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Nama : Muh Ilham Husain

NIM : 22TKM628

Daily Activities In The Morning:

on weekdays I usually wake up at half past five

I stayed in bed for 10 minutes to improve my mood

I washed my face and took ablution for morning prayer

then I change clothes to wear for morning run

After returning home, I took a shower to go to college

after shower i dry my hair and comb

then get dressed to go to college

I cooked food for below as supplies and had breakfast at 06.50

after breakfast i brush my teeth

put on shoes and warm up the motor

I left home for campus around 7.30

Daily Activities Outside:

I ride a motorcycle to campus

I arrived at campus at 07.55

I go to class and study during the first hour usually until 09.40

then a short break of about 20 minutes usually I eat the cake my friend sells

then go back to class and study the second hour usually until 11.40

then I take a break, usually I go eat meatballs at Mang Adel

after eating I went to the mosque with my friends for midday prayers

then back to campus at 13.00 to start the third hour

the third hour usually finishes at 2:40 p.m

because usually I have homework that is given, I usually go to the coffee shop to do it
I then prayed Asr at the coffee shop at 15.30

at 17.00 my friend and I went home

I arrived home at 17.30

Daily Activities In The Evening:

I then showered and changed clothes

I then prayed maghrib

I play games with aqil 1 to 2 hours

then I have dinner at 20.00

i wash the dishes

i brush my teeth

I locked the door and the fence of the house

I read books or watch videos on YouTube before going to bed

Daily Activities At The Weekends:

on Saturday I usually go to the market to accompany my sister to shop for groceries in the

I wash my motorbike and water my plants

I wash and dry my shoes and clothes

i iron my clothes

At night, I go out with my friends and have fun.

on Sunday I went on vacation with my family

and at night I prepare shoes and clothes that I will use the next day to go to campus

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