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Daily life in mataf 2022

at 03:00 I woke up then I immediately cleaned up the bedroom, after that I went to the bathroom to
brush my teeth and clean my face until 3:30 am after that I went out for sports and went for a
morning walk until 4:30 the next I go straight to the bathroom to take a shower until 05:00

After breakfast I immediately went to campus to take part in the 2022 mataf activities held at UMG,
arrived there at 06:00 during the mataf there were many activities carried out, including campus
introductions, organization introductions, extracurricular introductions, fashion show competitions,
etc., on at 12:00 we are welcome to take a prayer break and eat until 13:00 and the event ends at

after the event was over I immediately rushed home, got home at 18:15 when I got home I
immediately rushed to take a shower, until 18:45 after that I had dinner, read books, played games
and listened to music until 21:00 I started to get sleepy and finally sleep

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