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Schedule: MW 1030H – 1200H

Just like Jose Rizal at the age of 20 years old who experienced his first travel abroad, write your
own/personal experience on your first trip. (Do a narrative/descriptive essay of your trip abroad
or it can be a local trip outside the province or town if not possible.) Condensed your answer in
8-10 sentences.

Everyone's desire is to travel to exotic locations, take in breath-taking scenery, and create
lasting memories. Even Dr. Jose Rizal, our national hero, liked his trips at the time. This may not
have just been because he was having fun, but also because he was learning and taking advantage
of the opportunity to see new places. We genuinely want to travel to the locations we have only
dreamed about experiencing that. To start my story, I would say that my first trip far from my town
is when I was 14 years old, I remember the exact date which is the month of May 04, 2016. My
mother and my younger brother went to Manila to see my OFW father. I would say that I enjoyed
my first experience away from my town, we went to many places.

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