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Schedule: MW 1030H – 1200H

If you were sentenced by death or firing squad how will you spend your
last 24hrs? State your answer in 8-10 sentences. (English or Tagalog is
My Last 24 Hours
If someone is subjected to the death sentence or the firing squad,
they will certainly spend their final 24 hours with their loved ones. But I
will choose to spend my last day differently, even if I know that would be
bad in the eyes of others. I will not be spending time with them because I
do not want to witness their tears and sorrow. I will spend my final 24
hours in a serene setting by myself because of this. Additionally, being in
a quiet setting allows me to think clearly about both my pleasant and
terrible recollections. I just want to be calm because in a few hours I will
be leaving and facing death, so I do not want to feel any pain, sadness, or
even happiness on my last day. Additionally, I do not have much time left
to say farewell to everyone; therefore, I only want some alone to help me
accept my fate. I will also receive a death sentence, which means that I
committed a crime that is punishable by death, and I lack the confidence
to stand before them. It is therefore my choice to spend my last day on
earth alone in a serene location like a church or a forest.

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