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Name : Nur Bintoro

NIM : P07120420011
Departement : Bachelor of Nursing Transfer Program PPNI

Plight of Hong Kong's Domestic Helpers_ Jennifer Yu

Erwiana Sulistyaningsih is an Indonesian worker. She works in Hongkong as a

domestic helper. Erwiana was sleeping in the kitchen and used to wake up at 4.30 AM then
prepare the breakfast for family of three. But, even she did any mistake, the employer angry
to her and excruciated brutally until she has bruised cuts and open wounds. The point is she
was got physically abused and verbally abused.

Erwiana first came to Hongkong with a dream like many others, she dreamed to earn
money to improve the living condition when she’s back in her homeland of Indonesia. But
she hasn’t in a good fared. Based on the survey Mission Of Migrant Worker in 2013, 10% of
the Hongkong population is a domestic helper and 6% of it suffer from sexual abused, 18%
physically abused and 58% verbal abused.

Based on data, we can change this condition by get talking to the people around us,
spread awareness, change the mindset and stop calling them helper, treat them equal and
join the movement so we can protect the human right. That’s better for the worker to stay
out side from the house where they work in. like in the dormitory or something like that, so
they can avoid from the torture of their employer.

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