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Good Morning

I am SNOW happy to see you!
Thursday, December 15, 2022
Materials Check list
Today’s Schedule Unpack your
Morning Meeting 9:00-9:30 backpack
Math 9:30-10:45
Hang up your
Recess 10:45-11:00 things
Language Arts 11:00-12:15
Pick a lunch
Lunch 12:15-12:45
Recess 12:45-1:00 Today’s Special
Writing 1:00-1:45 Leave your

homework on
Science/Social Studies 1:45-3:00
your desk
End of Day Wrap Up 3:00-3:20

Dismissal 3:30
Hot Cocoa Hello!

❄ Students will sit in a circle on the rug

❄ Students hold their hands as if they are holding
a mug of hot cocoa
❄ Students can either sip their drink or pass the
fake mug around as they say good morning to
each other
❄ Students will take turns passing around “Good
morning _______!” to the person to their right
around the circle
Importance of the Greeting
The first component of a morning meeting is the greeting.
The greeting encourages children to greet each other by
name through an activity. First of all the greetings
welcome everyone into the circle. Secondly, the greetings
help to establish a friendly tone for the meeting and the
rest of the day. Lastly, greetings create an atmosphere
of trust.
Snowball Sharing

❄ Students will still be sitting in a circle on the rug

❄ The teacher will start with a “snowball” (either
one they purchased or just a regular ball) and
ask “What is your favorite holiday food?”
❄ The teacher will then respond with “(student’s
name) my favorite holiday food is _______.”
❄ Then the teacher rolls the ball to the student
whose name they stated
❄ Everyone will take turns rolling the snowball
and sharing until the snowball gets back to the

Importance of Sharing
The second component of a morning meeting is sharing.
During this part of the meeting, students will share their
ideas in a structured format. There are multiple different
ways in which teachers could direct this. Students can
share around the circle, in partners, or in a dialogue
sharing. Sharing at the beginning of the meeting helps to
make sure that students will have the focus needed to

complete this complex task.

This or That

❄ The teacher should have the students stand up

in the middle of the room
❄ Then explain that you will be giving them two
options to choose from and they must pick one
❄ Tell them that if they want the first choice they
should go to the wall (or left) and if they want
the second choice they should go to the
windows (or right)
❄ Then read off a list of this or that questions
❄ If wanted, you can pick a student or two to

explain their answer

This or That Prompts

Question 1 Question 2 Question 3

Live in an igloo OR live in a Have a pet polar bear OR a Meet Rudolph OR Frosty
gingerbread house pet penguin

Question 4 Question 5 Question 6

Make a snowman OR make Go sledding OR go ice skating Drink hot chocolate OR
snow angels drink hot tea
Importance of the Activity
The third component of a morning meeting is the activity.
After focusing on thoughtful sharing, the students are
full of energy and ready to participate in a lively activity.
The activity is engaging and fun for the whole class. Also,
playing this or that allows them to share their opinions.
This could be used as an opportunity to show that it’s
okay to have differing opinions.

❄ To wrap up the meeting, the teacher will talk

about how important it is to be kind to one
❄ The teacher may emphasis that being kind to
someone makes them really happy and they
will most likely be kind back
❄ The teacher can connect being kind to their
writing prompt for the day “How will you spread
kindness during the holidays?”
❄ Finish off by sharing the quote on the next slide

and explaining to the kids that kind words make

people feel good
Good words bring good feelings to the
heart. Speak with kindness, always.

Rod Williams
Importance of the Morning Message
The last component of a morning meeting is the morning
message. The students practice academic skills and build
community by learning about the message from the
teacher. The message is made to connect to the
academic and social life of the classroom. The morning
message often helps student settle down after the
activity and prepares them to start the rest of their day.

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