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A Living Spycraft Mission for Level 2 Agents A Living Spycraft Mission for Level 2 Agents

Black Tie Black Tie

Formal by Chad Brunner
Formal by Chad Brunner

his is a standard Living Spycraft mission for a
team of up to six 2nd level agents. Set aside a
four-hour time block for this event. Begin by
asking everyone to present their agents and introduce
themselves. Make sure to inspect each agent’s history
to ensure it’s legal to play.
If someone arrives without a prepared Living
Spycraft agent, you may allow them to design a
1st-level agent using the standard Living Spycraft
agent creation rules while the others prepare for the
It’s a good idea to ask each player to use a name
tag. The tag should have the player's name at the bot-
tom, and the agent’s name, department, and gender
at the top. This makes it easier for the players to keep
track of who’s playing which character.
The actual playing time should be about three
hours. Make sure to let the players use the last 20 to
30 minutes of the event time block to briefly describe
their agents for each other, and to vote on each oth-
ers’ performance during the mission. Use the standard
RPGA Network voting procedures. Make sure everyone
has finished voting before you collect the players’ vot-
ing sheets. This way you won’t be influenced by their
votes and comments.
Shaded text within should be read to the players.
All other text is for the GC only.


Requires the use of the Spycraft™ Espionage Handbook, Requires the use of the Spycraft™ Espionage Handbook,
published by Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc., and the published by Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc., and the
Dungeons & Dragons ® Player’s Handbook, Dungeons & Dragons ® Player’s Handbook,
Third Edition, published by Wizards of the Coast .® Third Edition, published by Wizards of the Coast .®

© 2002 Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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How to Use This Product GC Introduction

Abbreviations The fall of Communism and the subsequent rise of Dem-
This adventure uses standard Spycraft NPC abbreviations, ocracy throughout Eastern Bloc nations led to a time of both
as follows: unprecedented growth and nearly inconceivable poverty.
Atk Attack Today, within the halls of government and industry, power-
Def Defense ful leaders wallow in opulence while outside their doors,
Fort Fortitude peasants line up for food and drink rations.
Init Initiative One of the greatest sources of wealth throughout the
Ref Reflex Eastern Bloc is the stockpile of military weapons and vehi-
Spd Speed cles housed within each of the countries that now occupy
SV Save the former Soviet Union. Auctioned off to the highest bidder,
v/wp vitality / wound points these weapons — including chemical and biological arsenals
Will Willpower capable of mass destruction — now regularly fall into the
Ability scores are abbreviated as normal (see the Spycraft hands of those willing to use them for their own diabolical
rules). needs.
One broker of these terrifying weapons is Ivan Stratovich,
To prepare to run this serial, you should read it completely at a former Soviet general of the Chechnyan military, who ar-
least once. You may wish to photocopy the map at the end of the ranged the theft of untold war surplus from remote Russian
download for ease of use as well. installations. These ill-gotten gains have netted Ivan millions
of dollars in profit, but he’s yet to sell his greatest prize —

the Chemical Distribution Missile Augmentation System
(CDMAS), an experimental chemical device designed to
couple with a conventional ICBM. When armed and mount-
This module requires the use of the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® ed, the CDMAS spreads its deadly cargo behind the missile
PLAYER’S HANDBOOK, THIRD EDITION, published by Wizards of the even as it speeds towards its target, potentially infecting
Coast,® and Spycraft™ Espionage Handbook, published by Alderac hundreds of thousands along the missile’s flight path before
Entertainment Group, Inc. You won’t be able to run this adventure detonation. Ivan’s quiet inquiries throughout the black
without it. market have yielded several offers, though he’s accepted
Spycraft, Shadowforce Archer and all related marks are ™ and none. His inquiries have also drawn the Agency’s attention,
© 2002 Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. All rights reserved. which leads to the agents being sent in to find and disable
or destroy the device.

Blacktie Formal
Ivan himself provides a perfect cover for the operation. His
incredible profits have gone to his head, and he’s arranged
a gala to display several pieces of art recently acquired with
Author: Chad Brunner his illicit earnings. The party is by invitation only, and Ivan
Art Director: jim pinto invites only society’s upper crust, many of whom he’s never
Brand Manager: Patrick Kapera met before. The agents need only join the festivities.
Editor: Patrick Kapera The party is to be held in three days.
Creative Director: Mark Jelfo
Graphic Design: Dave Agoston Serial Synopsis
Cover Illustration: Jason Walker Black Tie Formal follows the standard Spycraft serial
Cartography: Cris Dornaus format, and is divided into an Introduction and three Scenes.

Mission Briefing and Gearing Up: The agents receive their

briefing from Control in Moscow. They’re given the CDMAS’
possible location — in the manor house of Ivan Stratovich,
a former Soviet general — with instructions to infiltrate the
manor, find the weapon and destroy it, along with any other
evidence or materials related to its design and development.
The team’s cover during the infiltration is a celebration and
art showing hosted by Ivan in three days. The CDMAS sale
is rumored to take place within the week following the art
showing, so time is of the essence.
3 4

Scene One — RSVP: The agents are transported to a city many European notables, most of which we’re pretty sure he
near Ivan’s manor. They have three days to arrange methods doesn’t know personally. You’ll be among the guests.”
to enter the building, since the skills of the entire team will
be needed once inside. The image switches again to display a large manor house,
surrounded by a tall stone wall.
Scene Two — Dry Clean Only: During the gala, the agents
explore Ivan’s facilities. They must escape the ongoing cele- “The showing takes place in three days, which should give you
bration, avoid the guards, search the building, and destroy plenty of time to prepare. You’re to infiltrate the manor house
the CDMAS. during the gala, complete your mission, and withdraw with-
out notice.”
Scene Three — Party Crashers: A sudden complication
arrives in the form of several well-armed rebels who attempt “We’ve provided floor plans for the manor that we believe are
to take Ivan and his guests hostage, using them as chips at least marginally accurate, and you may draw upon R&D as
to barter the release of several of their comrades currently usual. Security should be lowered during the art showing, but
held in a nearby Chechnyan prison. The agents must deal I advise against taking hardware that might attract attention.
with the rebels and arrange for an appropriate escape from
the embassy. “That’s all agents. Make us proud.”

Mission Briefing
The plane lands in Chechnya, approximately an hour
by vehicle to the safe house assigned to the agents until the
evening of the gala.

Gearing Up
Read the following to begin this serial.

Your team is summoned to a nearby airport and directed to

a private chartered lear jet. As the plane taxis onto the run- Per the Living Spycraft rules, the GC should provide
way, you’re informed that the flight is heading for Chechnya. the agents with a time limit of 20–30 minutes to choose gear
Control is busy elsewhere, but provides a video briefing and and gadgets.
additional hard copies of your mission files. The flight atten-
dant starts the video as the plane lifts off… This mission is Code: Yellow.
The agents may requisition any standard-issue gear they
Control’s image, seated behind a wide flat desk, appears on wish, but they may choose no individual gadget valued
the screen. His sharp British accent matches his tailored black above 4 GP (except vehicles). All gear and gadgets the agents
suit. Behind him, a monitor flickers to life as he begins. requisition arrives at the safe house within 24 hours after
their arrival.
“Ladies and gentlemen, you’re en route to Chechnya to con- Remind the agents that stealth is vital during this mission.
duct an espionage and sabotage mission. An ex-Soviet gen- While the agents might be able to smuggle weapons past the
eral named Ivan Stratovich has managed to steal a prototype guards, any breach of security is considered a failed mission
for a chemical distribution system designed to piggyback on objective.
a conventional ICBM, delivering a deadly chemical payload
over thousands of miles. This device, the Chemical Distri-
Recommended Gadgets
bution Missile Augmentation System, or CDMAS for short, If time is short or the GC wishes to get straight to
will be on auction to the highest bidder in the next few the action, it’s encouraged that he assign gadgets from the
weeks. We can’t let this device fall into the wrong hands. You following list, or allow the agents to normally requisition
must find and destroy the prototype, along with any research gadgets from these options.
materials Stratovich might have about it.”
• Standard belt (1 GP), possibly with a lockpick (+1 GP) or a razor’s edge
The monitor flickers to reveal a strong-jawed man in his late (+1 GP).
40’s, wearing a Russian military uniform. • Standard attaché case (1 GP), possibly with the “magic box“ (+1 GP) or
safe passage (+1 GP) options.
“Stratovich is pretty small potatoes, but considering how • Dartgun or spray cigarettes (1 GP per 2 for either).
volatile the region is, we can’t afford to go in there guns • Endless prism earrings (1 GP per pair).
blazing and potentially create an international incident. • Poison lipstick (2 GP per 3 uses).
Luckily, the general has provided us a way in. He’s just come • Document scanner (1 GP).
into considerable wealth from selling weapons on the black • Memory paper (1 GP per 2 pages).
market, and he’s been collecting priceless works of art left • Other-directional glasses (1 GP).
and right as a way to buy his way into the upper class. He’s • Translator lenses (3 GP).
arranged for a showing of his new collection and invited • X-ray lenses (2 GP).
5 6

• Standard shoe option (1 GP per pair) with blade (+1 GP) or shock-tip (+2 2. Forging an invitation: Agents who inquire in town about
GP) options. invitations to the art showing are directed to the local
• Radio tooth (2 GP). print shop, which is happy to show the agents one of the
samples, but refuse to part with it. The agents may easily

Scene 1: RSVP
break into the shop at night to acquire one or more
of these samples. The door lock has a hardness of 4 with
20 wound points and a Break DC of 15, and no addition-
al security. Forging an invitation from memory after
Agent Description a visit to the print shop is relatively easy as well, having
Read the following to kick off the action in Scene 1. a DC of 15.

GC Description 3. Breaking in: Though not recommended by Control, agents

may attempt to break into the manor just before the show-
Your destination. the town of Milivoi. is smeared out across ing. See page 17 for details about manor security and
the mountain range below your low-flying chartered plane. guards.
Situated roughly halfway between the Chechnyan cities of
Shali and Kirovauya, southeast of Grozny, Milivoi was pre- The agents may also attempt to glean additional informa-
served from the worst of the Russian conflict, yet still it bears tion about Stratovich, the manor, or the art show by asking
the scars of a country at war. The isolated mountain refuge is around town. The information gained depends upon the
littered with the expired husks of vehicles used to flee Grozny result of the team’s Gather Information check. The GC may
and other battle sites, and homes are secured as best the choose to roleplay the conversations that produce this infor-
occupants can manage against intrusion. At the outermost mation, releasing a few parcels during each encounter.
edges of town, you can even make out signs of recent fight-
ing, though the town is at rest at the moment. Check Results
10 Ivan has just recently come into money,
At the extreme southern edge of Milivoi, surrounded by a and is eager to buy his way into high soci-
quarter-mile plain of open terrain, you spot a three-story ety. Most people in town view him as little
manor that matches the intel you’ve received about more than a thug, and only grudgingly
Stratovich’s home. Kept in far superior shape to any other accept him. It’s unlikely Ivan even knows
building in town, the manor house is resplendent, a burning most of the people invited to his event.
example of the Russian General’s recent material gains. and The manor has been in the Stratovich
his excesses. family for years. Recently, some rebel
activity has been taking place outside the
Preparations for the gala have already begun. Tents are erect- city, but it’s relatively quiet now.
ed outside the manor house and groundskeepers work fever- 15 Trucks are seen pulling in and out of the
ishly to taper and sculpt the hedges along the property’s edge manor on a regular basis, but what they’re
and the expansive garden in front and behind the building. carrying is anyone’s guess. The art show
is the first time Stratovich has opened his
Your pilot brings you down a few miles outside town. He says doors to the public. He usually keeps the
that he’ll return the night of the gala. “Unless there’s fight- house well guarded and locked up like a
ing. Then you’re on your own.” safe.
20 Rebel activity in the area has risen
While at the safe house, the agents may arrange for dramatically since a small group was
invitations to the gala, or investigate Ivan Stratovich and his captured and put in a nearby prison.
holdings. Though some in town have looked to
The agents are provided with the manor house floor plans Stratovich for help in protecting the city,
(see page 23-24 for a prop to hand them during play and most are sure that should it come to that,
page 21-22 for keyed manor house location descriptions), but Stratovich will only protect his own land.
they’re told that nothing is known about the lower floor. 25 Stratovich has ties with the Russian black
The agents need to find a way into the manor without market, and has been dealing weapons since
attracting attention. The most likely options are: his retirement. Within the past few months,
his dealings have grown in size dramatical-
1. Acquiring a returned invitation: Over 200 invitations were ly. Well-armed guards patrol the grounds of
sent out three weeks ago, each for one person and a guest. his property as well as inside the building.
Up to 1d10 RSVPs arrive by return mail each day, allow- 30 Rumors persist that the rebels are about
ing the agents to steal one or more from the manor house to attack the nearby prison to free their
mail drop before the servants collect them. comrades.
7 8

The evening proceeds according to schedule. Game text

Threats is provided for agents who participate in the gala’s events
There are no notable threats during this scene. The agents (perhaps to provide cover for other team members lurking
can move about with relative freedom until the gala. about the manor).
Schedule of events and game text:
Keep track of the agents’ accomplishments throughout this 8pm Gal a Begins
scene and reward them with the following XP at the serial’s
end accordingly. As you present your invitation and proceed into the ante-
Note: Experience is not rewarded until the serial’s end, and chamber, you note that Stratovich has spared no expense to
agents may not gain levels during a serial. promote his opulence and prestige. Spaced along the walls
you find rows of seemingly priceless statues, paintings,
• Acquiring one or more real invitations to the gala: and tapestries illuminated from overhead spotlights. Milling
75 xp per agent. about, guests speak quietly in small clusters, their voices too
• Breaking into print shop and acquiring the sample low to make out unless you brazenly join the conversation.
invitation: 50 xp per agent.
• Forging one or more invitations: 50 xp per agent Shortly after 8pm, a small chime is heard, and Stratovich him-
• Learning one or more rumors with a Gather self makes an appearance, striding down the center stairwell
Information DC of 20 or less: 50 xp per agent. from the third floor with all the bold demeanor of the super-
• Learning one or more rumors with a Gather rich. The audience applauds politely and Stratovich raises his
Information DC of 25 or more: 100 xp per agent. hand to quiet them, then speaks…
Development “My friends. Please enjoy the humble pleasures of my home.
Acquiring an invitation to the art showing directly leads Later this evening, I will personally conduct a tour of the
the agents into Scene 2 (the gala), during which they enter manor and my art collection, and then we can retire to the
the manor and search for the CDMAS and other relevant dining room for a late supper. Until then, do not hesitate
information about Stratovich and his plans. to prevail upon my staff should you need anything.”

Scene 2: Dry Clean Only With introductions aside, Stratovich proceeds back up the
stairs and disappears into the darkness of the third floor.
9pm Stratovich Personally Le a d s
Agent Description Tour o f Manor
The gala begins promptly at 8 pm. Read the following
as the agents arrive. At precisely 9 pm, Stratovich once more appears, this time
smiling and motioning for the guests to follow. His tour of
Your Agency-provided towncar pulls up to the Stratovich the manor includes comments on each of his prized acquisi-
manor, finally through the long queued stream of cars and tions in detail (often with incorrect facts, you notice). The
limosines winding their way down the wide trail and through guests proceed along at a slow pace, smiling and nodding
the enormous gate arching over the thick stone walls that ring occasionally at their host’s exubberant anecdotes.
the building. The manor is brilliantly illuminated by spotlights
which have no doubt been brought in just for the occasion.
10pm Tour Concl udes and Dinner
At the entryway, two men open your car’s doors and escort
you into the building…
The tour concludes in the dining room, where the table is laid
out with an exquisite variety of foods from all around the
GC Description world. Stratovich mingles among the guests as they move to
A map of the manor house is provided on page 21-22, and sample the delicacies.
the accompanying map descriptions included later in this
scene offer guard locations and Stratovich’s placement dur- 10:30pm Rebels atta c k
ing the gala and the rebel attack.
This is a time-driven scene, and the GC should be careful This event is left optional in case the first two scenes leave no
to keep track of the time and include it regularly in his time for another. In this case, proceed to the debriefing.
descriptions. Taking 10 or 20 with skill checks is dangerous Otherwise, proceed to Scene 3 for a description of this event.
here, potentially triggering Scene 3 before the agents are
ready to deal with the rebels.
9 10

Full-fledged water pursuits in the marina are handled nor- attracting attention. The room isn’t part of the tour, during
mally. Dr. Starling’s lead carries over from the ground chase which it’s full of servants preparing the room for the meal to
to the water, and he gains 1d4 additional leads each round take place afterwards.
the agents are stuck at the docks without a way to pursue.
1E. Kitchen: The manor’s kitchen bustles with activity
Map Key throughout the evening. Servants are busy preparing trays of
The following map key provides descriptions of each drinks and appetizers while the cooks frantically prepare for
manor location, as well as details about the movements the gala’s formal dinner. Agents who enter this area may
of guards and spectators. Please refer to this text while run- initially attract the servants’ attention, but they are soon
ning this open-ended scene. after ignored, as the staff has far more important matters
to deal with.
Ground Fl oor
The ground floor is filled with guests and servants 1F. Pantry: This storage area contains dry foods and other
throughout most of the evening. Four guards walk the floor non-perishables. The room’s only visitors are occasional ser-
in pairs of two. They’re dressed casually, but the GC should vants, searching for something needed for the dinner menu.
make Spot checks (DC 15) to see whether each agent notices
them. With a Spot check result of 20 or more, the agent also 1G. Game Room: This room is clearly not very often used,
notices a well-concealed Glock 18 under each guard’s vest. housing a number of abandoned musical instruments, the
The majority of the ground floor is composed of visiting centerpiece of which is a finely crafted antique harpsichord.
rooms, dining areas, and staff areas (including the kitchen). No NPCs enter this room during the gala.
The center stairway leads up to the second and third floors,
and a small stairwell beneath a trapdoor in the southwest 1H. Servant’s Quarters: This area contains the sparse quar-
leads to the cellar and basement. ters for the home’s male servants. No NPCs enter this room
during the gala.
1A. Antechamber: Two servants greet guests here, check-
ing their invitations and offering to take their coats, which 1I. Servant’s Quarters: This area contains the sparse quar-
are taken to location #1K. Two guards stand near the ters for the home’s female servants. Just outside this room,
entrance to the Main Hall in formal military attire, their along the home’s servant corridor, is a trapdoor leading
weapons clearly visible. No one checks for weapons, so the to a stairwell down into the cellar and the locked armory.
agents are able to smuggle in any weapons of Small size No NPCs enter this room during the gala.
or less without suspicion. Most guests pause only briefly
in this room before proceeding into the manor house proper. 1J. Sun Room: This room is designed to take full advan-
tage of the north and eastern sunlight, with impressive
1B. Main Hall: The majority of the festivities take place stained glass windows along both walls. Near the windows
in this massive 40-ft. long hall, flanked on both sides by are box planters and hanging baskets, along several couches.
staircases that wind up through the manor’s center to the Tables were placed here recently, upon which are various
second and third floors. Guests fill this chamber, and the small pieces of attractive art. During the evening, guests
newest of Stratovich’s acquisitions line the walls. Agents can move freely between the ballroom and this chamber. This
move quite easily through the area and up the stairs without is the third and final room visited during Stratovich’s tour.
attracting any attention. This is the first room visited during
Stratovich’s tour. 1K. Informal Dining Room: Normally used by Stratovich
when he’s not entertaining, this area has been converted into
1C. Ball Room: The floor of this ornate ballroom has been a makeshift coatroom. The table is strewn with stylish hats,
cleared and now hosts a series of tall bar-style tables, upon coats and furs, and a servant stands nearby at all times
which rest many decorative sculptures. Guests fill this room to make sure no one leaves with someone else’s belongings.
as well, standing near the tables, sipping drinks and using the Agents may move freely into this chamber, but should they
carelessly laying their appetizer plates on the pedestals. take too great an interest in the items here, the servant kind-
Agents can move freely through the area without attracting ly asks them to leave.
any attention. This is the second room visited during
Stratovich’s tour, and the destination of many guests during 1L. Lounge: This small room contains several comfortable
dinner. When the rebels attack, the guests are held hostage couches and tables, with a wide variety of general interest
here. books and magazines liberally sprinkled throughout. Though
mainly unused by Stratovich, the servants enjoy the room
1D. Dining Room: The dining room houses a long, elegant when guests aren’t about, and keep it clean and inviting.
table that can seat nearly 30, exquisitely decorated for the No NPCs enter this room during the gala.
evening. Agents can move freely through this area without
11 12

1M. Portrait Room: The lighting in this room is kept dim. 2F. Nursery: A reminder of the Stratovich family’s history,
Portraits of Stratovich’s ancestors (some dating back several and the room where Ivan himself grew up, this room contains
hundred years) are interspersed with classic oils bought with a crib, a child’s bed, and several dressers along one wall.
the General’s ill-gotten black market earnings. The centerpiece A toy bin holds finely crafted wooden playthings, all decades
here is a portrait of Stratovich himself, standing proudly in full old. No NPCs enter this room during the gala.
military garb. No NPCs enter this room during the gala.
2G. Stairwell: The manor’s central stairwell is a series
1N. Library: This library is lined wall to wall, floor to of winding wooden steps leading from the first floor through
ceiling, with rows of books, the majority of them at least 50 the second and up to the third. Anyone on the stairs is usu-
to 100 years old. In truth, Stratovich rarely enters this room, ally visible from this location and anywhere on the stairs, but
as he keeps a private library on the third floor (location #3F). careful agents may make a Hide check opposed by observers’
No NPCs enter this room during the gala. Search or Spot skills to move along the stairs without being
seen from another floor. Each floor is 10 feet above the level
1O. Trophy Room: The walls of the trophy room are lined below, and adventurous agents should have little trouble
with the heads of animals bested by Stratovich’s ancestors. jumping down between the staircases an emergency (making
Stratovich doesn’t consider himself much of a hunter, a Tumble check to reduce or negate damage as described
though, and so this room has fallen into neglect. Though the on page 66 of the Spycraft Espionage Handbook.
servants work to dust and maintain the items here, it’s clear
this room isn’t used often. No NPCs enter this room during Third Floor
the gala. The third floor houses all of Stratovich’s private rooms,
including his library, study, and bedroom. All of his business
Second Floor matters are kept on file here in his study’s personal comput-
The manor’s second floor contains a number of attractive er. Two guards are supposed to be on watch here through the
bedrooms, though Stratovich sleeps on the third floor. These evening of the gala, but they in fact play cards whenever
bedrooms are currently reserved for guests of the gala, Stratovich isn’t around. The guards only leave the parlor
though no one has officially taken Stratovich up on the offer if they hear a noise, or if someone opens the parlor door.
as yet, so the rooms remain empty of personal belongings. Before the tour, Stratovich can be found in his study,
No NPCs enter this room during the gala. finalizing the details of the CDMAS sale.

2A. Gentleman’s Bedroom: This bedroom contains a single 3A. Bedroom: Stratovich’s bedroom is a vast, opulent
bed, a writing desk along one wall, and a dresser. It’s well affair, anchored by a king-sized four-poster bed. The walls
maintained, but hasn’t seen a guest in several weeks. No are decorated with paintings of Stratovich in various military
NPCs enter this room during the gala. poses and scenes, and sculptures dedicated to military
prowess rest on pedestals in each of the chamber’s corners.
2B. Ladies Bedroom: This bedroom contains a queen-sized Stratovich only uses this room to sleep, preferring to work
four-poster bed, a vanity along one wall, and a dresser. in the study (location #3C) or the media room (location #3D).
It’s well maintained, but hasn’t seen a guest in several weeks. No NPCs enter this room during the gala.
No NPCs enter this room during the gala.
3B. Waiting Room: Stratovich commonly uses this room
2C. Gentleman’s Bedroom: This bedroom contains a single to entertain guests while he conducts affairs elsewhere.
bed, a writing desk along one wall, and a dresser. It’s well Several desks line the walls, each with modem and DSL
maintained, but hasn’t seen a guest in several weeks. hookups, and a large screen TV with a direct satellite feed is
No NPCs enter this room during the gala. situated in the corner.

2D. Ladies Bedroom: This bedroom contains a queen-sized 3C. Study: Stratovich conducts his personal business in
four-poster bed, a vanity along one wall, and a dresser. this room dominated by a large, oak desk. Bookcases flank
It’s well maintained, but hasn’t seen a guest in several weeks. the desk against the walls, containing recent business,
No NPCs enter this room during the gala. finance, and modern arms and military equipment books.
A laptop computer sits on the desk throughout the gala.
2E. Couples Bedroom: Designed for married couples It contains all of Stratovich’s files on the CDMAS, including
staying over at the manor, this room houses a king-sized the bidders’ contact information. Other files list the contents
four-poster bed, with both a writing desk and a vanity, and of the armory in the basement (location #4E), and potential
a set of dressers. No NPCs enter this room during the gala. buyers for most of this hardware.
13 14

The laptop is password protected (the password is Basement

‘Ivantheterrible’), requiring a Computers check (DC 20) to The basement’s outer façade is dressed up as a wine cellar
bypass. The agents may choose to destroy the files or take the and food storage room, but beyond its locked door lie
laptop with them, which is easily concealed within any stan- Stratovich’s arms storage facilities. Four guards watch over
dard-size briefcase. this floor, but only two of them are on patrol in the main
Stratovich remains here until the tour, when he shows off hallway (location #4I). Firearms used within the basement
his new collection. During that time and afterwards, the door alert the guards and all guests on the upper floors.
to the study is locked, requiring an Open Lock (DC 15) or
Break (DC 15) check to enter. 4A. Cellar: This cold, dark room is used to store the manor’s
perishables. Currently, it’s stacked nearly wall to wall with stock
3D. Media Room: One wall of this room is dominated by for the celebration, and the agents find the room difficult
a series of television screens. A desk sits in the middle of the to navigate. The only clear paths lead to the doors to locations
room, facing the screens, with a single remote sitting on #4B and #4C. The door leading to the north hallway (location
a stack of papers. Stratovich spends most of his time here #4I) can be found behind a stack of empty boxes with a suc-
during the day, reviewing news reports from around the cessful Search check (DC 20). This door is always locked
world and watching foreign broadcasts to gain an accurate (requiring a successful Open Lock check with a DC of 15 to
picture of the Chechnyan rebel uprisings not 20 miles away. open), though Stratovich and each of the guards has keys.
The papers on the desk contain personal notes by Servants occasionally come downstairs during the gala for
Stratovich commenting on the likelihood of the rebels taking more food or wine for the guests. Agents who are seen by the
action sometime soon, and the potential of selling arms to servants receive a strange look, but arouse no additional
them. suspicion.
No NPCs enter this room during the gala.
4B. Wine Cellar: This dank room is filled with wine racks,
3E. Parlor: This waiting chamber contains a variety of most caked with dust. The wine cellar hosts a number
tables, chairs, and couches, and is far more comfortable than of excellent vintages, though none are sampled this evening
the waiting room across the hall. Stratovich uses this room (as Stratovich has no intention of dipping into his personal
to entertain female quests, and it has a much softer feel than stores for people he doesn’t even know). No NPCs enter this
the rest of the house. room during the gala.
Two guards are posted here through the evening. These
men investigate all unusual noise on the third floor, though 4C. Cold Storage: This room houses several deep freezers
agents caught where they shouldn’t be can convince the for long-term food storage. No NPCs enter this room during
guards that they’re lost with a successful Bluff check opposed the gala.
by the guards’ Sense Motive skill. With success, one of the
guards escorts the agents back downstairs and then returns 4D. Guard Barracks: This bedroom houses six of the twelve
to the parlor. With failure, one of the guards watches the guards living in the manor. They sleep in bunk beds, with
agents while the other goes to get Stratovich. lockers at the end of each to store personal effects. None of
these personal effects are of use to the agents. No NPCs enter
3F. Library: Though similar to the library located on the this room during the gala.
ground floor (location #1N), this room’s contents focus
exclusively on military history and strategy. Most of the 4E. Weapons Locker: This room is secured with a stout lock
books here are clearly well read, and several sit open upon requiring a successful Open Lock check (DC 18) to bypass. With-
a desk near the window. These open books relate to the in are kept the manor guards’ weapons and ammunition. Three
effect of arms escalation on a country’s economic strength. lockers are found here, each requiring a successful Open Lock
No NPCs enter this room during the gala. check (DC 15) to get into. Each locker contains the following.
• 2 Glock 18 service pistols
3G. Stairwell: The manor’s central stairwell is a series • 1d4 Glock 18 ammunition clips (17 shots each)
of winding wooden steps leading from the first floor through • 1 Kalashnikov Saiga 12K combat shotgun
the second and up to the third. Anyone on the stairs is usu- • 1 boxes of shotgun ammunition (1d20+20 shots)
ally visible from this location and anywhere on the stairs, but • 1 fragmentation grenade
careful agents may make a Hide check opposed by observers’ • 2 CS gas grenades
Search or Spot skills to move along the stairs without being
seen from another floor. Each floor is 10 feet above the level Agents might well find a use for all this hardware if
below, and adventurous agents should have little trouble they’re downstairs when the rebels attack.
jumping down between the staircases an emergency (making No NPCs enter this room during the gala.
a Tumble check to reduce or negate damage as described on
page 66 of the Spycraft Espionage Handbook).
15 16

4F. Equipment Storage: This room is secured with a stout Within the room are several disassembled weapons parts,
lock requiring a successful Open Lock check (DC 18) to and large binders containing notes regarding the design and
bypass. Within are shelves containing miscellaneous equip- creation of chemical and biological distribution systems.
ment the guards don’t typically carry, as follows. It should be clear to visiting agents that Stratovich is not
only intent upon selling the CDMAS, but also wishes to
• 6 batons mass-produce it. Along the southern wall is another heavy
• 8 kevlar vests steel door (see above for statistics).
• 2 gas masks No NPCs enter this room during the gala.

No NPCs enter this room during the gala. 4L. Vault: This room is locked with an electronic keypad,
to which only Stratovich knows the code (this code is differ-
4G. Guard Barracks: This bedroom houses six of the twelve ent from location #4K). The lock is extremely well crafted,
guards living in the manor. They sleep in bunk beds, with requiring a successful Electronics check (DC 20) to bypass,
lockers at the end of each to store personal effects. None and the door is made of heavy steel (it has a hardness of 15
of these personal effects are of use to the agents. No NPCs with 50 wound points and a Break DC of 30).
enter this room during the gala. The CDMAS is found here, sitting on a large and extreme-
ly sturdy table coated with aluminum (hardness 7 if the
4H. Heavy Arms Storage: This room is secured with a stout agents decide to use it as cover). As described in the agents’
lock requiring a successful Open Lock check (DC 20) to briefing packet, the CDMAS is a series of steel canisters
bypass. Within is the heavy military gear that Stratovich fastened to a heavy mounting harness. The device is com-
plans to sell off to the highest bidder. The weapons are stored pletely harmless, and easily destroyed beyond repair with
in unlocked crates stacked against the walls. The crates con- a successful Electronics or Mechanics check (DC 10).
tain the following. No NPCs enter this room during the gala.

• 2 Russian Arsenal LPO-50 flamethrowers Threats

• 2 refill canisters of flamethrower fuel Guards are positioned in key areas throughout the manor
• 2 Tula KBP GM-94 grenade launchers (see the map key descriptions on page 10-17).
• 1d6+2 impact fragmentation grenades
• 1d10+2 flechette grenades Manor Guards, 2nd-level minions (minions, squads of 2, 12 in
• 1 RFAS RPG-27 Tavolga rocket launcher all – 23 MP). CR 2. SZ M; v/wp 16/14; Init +3 (+2 class, +1 Dex),
• 1d4+1 105mm HEAT rockets Spd 30 ft.; Def 12 (+1 class, +1 Dex); Atk: Glock 18 +3 (1d10+1);
Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ None; SV Fort +3, Ref
No NPCs enter this room during the gala. +3, Will +1; Str 11, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10; Skills:
Balance +4, Driver +3, First Aid +3, Intimidate +3/+2, Jump +2,
4I. Hallway/Guard Station: Two guards are stationed at the Sense Motive +2, Spot +4, Tumble +4. Feats: Point Blank Shot.
northern end of this hallway, instructed to remain on alert for Gear: Weapon, average clothes. Gadgets and Vehicles: None.
any unauthorized visitors. When anyone enters this area, the
guards first order for them to stop and direct them to return Stratovich is on site as well, though he only enters com-
upstairs. If this order isn’t immediately obeyed, the guards bat if he’s reasonably certain he can win.
draw their weapons and threaten to open fire. The guards are
overly confident, and don’t call for assistance unless combat Ivan Stratovich, 4th-level soldier (mastermind – 20 MP). CR 4.
turns against them. Unless the alarm is raised, no NPCs enter SZ M; v/wp 42/12; Init +5 (+3 class, +2 Dex), Spd 30 ft.; Def 14 (+2
this room during the gala. class, +2 Dex); Atk: Glock 22 +7 (1d8+2); Face 1 square; Reach 1
square; SA per class; SQ per class, Damage Resistance 1/–; SV Fort
4J. Machinery Storage: This unlocked room is cluttered +5, Ref +4, Will +2; Str 11, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10;
with tables and machinery, as Stratovich and his guards test Skills: Balance +5, Climb +2, Cultures +2, Diplomacy +2, Driver +6,
and maintain their stolen equipment. A small test-firing First Aid +3, Intimidate +2/+2, Jump +2, Knowledge (Art) +1, Spot
range is set up along the eastern wall for use with some of +4, Tumble +5. Feats: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Sharp-
the small caliber armaments. By the evening of the gala, all Shooting, Weapon Focus (Glock 22). Gear: Weapon, dress uniform.
weapons have been removed from this location. No NPCs Gadgets and Vehicles: None.
enter this room during the gala.
4K. Weapons Lab: This room is locked with an electronic Once inside the manor, any loud noise, including gunfire,
keypad, to which only Stratovich knows the code. The lock is immediately draws the guards’ attention. Within 1d3 min-
extremely well crafted, requiring a successful Electronics check utes, every guard on a particular floor arrives to investigate.
(DC 20) to bypass, and the door is made of heavy steel (it has Half the remaining guards (rounding down) arrive 1d4 min-
a hardness of 15 with 50 wound points and a Break DC of 30). utes thereafter. The guards are distributed as follows.
17 18

Ground Floor: 6 guards (2 at location #1A, 4 patrolling Through the open doorway, four figures storm into the
in pairs). manor. Dressed in fatigues and carrying heavy assault rifles,
Second Floor: No guards. the men rush in, shouting for the guests to move into the
Third Floor: 2 guards (at location #3E). dining room.
Basement: 4 guards (2 at location #4I, 2 patrolling).
The manor guards are instructed to avoid gunfire (so as
not to spook the guests), but if they see firearms, they don’t GC Description
hesitate to shoot first. Unless the agents are careful, the situ- Should the agents play along, continue with the following
ation may very well escalate out of their control rather text:
quickly. The GC is provided with one powerful tool to quell
open hostilities — for a time, at least — in the form of the As the last of the guests are rounded up, one of the soldiers
rebel attackers (see page 19). steps forward to speak. The others keep their rifles at the
Keep track of the agents’ accomplishments throughout this “We are holding this manor hostage,” the attacker says, “until
scene and reward them with the following XP at the serial’s our brethren are freed from their unjust captivity!”
end accordingly.
Note: Experience is not rewarded until the serial’s end, and The rebels refuse to speak with anyone. They treat the
agents may not gain levels during a serial. hostages well, and do not attack unless provoked.
After an hour, one of the rebels inside the manor sets up a
• Destroying the CDMAS: 150 xp per agent video camera and films the hostages, then records a message
• Destroying the files on Stratovich’s computers: 100 per agent for the undisclosed nation in possession the rebels’ allies.
• Destroying the material in the weapons lab: 75 per agent Should the agents do nothing through all of this, the Agency
• Killing one or more of the manor guards: 25 xp per agent launches a counter-assault shortly before dawn the following
• Capturing one or more of the manor guards: 50 xp per agent morning, taking out both rebels outside. Should the agents
• Completing primary mission without combat: 100 per agent still do nothing, an Agency strike team — disguised as a para-
military unit sent by an unidentified European action force —
Development breaks in through the manor’s front doors 10 rounds later.
If the agents destroy the CDMAS (and potentially the files This team takes out the rebels with only minimal casualties
in Stratovich’s office) before the rebel attack, the team likely (per the GC’s discretion, not including the agents).
attempts to leave the party. The GC has two options at this
point. If there’s time enough left in the round, he can move Threats
the rebel attack up to just before the agents make it out of Two of the rebels remain in the dining room guarding the
the manor. In this case, proceed to Scene 3. hostages. The other two roam the manor grounds outside,
watching for reprisal. The primary reason that these rebels

Scene Three:
pose a threat is their weaponry — even in the hands of low-

Party Crashers
level characters, assault rifles are formidable weapons.

Chechnyan Rebels, 2nd-level minions (minions, squads

of 2, 4 in all – 6 MP). CR 2. SZ M; v/wp 11/10; Init +3 (+2 class,
Agent Description +1 Dex), Spd 30 ft.; Def 12 (+1 class, +1 Dex); Atk: Kalashnikov
At 10:30 pm, during dinner, the Chechnyan rebels storm AK-47 +2 (3d6); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ None;
the gates and attack the manor. The battle is quick and SV Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +1; Str 11, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 12,
brutal, as the manor guards are greatly outgunned. After one Cha 10; Skills: Balance +4, Climb +2, Driver +5, First Aid +3,
minute (10 rounds), the gunfire ceases and the rebels storm Intimidate +2/+2, Jump +2, Spot +4, Tumble +3. Feats: None.
into the manor, quickly ordering the guests into the dining Gear: Weapon.
room, where they make their demands known.
Read the following to the players as the rebels approach Events
the manor house. If the agents attack the rebels, they immediately draw fire
from all rebels present, who attempt to also sound an alarm
The chatter of gunfire and high shouts are heard outside the via radio. Thereafter, the other rebels arrive in 1d10+2
manor house. The guests look around nervously as panic sets rounds.
in. A few moments later, guards race toward the building’s
entrance, pushing the doors open and rushing outside.
Gunfire erupts once more, then dies, and all is silent.
19 20

If the agents overcome the rebels, Stratovich is caught

The Open Game License
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards
between a rock and a hard place. He knows the agents aren’t of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved.
who they say they are, but isn’t in a position to interrogate 1. Definitions: (a) “Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have
them without losing what little rapport he’s gained with his contributed Open Game Content; (b) “Derivative Material” means copyrighted material
including derivative works and translations (including into other computer languages),
guests. Likewise, the agents are unable to take Stratovich into potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation,
abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or
custody, lest their actions draw unwanted attention to the adapted; (c) “Distribute” means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly
Agency. The agents are allowed to leave without incident, display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d) “Open Game Content” means the game
mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent
knowing that they haven’t seen the last of Ivan Stratovich. such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the prior
art and any additional content clearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor,
Rewards and means any work covered by this License, including translations and derivative works
under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) “Product Identity”
means product and product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade
Keep track of the agents’ accomplishments throughout this dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dia-
scene and reward them with the following XP at the serial’s logue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats,
poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio representa-
end accordingly. tions; names and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams,
Note: Experience is not rewarded until the serial’s end, and personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures,
equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs;
agents may not gain levels during a serial. and any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity by
the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open Game
Content; (f) “Trademark” means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are
• Overcoming the rebels: 75 xp per agent used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the associated products
contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using”
• Overcoming the rebels after the video transmission goes out: 50 xp means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create
per agent Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) “You” or “Your” means the licensee in
terms of this agreement.
• Overcoming the rebels after the first Agency strike: 25 xp per agent 2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice
• Allowing the Agency strike team to take out all the rebels: 0 xp indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of this
License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms
per agent may be added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the License
• Escaping the manor without attracting attention: 100 xp per agent itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed
using this License.

Debriefing 3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your acceptance
of the terms of this License.
This mission’s primary goal is the destruction of the 4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the
Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with
CDMAS and all linked documentation. If the agents are the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content.
successful in this goal, Control congratulates the team on 5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material as Open
Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Your original creation and/or
their espionage and sabotage skills. Reward an additional You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License.
200 xp to each agent. 6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this
License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHTNOTICE of any Open Game Content
If the agents break their cover or make their presence You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright date,
known to Ivan Stratovich or the guests, Control informs the and the copyright holder’s name to the COPYRIGHTNOTICE of any original Open Game
Content you Distribute.
team that extensive resources must be expended to cover the
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an
Agency’s trail. Reward an additional 100 xp to each agent. indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another, independent
If the agents had to be rescued by the Agency strike team, Agreement with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to
indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark in conjunction with a work
Control gives them a firm tongue lashing — and a week off containing Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, independent
Agreement with the owner of such Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open
“anywhere I don’t have to look at you.” Reward no addition- Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity.
al xp to each agent. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights,
title and interest in and to that Product Identity.
If there’s extra time, feel free to roleplay the debriefing 8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which
and have Control assess the group’s performance. Then have portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game Content.
the players fill out their RPGA forms and wrap up the 9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions
of this License. You may use any authorized version of this License to copy, modify and
session. distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed under any version of this License.
10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the
Open Game Content You Distribute.
11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content
using the name of any Contributor unless You have written permission from the
Contributor to do so.
12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License
with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or
governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected.
13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms
herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All
sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License.
14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision
shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.
Open Game License v1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. System Rules
Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte
Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Star Wars roleplaying game, Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast and Lucasfilm Ltd.;
Authors Andy Collins, Bill Slavicsek, JD Wiker. Spycraft Espionage Handbook, Copyright
2002, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.; Authors Patrick Kapera and Kevin Wilson.
Shadowforce Archer Worldbook, Copyright 2002, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.;
Authors Patrick Kapera and Kevin Wilson.
21 22

0 5 10 20

GC Map
Manor Scale in Feet

Ground Floor Second Floor

1D 1J

2A 2B 2C
1F Up to
1L 3rd Floor
Stairs 1E
Up to
2nd Floor
1B Down to
1H 1N Ground

2D 2F
1G 1M

1I 1A 1O

Trapdoor to Basement

4I 4H

4G 4J
3A 3B 3C
Down to
2nd 4F

3G 4K

3D 3F

4A 4C 4L

Stairs Up to Ground Floor

Third floor Basement

23 24

Stratovich Manor
0 5 10 20

N Player Handout Scale in Feet

Ground Floor Second Floor

Room Ballroom
Bedroom Bedroom

Bedroom Bedroom


Third Floor

Bedroom Bedroom

Media Library
Room Parlor

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