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Name : Adelya Anavisca

Class : J4
NPP : 33.0279

My Daily Activities at IPDN

hello my name is adel, i am a praja pratama at IPDN. I want to tell my daily activites at IPDN. I wake up at
4 o.clock every morning. Before i take a bath, i always make the bed clean. And than I go to take a bath
before i go to aerobic at 4.30 am, i usually pray subuh after take a bath. during aerobic, we do push up, sit

after aerobic, my friend and I picket clean the bathroom toilet, IQ room and arrange our clothes. After that,
I prepare for the breakfast ceremony in the serambi wisma and continued for the morning assemble in the
field of South Kalimantan. at 7.30 am my friends and I carried out learning in class taught by a lecturer
who was fun. at 12.30 pm we held a lunch ceremony in the serambi wisma. After that, we do the Zuhur
prayer before going to class. at 13.30 pm my friends and I did training in class, around 15.00 after class,
we carried out an afternoon run of 2 rounds of the parade ground. After running, I take a bath and prepare
for evening activities and evening prayers, at 6.30 pm we held a dinner ceremony in the serambi wisma.
we get different menu every eating, like fried fish, fried chicken, meat, boiled egg, vegetable and crispy
tempe. After the dinner ceremony, we held a night assemble in the field of south kalimantan, usually the
evening assemble give us information for the next day's activities. After a full day of activities, we returned
to the wisma and did personal activities, we prepare clothes for the next day, such as ironing clothes,
brazing pins, shining shoes, and not forgetting to check college assignments. at 22.00 all the lights in the
wisma must be turn off, and all of praja must be sleep.

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