that entering into relationships is all about genuine loving and
caring for the other person, and not just to satisfy one's urges and needs which can lead to bigger problems like teenage
pregnancies or sexually transmitted diseases. Love is genuine when the intent is to help the other person develop his or her
talents and potentials according to personal values, and to encourage them to become a better person. Love is also based
on respect for the other person's uniqueness, which means accepting and respecting that he or she is different from you;
has a different set of priorities in life; different values that he or she gives more importance to; has a personal plan for the
future; and has different emotions and feelings, attitudes, thoughts, and likes and dislikes.


2. Academic concerns
The role of a student is the primary role of an adolescent who is still in school.
Although there are other roles he or she may take, being a student takes primary
importance. While many adolescents become problematic with their academic
studies, what is most important is the attitude that they need to embrace when
studying. What is the proper attitude a learner should have?
Being responsible is called for when dealing with academic challenges. Be aware
that academic grades are not the only indicators of learning. Discipline, openness,
diligence, excellence, perseverance, curiosity, analytical and critical thinking,
memory, understanding, cooperation and team work, respecting other people's
opinions and beliefs, social interactions, leadership, and followership are some of the
more important skills and values that an adolescent student can also learn while in
school. Aside from learning these skills, one also acquires the knowledge while
studying. Memorization and comprehension are necessary elements in obtaining
knowledge. Oftentimes, what is being tested in schools is the body of knowledge one acquires and absorbs, and grades
usually reflect this. However, some schools are also aware that critical thinking and reasoning are equally important and
these are also tested and graded. This is the reason why grades are important, in spite of some contrary belief that they do
not accurately measure genuine learning. If one wishes to pursue academic excellence and further studies, then grades are
critical in achieving these goals.

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3. Group belongingness
An adolescent wants to belong. While there is an urge to be independent and
autonomous from his family and parents, there is also an urge to seek a
replacement of this support system, this time in the form of social groupings such
as school friends, memberships in organizations, and community. An adolescent
with a low self-esteem might be drawn toward organizations that promise,
camaraderie in the form of "walang iwanan," "do or die," or "one for all and all
for one" kind of social support. However, there is a possibility that these types of
organizations may be more destructive than constructive. Healthy and wholesome
organizations whose objectives aim to help individuals develop themselves are
better choices. An adolescent should not be lured by organizations that promise
"exclusivity" or "superiority," often touting false courage through strength in their numbers. Avoiding organizations that
adhere to violence and other anti-social behaviors is a responsibility of the adolescent because he is responsible for his
own welfare, his family, his friends, and his school.

4. Health and nutrition

A healthy mind and body is what every adolescent (and everybody else) should strive
for. However, adolescents, because of their growing bodies and brains, are gifted with so
much energy that seems inexhaustible, resulting in abuse of one's body and mind. Lack
of sleep and poor eating habits often result in disaster. Learn to listen to your body.

5. Developing or Regaining Self-Esteem

Are you having difficulty acknowledging your strengths and positive traits? Many
experienced life coaches and facilitators for personal growth often observe how many
adolescents, and even some adults, when asked the question about what their strengths
are, would often get stumped by the question and will take a long time before they
could create a list. It seems easier for them to list down their weaknesses and
challenges, and the list for this is more often than not, longer than the list of their

6. Roles
All human beings have roles to play in their lives. Roles are part of one's identity, such
as being a son or daughter to your parents, being a brother or sister to your siblings,
being a student in your school, or a member of your organization. Although these roles
seem separate and different from each other, adolescents must learn to integrate all
these roles and it should be clear that these roles are related to the tasks expected of
them by others. When there is a disparity between one's self-identity and the roles one
play, then confusion arises. For example, an adolescent, who is a student, has studying
as his or her top priority. However, this adolescent being the eldest in his family may
also be required by the parents to take care of his or her younger siblings and may be
asked to work after school to help in providing for the family. A healthy adolescent
whose self-identity is clear and whose roles are integrated will understand and accept the situation.

7. Material Poverty
There are many stories about school children and adolescent students who live in far-flung
areas where infrastructure is not available and of those who do not have much choice but to
walk when going to school. Some walk for hours, some cross rivers and streams, and others
go up the hills and mountains, before they will be able to reach their school. Stories of
students who could not go to school because they do not have money for food and
transportation are usually exploited in movies and television. How does an adolescent,
whose family barely has enough to live by, face this challenge of material scarcity? In this
chapter, three adolescents who faced unique challenges, with one of them growing up in the
dumpsites of Cavite City, are featured. See how this individual surmounted the challenge of
poverty in his life and how poverty awakened his advocacy in helping others.

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8. Parents Working Abroad

Another social phenomenon experienced by many Filipino families today linked
to poverty are parents who leave their families to work abroad to support the
needs of their families. How many families are affected by this phenomenon?
What is the impact of an absent parent on a child who is growing up with only
one parent, or even no parent at home? Studies are showing the social costs of this
labor migration that leaves young, vulnerable children behind.

9. Career choice
The adolescent who is creating identity for himself is faced with an urgent need to identify
what course to take in college and establish a career path for the future. While many private
schools provide career counseling and guidance which involves testing and interviews, the
adolescent can be more proactive by accessing many resource materials found in the
internet to help him identify his capabilities and skills and the wide choices of work that he
can take.

10. Relationships
Maintaining healthy relationships require a certain level of maturity. An
adolescent who is still in the process of acquiring maturity may often
find maintaining relationships challenging.
At home, a female adolescent who desires autonomy and independence
will encounter more parental objections. She may not be allowed to
attend social gatherings without chaperones, or go to out-of town trips
with males in the group. When this happens, relationships at home are
strained, and the adolescent who does not see the real purpose of why
her parents are restricting her will react negatively to such restrictions.
What is important is for the adolescent to understand that her parents
are concerned for her safety and well-being, and for the values her
parents uphold, and restricting her may be a way of showing that they
care for her.

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