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By David Wu

Living Spycraft Code: SPY 6-06

Judas. Long has it been a name synonymous with betrayal. However, some say his act of betrayal only
served the greater good; by allowing the Son of God to die for the sins of man. In effect, betrayal was the right
thing to do.
In the Great Game, betrayal for the greater good is not only standard procedure, but also a standard
justification. Some refer to it as “The Judas Protocol.”

Spycraft, Living Spycraft, and all related marks are ® ™ © 2006 and used with permission from
Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
All text, as well as all characters, names, and places herein are copyrighted by Crafty Games, LLC.
Reproduction without Crafty Games’ written permission is expressly forbidden.
With the increasing threat of a nuclear-armed Iranian government, and the evident futility of diplomatic
channels, the agents are at a safe house in Turkey preparing for a covert strike mission into the heart of Iran.
However, the Iranians are just a small piece in this particular game of international intrigue.
The story begins with Dimitri Kondrashev (Maestro), a former Krypt deep cover operative. Assigned to
infiltrate Iran shortly after the Cold War, he has lived up to his codename and more. Besides keeping the Soviets
informed on the country’s progress in weapons research, Maestro provided enough technical assistance to
insinuate himself into Iran’s academic community and was invited by their government help pursue atomic
weapons development. For nearly a decade, he diverted Iran down every single dead end, steering them towards
the use of exotic and rare materials, or difficult to maintain specialized equipment. Working alone, he stalled
their research and bought valuable time for the world.
However, rumors of an actual nuclear prototype came to him at a time when it was least expected. As far as
Maestro is aware of, Iran’s program is still in its infancy, yet key elements of the military are acting as if they
possessed The Bomb. All signs pointed to a secret operation at the nuclear facility in Arak - possibly culminating
in a test detonation in the near future. Despite having nothing but rumors, it was not something he could risk
leaving alone.
Maestro’s standing order is to inform the Krypt once Iran is close to deploying their first atomic weapon. A
strike team, under the guise of American Special Forces, would to destroy the prototype and research; however,
the Revolution precluded that plan from happening. Left in the cold, he collected data, organized plans, and
routinely sent messages until a response finally came.
This is where the agents enter the picture. Briefed by a Krypt affiliate working closely with UNITAS in
Istanbul, they are to rendezvous with Maestro in Arak, Iran where he will provide plans and resources to assist
the agents in infiltrating the Arak nuclear facility, 32 miles northwest of the city. UNITAS, of course, has decided
to sabotage the bomb. In addition, the agents are to make copies of all research materials prior to their
However, everything is not as it seems. Iran is still at the beginning of its nuclear research, but they do have
a working nuclear weapon - an obsolete DF-3A ballistic missile, courtesy of a rogue government faction of The
People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the Nine Tiger Dynasty. It was delivered to Iran a few months ago in
exchange for quenching the PRC’s increased thirst for Iranian oil due to their industrialization. The Iranians were
more than delighted to make the exchange for a working nuclear weapon.
The yield is equivalent to the “Little Boy” weapon used on Hiroshima, but Iran is not concerned with its
actual destructive capabilities. It is a chance to reverse engineer what they can without dismantling the bomb,
and most importantly, to make Iran a nuclear power once it was “tested.”
The rogue Chinese faction is more long-term in their thinking. The current tension in the Middle East
provides a valuable distraction to all the Western powers. However, a full-blown region-wide crisis could force
the Americans and/or Europeans to commit significant resources, thus distracting everyone while China profits
from the power vacuum.
Everyone has an agenda here, and everyone is ready to betray each other for their own gain.

A Krypt hard-liner, he never forgot his allegiance to Mother Russia. The Revolution and subsequent silence
by the Krypt has him concerned. Contact with the UNITAS/Krypt conglomeration disgusts him.
Believing his agency no longer exists, he has plans of his own. He will continue to assist the team of agents
sent to sabotage the bomb - since a nuclear Iran is a dagger at the belly of Russia; however, he stands ready to
betray them at the very end to humiliate the Western powers.

Direct and to the point, the agents first need to sabotage the prototype. If Iran successfully detonates a
nuclear bomb, UNITAS is certain the Middle East would immediately enter into a nuclear arms race, destabilizing
the entire region. Secondly, the agents need to copy and destroy all Iranian research related to this project.
UNITAS is extremely curious to uncover if the Iranians have outside nuclear assistance.
Although an ally in UNITAS, they have a long history of being more pragmatic than elegant. Case in point,
Maestro could be an embarrassment, if it uncovered a Krypt agent was nearly instrumental in helping Iran
achieve nuclear status. Therefore, anyone in the team that possesses either allegiance or sympathies to the Krypt
faction has an unofficial side-mission to destroy the research materials before anyone has a chance to analyze
them. In addition, they are to extract Maestro for debriefing, or eliminate him in order to avoid political fallout.

Israeli Mossad
Keeping a close eye on the Islamic governments of the Middle East for generations, their objective is to
demonstrate Iranian intentions to the world. Not content with disabling any bombs, they want the prototype
detonated. That would ensure both the destruction of the research facility, as well as gain international
attention. The world’s politicians will be forced out of their complacency.

Militarily weak, politically unstable, and technologically impaired, Iran’s leaders fervently desire to be
relevant on the world stage. Unable or unwilling to seek the long-term cultural renaissance needed for parity,
they have decided that the fastest route is to join the “nuclear club.” Fueled by a hatred of the “decadent” West
and long-lost dreams of empire, they seek to control their destiny.

Unbeknownst to the political masters of the PRC and the Chinese Ministry of State Security (MSS), rogue
elements of the MSS transferred a nuclear weapon to Iran with the assistance of the Nine Tiger Dynasty. In doing
so, they feel they are in a win-win situation. The West will either do nothing, or resort to applying worthless
“sanctions.” In either of these cases, the flow of oil from a grateful Iran is assured.
Even if the West decides to invade Iran, they will tie up resources for years with reconstruction. In the
meantime, China can continue to purchase Iranian oil, ostensibly to “assist” in rebuilding the country, while
expanding their spheres of influence elsewhere, such as oil-rich South America; they will go where the West can
no longer effectively project military or economic power.

Nine Tiger Dynasty

Although a member of UNITAS in spirit, their methods do not meet with their general approval. As
mercenaries, they believe that the only way to contain the Iranian situation is to tie it with to a more modern
country in both technological and economic terms. Money, and the power that it brings, should eventually cause
region-destabilizing ambitions to be grossly unprofitable, and therefore, undesirable.

The Judas Protocol follows the standard Living Spycraft mission format, and is divided into an introduction and
3 scenes.

Intel Phase. The Iranian government has long desired nuclear weapons technology, but no one in the world
expected them to go from design to prototype nearly overnight. Tipped off by a long dormant Krypt operative,
the agents are to be dropped in the middle of Iran with too little information and too much to do.

Scene 1: Bauer is Played by No Man. The agents meet the Krypt operative Maestro, who briefs them on the
intelligence he was able to gather on the Arak nuclear facility. Since he is only a researcher, albeit a respected
one, his activities were detected. As he executes his cover plan to escape charges of treason, the agents must
evade the Iranian military dispatched to capture them.

Scene 2: From Shari’a, With Love. The agents must infiltrate the Nuclear Reactor facility via whatever methods
they have at their disposal. Once inside, they find a functional, though obsolescent, Chinese DF-3A ballistic
nuclear missile along with research facilities.
Scene 3: Et Tu, Brute? Even if the agents perform a flawless infiltration, they may face with difficult choices
when their Faction loyalties come into play – and they still have yet to leave the country.

Read the following aloud to begin this mission.

Istanbul, Turkey. Your briefing takes place on the top floor of a small flat complete with the
archetypal thick curtains and Spartan furnishings. Your latest UNITAS handler is no other than Colonel
Lushenko, formerly known as Bluebird by most of the Western powers. Despite the innocuous name, he is
a Krypt-trained assassin, credited with no less than twenty-three confirmed kills against Western agents.
“Gentlemen (and ladies), I hope you are as capable as your superiors claim. Undoubtedly, you’ve all
heard the news of Iran’s attempts at achieving nuclear status and their apparent lack of progress towards
that end.
“UNITAS estimated that a crash program would require five years to complete. The Krypt, of course,
was more accurate with an estimated three. However, it surprised us all when we received intelligence
indicating Iran may be close to deploying their first prototype already. From an asset we have in place,
it’s reported that the construction of the plutonium production reactor outside of Arak may be the cover
for this project. It is located 154 miles southwest of Tehran.
“Needless to say, UNITAS is tasking you to destroy this prototype and collect any research materials
at the site for analysis.
”Besides the obvious tactical threat of a nuclear Iran, UNITAS also has strategic concerns.
“The Saudis, Egyptians, and especially the Syrians, are keeping a close eye on Iran’s progress. If they
successfully test an atomic bomb, we are certain they will undertake crash programs of their own, if they
have not already. Such an arms race will bring untold instability to the world’s oil supply. This will have
drastic economic impact on China, most of Europe, and the United States. Thus, keeping the operation
covert is of utmost importance.
“The infiltration of a highly secret facility will not be an easy task. However, I do not expect any
problems, because you are about to be given one of the highest honors possible in working with the
Krypt. Your contact in Arak is one of the most highly decorated agents in our organization. Dimitri
Kondrashev is without a doubt the best. We all call him the Maestro. During the Cold War, he did not
need to look for your secrets; your people brought secrets to him.
“Maestro has been a deep cover operative in Iran’s Ministry of Science Research and Technology for
several years now, posing as Dr. Farid Talebi and living in Tehran. He informed the Krypt of the impending
prototype and undoubtedly has basic plans in mind already for your infiltration. Your rendezvous location
and timetable are in the briefing packet – he will meet you in the city of Arak. Maestro indicated that you
should not be late, though not much else was communicated. I suggest bringing gear for a variety of
contingencies, as the situation will be fluid.
“We should be able to get you into the country relatively easily. Extraction may be more difficult, but
I’m sure you are capable of improvising. UNITAS can provide cover using American military assets in Iraq,
if you can manage to cross the border. The USS Nimitz carrier group from the American 5th fleet is in the
Persian Gulf as well. The Iranians will probably not expect an evacuation to the sea.
“Whatever you decide, we’ll give you as much support as we can.
“Oh yes, one last thing. Maestro maybe be… unaware that the Krypt has allied itself with UNITAS.
He has been a deep cover operative for a long time. Try to break the news gently, and prepare to extract
him if he so wishes.”

Campaign Qualities: Bottomless Clip, Violent (+25 xp)

Caliber: IV
Known Objectives: Neutralize the nuclear weapon (critical); recover a copy of the research data
Reputation/Net Worth Reward: 15 Reputation / $750,000 Net Worth
Known Exposure Penalties:
- Allowing the operation to become internationally known (i.e. Indirect Strike): -10 Reputation/$500,000
- Letting teammates know of your secret objective (excepting your compatriots): -5 Reputation/-
Recommended Gear Picks: K-JAM AM/FM Radio (Caliber III Gadget – [Gear Pick, Miniature] Jammer (PR 4), in
hand held radio housing); Mini-GB (Caliber I Gadget – [Gear Pick, Common Item] 100 GB USB Drive, in credit
card); Red Heat (Russian cigarette lighter – EMP [range varies with Caliber], 1 half action required to activate or
deactivate); American Firepower (Caliber I to V Resource Pick – makes it easier to leave Iranian territory by
moving military assets closer to the border)
Mission Bundle: None.
Gear Restrictions: No Iranian cover identities above Caliber I are available, due to limited assets in the Iranian
government. (+50 xp)

Maestro’s Message to the Krypt

The message sent by Maestro was brief. It’s coded, and had to go through several dead drops and
intermediaries prior to final transmission through an Afghani resource. It’s also very low tech, often written on a
piece of scrap paper or newsprint. Likewise, the message back has a long and torturous route, so tight
coordination and expansive details are difficult to transmit. His latest message gave the following points:
- Iranian military rumored to possess a nuclear weapon.
- Current research is several years behind a deployment of a prototype.
- A strike team is needed for search and destroy, per Krypt standing orders.
- Intelligence on the facility and local contacts are available on site.
- Make contact in Arak at the appointed time (tomorrow afternoon – barely enough time to gear up and
get moving). Do not be late.

Agents can decide to pose as Krypt operatives if they choose. All the appropriate passwords and protocols
are available to them through UNITAS. However, this necessitates using a Gear pick for a Cover ID, in order to
study the proper “mannerisms” expected of a Krypt operative.
Agents are assigned one of the following secondary secret objectives if they have appropriate character
backgrounds or profess sympathy towards these Factions (e.g. would the Faction contact them for help?). Not
every player has to have one of these secondary objectives. They carry with them additional rewards, but also
additional penalties if they are not completed. Players can review the objectives before deciding to undertake

Prevent knowledge of Krypt involvement in assisting the Iranian nuclear research effort. Destroy all research
materials, and eliminate Maestro - unless extracting him for debriefing is a possibility. (+/- 3 Reputation)

Israeli Mossad
Detonate the nuclear prototype instead of sabotaging it. (+/- 2 Reputation)

Chinese Ministry of State Security (MSS)

There are rumors of a secret division of the MSS running unsanctioned operations in Iran. If proven true,
evidence needs to be brought back in order to trace it to the source. If possible, plant evidence suggesting a
Russian connection in its stead. Given Russia’s current and former ties to the Iranian regime, it could prevent loss
of face for the Chinese government. (+/- 3 Reputation)

Nine Tiger Dynasty

The Dynasty is running an operation in the region that is unknown to UNITAS. Assist them in their operations
if you can, but take care not to betray your own mission. If there is any chance of our agent(s) being
compromised, they must be silenced. Our asset should be plainly obvious. (+/- 2 Reputation)
Rumor has it that the leader of the local democratic movement, Ali Rafat is compromised and is going to be
captured and interrogated by the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS). Remove him from his
position by whatever means necessary, but take care not to spook his compatriots, as the movement is young
and prone to collapse. Rafat may not go willingly, so plan on that contingency. (+/- 150,000 Net Worth)

SCENE 1: Bauer is Played By No Man

Character Description
Read the following when the characters enter this scene.

It was a long, turbulent, low-level helicopter flight from Turkey, but at least there were no dust
storms. After depositing your team and equipment in a barren patch of desert at the limits of bingo fuel,
your team made it to the city of Arak without incident despite the short notice. Your rendezvous with
Maestro is a mere four blocks away, on the third floor of an apartment complex.
Cars that look at least thirty years out of date occupy the streets of this city. The architecture and
infrastructure of Arak look ten years older than that. Your ETA for the rendezvous is in 15 minutes (1230
hours local time).

GC Description

The agents were dropped off in Iran last night by a Russian MI-26 transport helicopter with extra fuel tanks
(if they were bringing an agency vehicle), or a MI-17 troop helicopter instead. The players may have a standard
vehicle if they choose (probably an early 80s model Toyota) at no cost and are assumed to have been “acquired”
while en route to Arak.
Although pressed for time, the agents will have the opportunity to perform basic reconnaissance of the area
if they choose. Although highly skilled, Maestro encountered issues gathering some of the intelligence - being a
researcher, no matter how highly placed, meant there were certain restrictions as to what data he could access.
Therefore, he planned on the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) catching wind of his activities. He’s
been watched for several weeks, and when he suddenly rented an apartment in Arak, they believed he had an
endgame planned. MOIS has overall command and coordinating with Iranian military to secure the apartment.
The following men are the only assets on site, given their decision for operational secrecy.
Three squads are ready to intercept and capture any agents showing up at the apartment. They also have
orders to take Maestro into custody for treason. Two military strike teams are at ground level in two jeeps. One
team is covering the front entrance of the building, and the other is holding position at the rear. They’re parked
down the block, pretending to be having a lunch break. The third team is MOIS, geared for entry, and is staked
out on the second floor. They’re under the apartment Maestro is in after having forced the occupants to accept
Please refer to the map of the apartment complex for details on the layout of the apartment building.
The Iranian teams move in when they hear the shots (see below). Their orders are to take as many agents
alive as possible, but the men are more than willing to interpret “possible.”
They will also radio in a Shabaviz (similar to the Huey of Vietnam fame) helicopter that is on standby. It’s
armed with a general-purpose machine gun mounted on a pivot joint in the passenger space. It will be on scene
in 10 minutes.

Maestro is waiting in the apartment with his wife of 10 years, Mitra Talebi, who has been completely
ignorant of her husband’s Krypt background. Although confused, she dutifully followed him to Arak from their
home in Tehran, and has been living in this freshly rented apartment for the past two days. Mitra’s father is
Yasser Hosseini, a MOIS division head in Tehran, who’s been kept in the dark about this operation against
Maestro for the time being.
Maestro possesses a collection of intelligence gathered on the facility, and willingly shares it freely with the
agents out of the earshot of his wife. (It actually doesn’t matter if she overhears.) He checks his wristwatch from
time to time, and if asked, he simply states that he’s “on a schedule”.
After ushering the agents in, allow Maestro one Sense Motive check against the agents’ lowest Bluff skill, if
they are trying to pose as Krypt agents without cover IDs. If the agents have Krypt Cover IDs, he will believe
them to be fellow compatriots. Whatever the result, he inquires as to the political situation of his country, since
there was a period of dead silence from his Krypt data drops.
He will not be pleased to find out that the Krypt is working with UNITAS, though he will not show it overtly.
If asked about extracting him from the situation, he believes it is not an option for him. Maestro feels he needs
to stay on station in order to keep an eye on Iran.
Maestro quickly takes charge and starts the briefing:
- The Arak facility is composed of an existing Heavy Water Plant that is going through renovations, and a
Plutonium Production reactor that is under construction.
- Based on records of how many truckloads of dirt displaced at the site, he estimates that there’s one level
unaccounted for at the Arak facility. Since there is already a concrete security wall in place around the
heavy water plant, Maestro is willing to bet the project is located there.
- The facility is 32 miles northwest of the city, on the road leading to Khondab. There is a double layer of
security, starting with a guardhouse at the turn off from the main road. It connects to a four-mile long
security perimeter around the main facility, composed of a deep trench designed to stop tanks, tall chain
link fences topped with razor wire, and strategically placed watchtowers. A concrete wall, with at least
one checkpoint and several guard towers, surrounds the heavy water compound as well.
- The nuclear facility is more likely to have men rather than military equipment. The Iranian government is
well aware of Western satellite reconnaissance, and so wants to avoid any semblance of militarizing
their facility.
- A military construction/Engineering team is living at the base, in a trailer park just outside of the fence.
No civilian contractors are used.
- There is a group of 30 Iranian college students in Arak, who are sympathetic to the West and the
democratic ideal. They can provide some local resources, such as transportation, or anything within the
means of a student. Some of them commute between Arak and Khondab frequently. Maestro is friends
with the leader, Ali Rafat, and knows how to arrange an introduction.
- A MOIS division head, Yasser Hosseini, is to be at Arak University Hospital in approximately 3 hours
from now, traveling from Tehran with little or no security. He should have all the clearances needed to
arrange passage into the Arak facility. His family consists of a daughter (Mitra) and son, and two wives
in Tehran if coercion is to used. He is Maestro’s father-in-law.
- Maestro will inquire as to how the agents are planning to leave Iran. Unless their answer is
outrageously unbelievable, he simples nods and agrees that it is feasible. Maestro can use the
information to betray them later, if it comes to that.

The agents may ask as many questions as they’d like, but the GC is encouraged to find an appropriately
dramatic place to interrupt them, as Maestro starts worrying the MOIS squads which are moving in. He will
active his plan to maintain his cover when he believes it’s necessary for his survival:
- Using an American pistol, he kills his wife and wounds himself, though not critically (-1 wounds, stable
- The apartment he rented is close to Arak University hospital. It is as modern a facility as Iran is able to
provide. Once discovered by MOIS, Maestro expects to receive treatment there due to his status as a
high-level researcher.
- He will fake unconsciousness and/or otherwise delay his recovery “at the speed of plot” before
answering MOIS’ inevitable questions.
- He will explain his treasonous acts by telling his interrogators that an American Special Forces team
threatened to kill his wife unless he complied. However, he was betrayed in the end even though he did
everything he was asked. He fought bravely, to no avail.
- He will then detail the team’s extraction protocol, as he understands it. Maestro expects this to be
sufficient time for the team to have hit the facility, but still be within the country for the Iranians to
capture them. A Krypt loyalist, he is hoping to embarrass the West while keeping Russia safe. If he
believes the agents are from the Krypt, he will not betray the team.

The following demonstrates what Maestro is capable of:

Maestro checks his watch and sighs. “I’m afraid that’s all the help I can offer right now. You all need
to run.”
He walks over to a desk and pulls out an American Colt 1911 pistol. “You see, I didn’t have the
clearance to access all that data, and I’m fairly certain that someone has grown suspicious of me.
“But it’s all right,” he continues casually, chambering a round. “Because you American Special Forces
threatened to kill my wife unless I delivered the information to you.”
Maestro calls out to the other room, “Mitra, can you come in here for a minute?”
“But like the ‘Great Satan,’ even through I complied, you betrayed me nonetheless.”
Mitra walks into the room and her eyes open wide at the sight of her husband with a gun. “Farid?”
Maestro casually fires one round into his wife’s head.
“No doubt agents of the Ministry of Security heard that,” Maestro says, now aiming the weapon
carefully at his right chest. “Fortunately we’re two blocks away from Arak University Hospital. A highly
connected researcher like me will no doubt be given the best treatment - if only for future interrogation.”
He adds, almost like an afterthought, “Oh yes, please take the weapon when you leave. It looks
better that way.”
With that, Maestro discharges the weapon and falls to the ground.

Note that if the agents silence the Iranian entry team on the second floor prior to meeting Maestro, then
there is no one to call in the other teams. The players can avoid the chase in this fashion and avoid having
security alerts issued. The MOIS will not know what’s going on.
Maestro will still insist on shooting himself, as he is assuming (correctly) there is more than one team, and
that they will investigate why the entry team did not activate. Other apartment tenants can also phone police to
report gunshots.

The Iranians’ rules of engagement involve staying alive at the expense of collateral damage. If a chase
ensues, it takes place in a general cityscape with close terrain due to civilian traffic. Morale checks for the
military squads will be important, as they will disengage if they have taken too many casualties. No local police
will want to get involved with this combat.
The helicopter will disengage if ground assets are neutralized. It is there purely for intimidation value and
for fire support.
If the agents have a MOIS tactical headset radios, they can monitor the MOIS communications channels,
gaining a +5 circumstance bonus to any Chase checks to escape.
If the agents escape, any Iranian survivors form the chase will report to the MOIS division HQ in Arak. The
MOIS will then alert the nuclear facility for a possible intrusion and precede to cover-up their debacle.
Local police and paramedics pick up Maestro for transport to University Hospital, where the MOIS will have
a military squad rendezvous.

Map Key: Maestro’s Apartment

The apartment is a part of a three storied brownstone – essentially one large building divided into several
separate apartment complexes. There is a 15’ wide alleyway in back, which can be accessed by exiting from the
first floor into the courtyard, and proceeding to the rear of the building through a small tunnel passing under the
2nd floor. The roof can be accessed by a ladder located in the stairwell on the 3rd floor.

1. Living Room: This room has the feel of a “furnished” apartment, with serviceable chairs, couch, tables and a
desk. There are thin curtains over the windows, which look out to the back of another set of brownstones and
the alleyway below. A small door leads out to the balcony, which is guarded by a metal railing. All doors leading
into the apartment have locks that require a Security/Disable check DC (15+2 x Threat Level) to open.
2. Kitchen: This room has a stove, refrigerator, sink, and a set of shelves. A frying pan is on the stove.
3. Bathroom: This room has an old fashioned bathtub/shower, a toilet, a freestanding sink, and a medicine
cabinet built into the wall.
4. Bedroom: This room has a queen sized bed, two nightstands, and two dressers.
5. Utility closet: This small closet is currently empty.
6. Courtyard: The courtyard has several overflowing trashcans, but nothing else.
7. Entry: The mailboxes for the building are located here, and both doors are unlocked.

When Maestro begins shooting, the MOIS strike teams will activate. A grizzled veteran of the Iran-Iraq war
leads the squad on the second floor.

Maestro plans to stay in the apartment for another hour or so before aborting his mission, correctly
estimating that the MOIS squads would lose patience and move in by the evening. If necessary, the players have
one last chance to catch up with him at his home in Tehran.
The players can also take care of the MOIS squads beforehand, but if it’s “loud,” it will cause Maestro to
If agents are captured by the MOIS, they will be taken to the Arak nuclear facility with it being the only
logical target in the area for foreign agents, they will be interrogated there for any plans to infiltrate the base.
Interrogations can proceed via Dramatic Conflict. Per GC discretion, another option is to have the Iranians
not ask questions, but instead inflict 6d6 points of damage for every two hours of game time, until the agent is
incapacitated. This may cause a roll on The Table of Ouch.

Ending the Scene

The scene ends when the agents have eluded the MOIS squads.

SCENE 2: From Shari’a, With Love

GC Description

This scene is freeform, which should have the agents planning their infiltration/assault of the nuclear facility.
The following details may be useful:

Life in Arak
The city and infrastructure appear to be stuck in the 1970s, and the people are under a theocracy that strictly
enforces “Islamic behavior,” such as dressing women to avoid showing shape or hair. Local police can act as
“Moral Police” as well.
Bicycles are common in the city, as are motorcycles and older model vehicles. Only the rich and influential
have access to the latest models of modern conveniences. Addiction and prostitution are commonplace, as is
crime in general. Outside the city, it is common to find horses or even camels as transportation.
The people also live in apparent contradiction. Although the vast majority is opposed to the ruling
fundamentalist regime, few are willing to pay the price of changing it. Personal survival has largely trumped the
idea of personal sacrifice for the common good. Agents may be able to find an ally in an individual (50% chance
of a sympathizer), and a lynch mob in groups.
Satellite dishes are technically illegal, but the enforcement of it has been lax. Many see images of Western
life and desire it. However, these desires are limited to the personal level, as most have despaired of it ever
being possible for the society. There will be a thriving black market for Western goods, such as cigarettes and
liquor for the non-Muslim, CD players, DVDs, batteries, and so forth, for others.
Agents are free to utilize whatever contacts or other resources they have, but there is a limit on what can be
obtained. Personal aircraft are nonexistent at Arak’s airport, and high-speed internet is likewise going to be rare
to nonexistent. The GC is free to decide on the availability of additional equipment, though the goal is to provide
a challenging environment to operate.

Ali Rafat, Movement for a Democratic Iran

A second year graduate student at the University of Arak, majoring in Physics, he is the head of a small but
dedicated movement of likeminded individuals. He lives and bases his group out of the basement of a student
apartment complex near the school. Maestro encountered and befriended him at a conference in Tehran, but
they have only stayed in sporadic contact.
If the agents decide to use Maestro’s contact information for Rafat, they will find him at his apartment in
the middle of a weekly “meeting” with 11 others. They are watching a bootlegged English DVD of Mission:
Impossible with Chinese subtitles. Rafat introduces each of the others as “Joe.”
Everyone in his group has so far enjoyed the idea of being “rebels” against the theocracy, but they’re at the
awkward stage of being ready in spirit to take an active stand, but not very good in practice. In addition, these
students have not had to sacrifice for the cause just yet. A defeat may cause the movement to collapse.
The one thing that these students might be able to offer is the fact that the gatehouse guards at the nuclear
facility know Rafat. His car broke down during one of his trips home to Khondab once, and he bartered for help
with some of his contraband Western cigarettes. Rafat occasionally swings by at various times, day or night,
faking “breakdowns” to sell these banned goods to a very receptive consumer base. He knows there are usually
two squads of guards, though only one set will be on duty. There is also one APC parked at the gate with a
machine gun.
These black market activities have also compromised Rafat. The Iranian authorities turn a blind eye to him
as long as discipline is maintained at the nuclear facility, but they’re starting to keep tabs on Rafat in case he
turns out to become a true dissident. Unfortunately, this means that if the movement ever becomes anything
more, anyone involved will easily be marked.
If confronted with the possibility MOIS is after the information he has regarding the democratic movement in
Iran, Rafat demands proof before stepping aside. Lacking this, Rafat is not willing to go quietly and hide in the
shadows merely on speculation. He promises to “be careful” from now on.
The remaining students offer whatever typical graduate students can offer. They are mostly from science
majors, but the GC is free to adjust as necessary. With GC approval, these science students can also cobble
together a Caliber I Electronics pick (i.e. Radio Jammer) that will be oversized but functional.

Yasser Hosseini, University Hospital

Once Mitra Talebi’s death and word of Maestro’s apparent survival is reported, her father, Yasser Hosseini,
immediately departs from his post in Tehran and arrives at University Hospital in 3 hours. In the meantime, the
local police and paramedics deliver Maestro to the hospital for surgery. The MOIS will dispatch one military
squad to provide security, and take over jurisdiction for debriefing/interrogation. Their goal is to keep Maestro
alive and secure until he transfers to a proper detention center.
There are two squads of hospital security present, scattered between patrolling, reading newspapers in the
cafeteria, or otherwise wasting time. Their effectiveness pales in comparison, along with their ethics.
Yasser, having served as a loyal member of the MOIS for 20 years now, was never under any suspicion. He is
an angry, grieving father who has an entire military squad keeping him from storming into surgery and strangling
Maestro on the operating table.
Once Maestro reveals his cover story, his rage quickly turns towards those he believes responsible. Yasser,
driven by overwhelming emotions, smashes windows, finds an empty room to cry over the loss of his daughter,
etc… If agents try to coerce his cooperation through threats against his remaining family, Intimidation/Coercion
check DC (20 + 2 x Threat Level), Yasser betrays the agents at the first opportunity. The GC is free to interpret
his reaction to other approaches.
Yasser’s MOIS clearance can get the agents access into the nuclear facility and allow them to walk around
freely. The facility will not be suspicious, interpreting it as the MOIS assigning extra security for a VIP that will be
arriving soon. However, Yasser does not have the authority to grant clearance into the underground laboratory.

Arak Nuclear Facility, Outer Perimeter

The facility takes up an approximately rectangle shaped area, 1.5 miles x 1 mile. One of the shorter edges
runs parallel to the road between Arak and Khondab. The outer perimeter is composed of a deep trench
designed to stop tanks, following by two sets of chain link fences topped with razor wire inflicting 3d6 lethal
damage to anyone crossing it without protection.
Watchtowers are set along the fence, equipped with spotlights and manned by two soldiers each. The main
facility sends out jeeps to relieve men at their stations every 30 minutes.
A security station is located at the turn off from the main highway and is 80 ft x 240 ft in size. Vehicles are
drive underneath a 20’ long skyway/bridge linking two halves of the building. Two squads are here at all times –
one on-duty, and the other one on break. They have one wheeled APC with a machine gun that is manned, plus
one Jeep for general use. The “gate” is a set of four removable concrete rods set in holes in the asphalt, and
designed to stop vehicles. The Damage Save is +10 per rod, and is cumulative if multiple rods are impacted.
Radio frequency scanners are at the security station and at Security HQ inside the compound, looking for
unauthorized transmissions.
Guards recognize Rafat’s and permit him to advance, but they are on edge tonight. A VIP is arriving to
inspect the facility and if the agents left MOIS survivors in the previous scene, a security alert has been issued as
well. They ask Rafat to leave ASAP in order not to get in trouble. However, as there are no superior officers at
the guardhouse, they can be persuaded to permit Rafat to stay slightly longer by making opposed Resolve skill
checks. No guard will leave the premises, and if Rafat comes under suspicion, the guards will not hesitate to
arrest him.
These men are not expecting reinforcements unless it comes from the MOIS, as the VIP already has a military
escort. They will call Security HQ to confirm the order if the agents attempt an infiltration in this manner.
All guards have encrypted tactical radio headsets that they use to communicate with the inner perimeter.
The encryption is not compatible with the MOIS radios from the previous scene. If the players attempt to jam the
guard’s transmissions, they will need jammers with a cumulative rating of at least PR 5 or higher. Security HQ
will perform a radio check afterwards, wondering where the static came from.
The guard station obtains its power from the heavy water reactor. These lines are clearly visible, strung
along poles adjacent to the main road from the inner compound. These power lines then go around the
perimeter to all the watchtowers. Cutting one power line breaks the series.
There is a small trailer park outside the fence, assigned to the construction crew of 100 laborers. They spend
their days working at the plutonium reactor site and rest in evenings at the park due to the lack of housing. The
trailers are not within the security perimeter in order to maintain clear fields of fire within the base itself, and
they are relatively hidden from view of the main road by orchards and landscaping. A single dirt road leads to
them. Unfamiliar faces driving up to the construction yard will be considered out of the ordinary, though no
guards are around to challenge them.
The base provides meals and arranges work details on a regular schedule, so the crew generally carpools in
and out in a large procession. The guards at the gate have long since given up on checking IDs, and generally
wave them through. However, if a security alert is issued, they start checking everyone before letting them pass.
The construction workers are technically military personnel, but act more as civilian support staff. No guards
live with these men in the trailer park.
The trailer park’s power supply comes from a jury-rigged line that stretches from the nearest watchtower.

The agents may decide on other approaches, and given the insulated nature of Iran, few things are off limits.
Agents can do almost anything without fear of exposure. However, recall the one exception in the
guided/indirect strike Resource Pick.

Ending the Scene

The scene ends the moment when the agents start for the inner compound. Scene 3 begins with the arrival
of the MI-24 helicopter is intended for dramatic effect, and illustrates a dynamic environment more than a way to
foil the players’ plans.
SCENE 3: Et Tu, Brute?
GC Description

As the agents make their way into the facility, Security HQ issues an inquiry for the security station and all
watchtowers to check in. The inner compound sends out a jeep with two men to make a circuit of the outer
perimeter - starting with the security station. This patrol simply confirms that people are at the outer gate, and
that the fence is intact. They do not pay attention to the watchtowers. Suspicious activity is noted, but security
keeps the facility quiet in order to let any infiltrators further into the base in order to capture them.
These security measures are due to the imminent arrival of an MI-24 Russian attack helicopter, which flies
over the facility and lands on a pad 100 ft north of the inner compound.
In addition to one military squad, it holds two VIPs. One of is the military commander for the facility, Tariq
Hussein. The second is Zhang Xiao-Ping (Codename: Transit), a representative of the Nine Tiger Dynasty who is
dressed as a PRC Colonel. The visit is not a cordial one.
When the Iranians received the missile, they decided to perform research on its design prior to its detonation;
both the rogue PRC faction and the Nine Tigers are anxious about potential security risks. Transit job is to
convince the Iranians the error of their ways and proceed immediately to demonstration.
They walk to an awaiting jeep that takes them through the northern checkpoint of the compound, and to the
building holding the research facility. One pilot waits behind on the MI-24.
Tariq gives Transit a tour of the lab facility before ending up in the missile room in a heated debate. If any
players are captive, Transit definitely uses them up as points in his argument for immediate deployment.
Transit is under orders not to reveal his true allegiance under any circumstances, up to and including suicide
should he is captured. Tariq uses all his resources to make sure Transit remains safe in order to maintain good
relations with the Chinese government.

Arak Nuclear Facility, Inner Perimeter

The heavy water compound is surrounded by a 2 feet thick concrete wall (Damage Save +22), topped with
razor wire which inflicts 3d6 lethal damage to anyone crossing it without protection. The compound measures
1700 ft x 1200 ft. There are two checkpoints with chain link gates (Damage Save +7), each staffed by one
squad, day or night. One checkpoint faces the outer security station, and the other one faces a dirt field that
doubles has a landing field for helicopters. There are several guard towers along the wall, outfitted with
spotlights and two men in each.
The guards around the inner perimeter all have “military” security keycards in their possession. These are
important in the laboratory.
There is a large open field between the outer and inner perimeters. Thought not actively patrolled, there are
spotlights on the watchtowers used to cover these areas. Whether in day or night, the agents make a Sneak/Hide
check opposed by the guards’ Notice/Perception per 100 ft of terrain traveled, if they are trying for a covert
During the day, the compound is active, though comparable to a university campus during classes. There are
occasionally people walking about or riding in jeeps, but the streets are mostly clear. During the evening, the
streets are empty as the scientists have taken to their residences.
Unless otherwise noted, all the doors leading into buildings have PR3 dead bolt locks (see Spycraft 2.0
Rulebook, page 438).

Arak Nuclear Facility, Underground Laboratory

The door to the building with the underground laboratory is not guarded. It has a PR8 security keycard
reader (see Spycraft 2.0 rulebook, page 438). Any keycard found on a guard can open this door.
Inside, there is a small lobby with another door on the opposite wall with its own security card reader, plus a
PR3 electonic keypad (see Spycraft 2.0 rulebook, page 438). Through this door is a large, empty warehouse with
a concrete floor. A set of rolling doors is on the opposite wall, chained from the inside.
A cursory search will reveal grooves in the concrete that look like a broken up rectangle measuring 120 ft x
40 ft. These are the cover stones (3 ft thick) for an elevator platform used to lower the Chinese DF-3A nuclear
missile into the underground lab. If asked, a bore scope cannot fit between the seams.
To access the laboratory, the agents have to be in the lobby and get past the PR6 electronic keypad lock (see
Spycraft 2.0 Rulebook, page 438). Alternatively, the code “1121218”, retrieved from a checkpoint commander
or scientist (see below), can be entered. A large section of the lobby floor lowers itself, revealing the entrance to
the laboratory.
Each inner perimeter checkpoint has one “commander” who knows the access code to the underground
laboratory and any scientist on the base knows it as well. Assuming some form of intimidation is used to obtain
the code, military personnel require a DC (18 + 2 x Threat Level) check, and scientists require a DC (10 + 2 X
Threat Level) check.
Within the laboratory, keycard permissions are segregated. A scientist’s keycard allows access to the
different research sections only. A soldier’s keycard allows access to the entire facility.
All doors leading into sections or isolated rooms have PR6 electronic keypad (see Spycraft 2.0 Rulebook,
page 438). Exceptions include the Conference Room, Lunch Room, and the Restrooms. Once within a section,
there are no locks on the doors unless noted in the Map Key.
The doors within the laboratory have labels, and there are labeled facility maps posted on the walls. Each of
the phones in the lab has access to the facility’s PA system.
Security cameras are on the map, and it takes an opposed Sneak/Hide vs. the guards Notice/Perception check
to see any suspicious activity.
Personnel are on in the room descriptions below.
Scientific personnel are present from 0700-1700 hours, while guards are present 24 hours a day.

The military personnel and the scientific staff within the lab know their own colleagues. They do not
intermix, and go to lengths to avoid speaking to the other half. They will question new faces among their own
staff, if only to satisfy their curiosity.

Prisoners of the regime

If the Iranians are holding any agents captive, they are subjected to some degree of discomfort and used as
human shields should sabotage be the intent of their comrades. They will be interrogated and suffer 6d6 of
lethal damage for every two hours of game time until the agent is incapacitated. This may cause a roll on The
Table of Ouch.
The agents are kept in separate, barren cells inside the Security Section of the lab, and escape will have to
depend on the ingenuity of the captives. Should any agent possess the Gratitude of Firefox or Gratitude of
Maestro certificate, the GC can have a “sudden commotion” in the Security office, culminating in either Magi or
Firefox setting the agents free. This invalidates one of the certs (GC choice), and only the GC is allowed to
activate the effects of the certificate. No further appearances by Firefox or Magi are allowed in this mission if a
cert is used in this fashion.

Map Key: Underground Laboratory

1. [A] Internal Security System: This is a small room with a PR6 electronic keycard lock (see Spycraft 2.0
Rulebook, page 438). It houses the electronics for the internal camera system, and the computer that
assigns keycard access rights.
2. [B] Managerial Offices: Each section lead has their own private office with a desk and computer.
Personnel files for all the scientists assigned to their section are present in filing cabinets. During the
day, each office is occupied by the respective section lead. The logins for the section leads can access
the entire network. It takes 50 GB to copy the complete database.
3. [C] Telecommunications: This room contains the telephone exchange for the building.
4. Administration: This room contains a copier and filing cabinets filled with purchase orders, contracts,
maintenance records for the facility, and other paperwork that every base needs to have on hand. A
clear, bulletproof window (Damage Save +8) offers a view of the elevator platform and any individuals
that descend from ground level. Two guards are here, in front of a bank of security camera monitors.
An “Alert Button” is present to send an alarm to the Security Room and the entire facility. (An EMP
triggered here will disable the alert button, administration phones, the local PA, etc.)
5. Air Compressors: These are the pumps for the lab’s air exchange and central heating/cooling system.
6. Ammunition Storage: This room has a heavy, reinforced door with a PR8 electronic keycard lock (see
Spycraft 2.0 Rulebook, page 438). It contains 12 Flashbang grenades, 12 Fragmentation grenades, and
4 magazines with pre-loaded ammunition for each of the weapons in the Armory.
7. Armory: This room has a heavy, reinforced door with a PR10 electronic keycard lock (see Spycraft 2.0
Rulebook, page 438). It contains 12 AK-47s, 12 Glock 24s, 12 modular tactical vests, 12 stun guns, 12
flashlights, and 12 night vision goggles.
8. Conference Room: This room contains rows of 30 plastic chairs, a TV and VCR unit, and a projector
9. Electrical System: This room houses panels of circuit breakers.
10. File Room: This room contains hardcopies of all the data generated thus far in the research effort.
They are located on several roller-shelving units.
11. Janitorial Office/Supply: This room contains cleaning supplies and two desks. There will be two
janitors here during the day.
12. Liquid Fuel Propellant Research: This section contains equipment typical of an Organic Chemistry
laboratory, along with equipment for measuring fuel efficiency. Four (4) scientists are here during the
13. Missile Disassembly/Research: This large room houses the Chinese DF-3A nuclear missile, with most
of the exterior paneling removed. It looks to be in the initial stages of disassembly. There are several
blackboards with diagrams of a plan on how to approach the warhead and fuel systems. Six (6)
scientists are here during the day. The warhead can be sabotaged or set to detonate with a 5-step
Mechanics/Sabotage complex check (DC 15 + 2 x Threat Level).
14. Missile Guidance Research: This room contains an Electronics lab and high-end computers for
research into a multiple reentry vehicle (MIRV) design for deploying multiple warheads in a pattern
against a single target. Three (3) scientists are here during the day.
15. Nuclear Physics Research: This section contains blackboards, dry erase boards, and high-end
computers for modeling. Two (2) scientists are here during the day.
16. Reentry Vehicle Research: This section deals with metallurgy, surface chemistry, and ceramics
research. One (1) scientist is here during the day.
17. Security: This room is the security station for the laboratory, containing a bank of monitors for the
internal cameras. One squad is in the lab at all times, though they can be here or on patrol through the
building. At least two will be at the station, however. There are four offices here with PR3 dead bolt
locks (see Spycraft 2.0 Rulebook, page 438). These offices are used as makeshift cells if needed and
any captured agents are held here in solitary.
18. Server Room: This room has a PR3 dead bolt locks (see Spycraft 2.0 Rulebook, page 438) on it, and
contains the computer server for the entire laboratory. A Computers check (DC 20 + 2 x Threat Level) is
bypasses its security and gains access to the network. The entire research database is downloadable
from this location, requiring 50 GB of storage. The hard drives are removable but crashes network
unless precautions are taken.
19. Solid Fuel Propellant Research: This section researches various types of booster fuel for ballistic
missiles. There are many gas tanks, small high-pressure containers, and devices used for measuring
fuel efficiency. Two (2) scientists are here during the day.
20. Staff Offices: Two (2) scientists were meant to occupy each of these offices, but 1d10 scientists are
here during the day. There are two desks and two computers per office. Some personal items adorn
the walls and shelves. A scientists’ login only allows them to see select portions of the network drive.
A Computers check (DC 25 + 2 x Threat Level) is needed to gain access to the entire network drive. A
full download requires 50 GB.
21. Storage and General Supplies: Nobody enters this room unless they need paper, toner cartridges, file
folders, or other clerical equipment. Some spare computer monitors and older model desktops are here
as well.
22. UPS Battery and Generators: In case of power failure at the heavy water plant, the UPS battery
immediately kicks in to prevent loss of power to any piece of equipment in the laboratory. The
generators are diesel powered, and last for 24 hours. An Electronics/Disable or Mechanics/Disable
check DC (15 + 2 x Threat Level) will keep the system from switching over during power failure.
23. Water Filtration: The laboratory’s water supply comes through this room; a portion goes through a
deionization system. A 200-gallon tank of deionized water is here, intended for lab use.

If Maestro is still alive to betray the players, Security HQ will contact Tariq once the nuclear missile has been
disabled/set to detonate. HQ calls to inform Tariq of an inbound MI-24, and that the facility is supposed to be
placed on lockdown for an immediate security check.
The MI-24 holds one squad who immediately proceeds to the underground laboratory and set up a security
perimeter. Their orders are to secure the lab first, and then begin to check the identity of all staff.
If Tariq does not answer, Security HQ will announce a lockdown over the facility’s PA system. This means
that all civilians are to remain in place while the military places one squad at each above-ground checkpoint
before searching each building - starting with the lab. All personnel are identified, and then each cleared
building is guarded while the search team moves on.
If Tariq does not answer, one MI-24 takes off and begins to orbit the facility. The pilot will not damage the
facility, but uses lethal force to keep anyone from escaping.
Transit will attempt to escape in any available MI-24.
If Maestro is dead, or otherwise not planning to betray the players, then these reinforcements will not

Should the agents put the base on alert during the infiltration, it may be impossible for them to assault the
base, find the lab, and finish their objectives by using the direct approach. In this case, Security is willing to
allow the agents to infiltrate the base, and capture them on their way out in order to obtain “proof” of their

Ending the Scene

If the agents leave in one of the helicopters, they have the option to either head for the Iraqi border or the
Persian Gulf.
If Maestro betrayed the agents, they will be intercepted by two MI-24 helicopters short of the Iraqi border.
A Chase sequence will ensue, but if they survive 10 Chase rounds, they’ll come under the protection of 3rd
Infantry Division, 4th Brigade’s AH-64 Apache gunships and several Stinger (SAM) equipped infantry units that are
on patrol in Eastern Iraq. Heading to the Persian, the agents are also intercepted by two MI-24 helicopters.
However, if they survive 7 Chase rounds, they come under the protection of F/A-18 Hornets on Combat-Air-Patrol
from the USS Nimitz.
If Maestro did not betray the players, they only meet one MI-24 when exiting the country.

If the agents leave by ground transport, and the base is not aware to their presence, the mission concludes.

If the agents leave by ground transport and the base is aware of their presence, they are attacked by an MI-
24 helicopter. The pilot attacks to disable the vehicle, and then lands close to the agents to drop one military
squad to perform a capture operation. This is intended to give the agents one last chance to obtain transport, so
the pilot will stay grounded until at least half the squad has been eliminated. Once the helicopter is captured,
the agents can escape without further incident.
If the players cannot obtain this last MI-24, then they will have to make a Complex Survival or Streetwise
Check (DC 75 + 2 x Threat Level) in 5 attempts, or face capture. This simulates an attempt to live in the wild, or
lying low in Arak in order to evade the authorities. This can be one team check, or the team can split up to let
individuals make checks on their own.
If the agents do not evade the hunt, they become captives of the Iranian government and subjected to
torture, though not interrogation (they can’t use the information anyways), until such time that Iran decides their
propaganda value has been expended. The agents are then “bought” by their friends through third parties, thus
gaining their freedom. Each agent in captivity does not gain the Reputation/Net Worth for this mission, and lose
15 Reputation/$750,000 Net Worth for their freedom.
However, if agents fail to evade the Iranian military, but possess either the Gratitude of Firefox or Gratitude
of Magi certificates, one of them will “show up” in the appropriate transport to evacuate the agent and any of
their friends who are present. This invalidates one of the certs (GC choice), and only the GC is allowed to
activate the effects of the certificate. Recall that only a single appearance by either Firefox or Magi is allowed in
this mission.

If Maestro survives, he remains a deep cover agent in Iran. He continues to funnel intelligence into the Krypt
and work for the good of mother Russia.
If the agents return to UNITAS with research data, the Krypt’s involvement in the Iranian nuclear program
eventually goes public. This causes an international scandal for Russia, and gives the operatives of the Krypt a
black mark for not being able to maintain their secrets.
Whether the nuclear weapon was sabotaged or not, the apparent Chinese complicity in arming a Middle
Eastern nation makes them lose face on the international stage, despite their protests of innocence. The Chinese
government is forced to take an even more aggressive stance in world politics, while the Nine Tigers and the
rogues within the MSS ensure that Iranian oil continues to flow freely to fuel the Chinese war machine. By
capturing Transit, the truth is revealed; China begins honest dialogues with the West, seeking to prevent
situations where such an embarrassment could happen again. The Nine Tigers move on to other plans.
If the weapon is detonated, the Middle East reaches a crisis point as numerous countries initiate their own
crash nuclear programs. The world becomes a more dangerous place, but it forces the West to finally deal with
the situation.
If Ali Rafat remains in power, his movement is quickly disassembled when they increase their democratic
activities. Iranian authorities televise the very public executions in order to discourage other dissenters.
If Rafat is removed from his position, the movement slowly increases in strength and effectiveness, making
them a valuable ally for the future.
Any military action taken by American forces during the extraction is covered up by both the Iranian regime,
who wishes to avoid embarrassment, and by UNITAS contacts inside the American military. Conspiracy theorists
will obtain a distant, jittery, and grainy video of the combat, which makes its way around the Net as “proof
positive” of the “Blood For Oil” theory.
Short of detonating the weapon, agents who accomplish their objectives keep the world safe for a few more
precious moments.

Refer to page 439 of the Spycraft 2.0 Rulebook for detailed instructions. XP is always awarded by character and
not by team. At the end of each mission, each character’s base XP reward increases by 25 per action die he was
rewarded during the mission (maximum 25 XP × his current career level). Thereafter, each character’s total XP
reward is equal to the mission’s base XP reward × (the character’s current career level or the team’s Threat Level,
whichever is lower).

Each character’s Reputation and Net Worth reward is included in the Intel Phase section. XP rewards are already
distributed between the mission’s objectives and NPC antagonists, as follows, and the mission’s base XP reward
is the sum of all applicable XP rewards for which the characters qualify. None of these numbers – Reputation, Net
Worth, or XP – may be modified. The GC must reward precisely what is listed here, modified according to the
instructions in the Spycraft 2.0 Rulebook.

Exposure and XP Reward Chains

A letter precedes each exposure penalty or XP reward (“A”, “B”, “C”, etc.). Each subsequent letter indicates a
higher level of exposure, a more difficult objective, or a tougher NPC, the penalty or reward for which replaces
the penalty or reward for all previous letters in the same chain.
Example: An XP chain might look something like this…

A. Reach the first checkpoint unnoticed: 25 XP.

B. Reach the second checkpoint unnoticed: 50 XP.
C. Reach the third checkpoint unnoticed: 75 XP.

In this case, if the team completes the “C”-class objective (it reaches the third checkpoint unnoticed), the
mission’s base XP reward is increased by 75. The mission’s base XP reward is not also increased by the “A”- and
“B”-class objectives.

Exposure Penalties
A. Letting the operation become internationally known: –10 Reputation/–$500,000 Net Worth
B. Letting teammates know of your secret objective (excepting compatriots): –5 Reputation/–$250,000 Net

General XP Rewards
Bottomless Clip: -25 XP
Violent: +50 XP
Gear Restriction: +50 XP

Objectives and Security: Scene 1

A. Convincing Maestro to not betray the agents: 50 XP
A. Spotting the MOIS squads prior to their activation: 100 XP
A. Escaping the MOIS squads: 50 XP
B. Escaping the MOIS squads without a security alert issued: 100 XP

Objectives and Security: Scene 2

A. Penetrating the outer perimeter without being detected: 200 XP

Objectives and Security: Scene 3

A. Penetrating the inner perimeter without being detected: 200 XP
A. Defeating/bypassing the laboratory’s security panels: 25 XP
A. Sabotaging the nuclear weapon by any method (Critical): 200 XP
A. Accessing the research data: 150 XP

NPC Antagonists
Special Note: Each NPC antagonist’s XP reward is applied only once, no matter how many times the NPC is
encountered during the mission or how the encounter was resolved (e.g. whether the NPC, or members of an NPC
group, were captured, killed, or met other fates).

Encountering Maestro: 496 XP (4 x 124 XP)

Encountering MOIS Entry Team: 82 XP
Encountering Military Team: 75 XP
Encountering Yasser Hosseini: 101 XP
Encountering Hospital Security: 44 XP
Encountering Ali Rafat: 39 XP
Encountering Nuclear Facility Guards: 75 XP
Encountering Transit: 396 XP (99 XP)
Encountering Tariq Hussein: 400 XP (100 XP)

Scene 1: Bauer Is Played By No Man

The following NPCs are encountered in Scene 1 and later as described throughout the mission text.

Maestro (Dimitri Kondrashev)

As “Chesty” Puller is to the United States Marine Corps, Maestro is to the operatives of the Krypt.

Maestro (Special NPC – 124 XP): Init IX; Atk VII; Def X; Resilience VII; Damage Save: VII; Competence: VII; Skills:
Bluff X, Science X, Sense Motive X; Wealth: V; Weapons: (II) Colt 1911 .45 ACP (1d12, 1/19-20, 7M7, 25’, DEP,
TKD); Gear: (I) Unmarked handgun (Colt 1911): (I) 2006 Toyota Camry (L(2x3), Occ 1+4, A4/T3, 65/100 mph,
Def/Dave 9/+8, 250 lbs); Qualities: extended training (vehicle weapons, Rotary-Wing Air Vehicles), fearless
(+20), feats (Boxing Moves, Martial Arts, Daredevil, Ambush Basics, Concealed Carry, Faceless, Polyglot, Silver
Tongue, Stone Cold, Flawless Identity), foil, steadfast, superior attribute (+2 Con, +2 Int), treacherous,

Init: Atk: Def: Res: V/p: Comp:

MOIS Entry Team

These men have been deemed reliable by the Iranian government, which does not necessarily mean they’re
incompetent. An able commander, who was handpicked by veterans of the Iran-Iraq war, leads them. They
know their task, and will work to accomplish it.

MOIS Entry Team (Standard NPC – 82 XP): Init VI; Atk VIII; Def V; Resilience V; Damage Save: VI; Competence:
VI; Skills: Tactics VIII; Wealth: IV; Weapons: (III) RSA AK-47 (3d6, 1-2/20, 30M5, 125’, DEP), (II) Flashbang
grenade (4d8, 1-4/20, 3, 15’), (I) Stun gun, melee (5d4 electrical,1/18-20, FIN); Gear: (II) Modular Tactical Vest
(DR 3/6), (III) Tactical radio headset, encrypted; Vehicle: (I) Jeep (L(2x3), Occ 1+3, A4/T4, 60/100 mph, Def/Save
9/+7, 800 lbs, DEP, OPN (1/2 cover), ORD); Qualities: commander, extended training (hurled, Rotary-Wing Air
Vehicles), fearless (+20), feats (CQB Basics, CQB Mastery, Marksmanship Basics), minion, superior attribute (+8
Dex), synchronized.

Init: Atk: Def: Res: Damage Save: Comp:

Military Team
These men are among the rabble of the military, but they’re well armed rabble.

Military Team (Standard NPC – 75 XP): Init VI; Atk VIII; Def V; Resilience V; Damage Save: VI; Competence: VI;
Skills: Tactics VIII; Wealth: IV; Weapons: (III) RSA AK-47 (3d6, 1-2/20, 30M5, 125’, DEP); Gear: (II) Modular
Tactical Vest (DR 3/6), (III) Tactical radio headset, encrypted; Vehicle: (III) Service helicopter (H(2x9, rotor 8),
GPMG [4d4+2, 1-3/19-20, 100B1, 225 ft], Occ 2+8, A2/T5, 140/190 mph, Def/Save 8/+10, 200 lbs, SUC, SEN
(radar 1), UNF, VTL), (I) Jeep (L(2x3), Occ 1+3, A4/T4, 60/100 mph, Def/Save 9/+7, 800 lbs, DEP, OPN (1/2 cover),
ORD); Qualities: extended training (vehicle weapon, Rotary-Wing Air Vehicles), feats (Autofire Basics, Autofire
Mastery, CQB Basics), minion, superior attribute (+8 Dex), synchronized.

Init: Atk: Def: Res: Damage Save: Comp:

Scene 2: From Shari’a, With Love
The following NPCs are encountered in Scene 2 and later as described throughout the mission text.

Yasser Hosseini
This man is a loving father and devout Muslim, but also a ruthless pursuer of those who would undermine the
Iranian government.

Yasser Hosseini (Standard NPC – 101 XP): Init VI; Atk VIII; Def V; Resilience V; Damage Save: VI; Competence: VI;
Skills: Intimidate VIII, Manipulate VIII, Sense Motive VIII; Wealth: V; Weapons: (II) Glock 24 (1d12, 1/20, 17M3,
35’, SPA, CMP, TKD); Gear: (III) Tactical radio headset, encrypted; Vehicle: (I) Jeep (L(2x3), Occ 1+3, A4/T4,
60/100 mph, Def/Save 9/+7, 800 lbs, DEP, OPN (1/2 cover), ORD); Qualities: extended training (vehicle weapons,
Rotary-Wing Air Vehicles), fearless (+20), feats (CQB Basics, CQB Mastery, Marksmanship Basics), minion,
steadfast, superior attribute (+8 Dex), treacherous, unnerving.

Init: Atk: Def: Res: Damage Save: Comp:

Hospital Security
If you’re a patient in the hospital, these men will keep you safe… as long as you’re awake. Then they’re apt to
steal your wallet.

Hospital Security (Standard NPC – 44 XP): Init IV; Atk IV; Def V; Resilience V; Damage Save: V; Competence: V;
Skills: Bluff V, Notice V, Security V; Wealth: III; Weapons: (I) Colt Police Positive .32 S&W (1d4+2, 1/20, 6S60,
15’, DEP); Gear: (I) Tactical radio; Vehicle: None; Qualities: None.

Init: Atk: Def: Res: Damage Save: Comp:

Ali Rafat / University Student

He’s an idealist, but also egotistical about his accomplishments so far. Having built up a movement on his own,
Rafat has started to forget what’s required for success – the willingness to engage in personal sacrifice for the
greater good.

Ali Rafat (Standard NPC – 39 XP): Init IV; Atk IV; Def V; Resilience V; Damage Save: V; Competence: V; Skills:
Bluff V, Science X; Wealth: III; Weapons: None; Gear: None; Vehicle: (I) 1977 Toyota Corolla (L(2x3), Occ 1+4,
A4/T3, 65/100 mph, Def/Dave 9/+8, 250 lbs); Qualities: None.

Init: Atk: Def: Res: Damage Save: Comp:

Construction Worker
Working nine to five… well, more like seven to five, but close enough.

Construction Worker (Standard NPC – 32 XP): Init IV; Atk IV; Def V; Resilience V; Damage Save: V; Competence:
V; Skills: Science X; Wealth: III; Weapons: None; Gear: None; Vehicle: None; Qualities: None.

Init: Atk: Def: Res: Damage Save: Comp:

Scene 3: Et Tu, Brute?
The following NPCs are encountered in Scene 3 and later as described throughout the mission text.

Nuclear Facility Guards

These men are representative of the enlisted among the Iranian military, indulging in vices, slacking off when
their superiors are not around, and usually bored to tears. But they get to carry big guns, and that’s a plus.

Nuclear Facility Guards (Standard NPC – 75 XP): Init VI; Atk VIII; Def V; Resilience V; Damage Save: VI;
Competence: VI; Skills: Tactics VIII; Wealth: IV; Weapons: (III) RSA AK-47 (3d6, 1-2/20, 30M5, 125’, DEP); Gear:
(II) Modular Tactical Vest (DR 3/6), (III) Tactical radio headset, encrypted; Vehicle: (V) APC, wheeled (L(2x5, RSA
PK GPMG [2d10+1, 1-3/19-20, 100B1, 200 ft, DEP, IMP, SLA], Occ 2+8, A1/T2, 35/50 mph, Def/Save 9/+20, 500
lbs, CMF (desert), FMP (1), HAR (1), ORD, PVI (-6)); Qualities: extended training (vehicle weapon, Heavy Ground
Vehicles), feats (Autofire Basics, Autofire Mastery, CQB Basics), minion, superior attribute (+8 Dex),

Init: Atk: Def: Res: Damage Save: Comp:

Iranian Scientist
“Publish or perish” takes on a whole new meaning.

Iranian Scientist (Standard NPC – 39 XP): Init IV; Atk IV; Def V; Resilience V; Damage Save: V; Competence: V;
Skills: Bureaucracy V, Science X; Wealth: III; Weapons: None; Gear: None; Vehicle: (I) Hoopty Car (L(2x3), Occ
1+4, A4/T3, 65/100 mph, Def/Dave 9/+8, 250 lbs); Qualities: None.

Init: Atk: Def: Res: Damage Save: Comp:

Transit, Zhang Xiao-Ping

An agent of the Nine Tiger Dynasty, he was sent to motivate the Iranians into deploying their weapon. Under the
guise of a representative of the People’s Republic of China, he is a viper in a den of snakes. He’ll gladly sacrifice
any one of them in order to stay undercover.

Transit (Special NPC – 99 XP): Init VI; Atk VIII; Def V; Resilience V; Damage Save: VI; Competence: VI; Skills:
Impress VIII, Intimidate VIII, Sense Motive VIII; Wealth: V; Weapons: (II) Glock 18 (1d10+1, 1-3/20, 31M2, 25’,
CMP, NFM(S/B/F), Clockwork Action); Gear: (I) Tuxedo Liner (DR 2/3); Vehicle: None; Qualities: extended training
(vehicle weapons, Rotary-Wing Air Vehicles), fearless (+20), feats (Autofire Supremacy, CQB Mastery,
Marksmanship Supremacy), henchman, steadfast, superior attribute (+8 Dex), treacherous, unnerving.

Init: Atk: Def: Res: V/p: Comp:

Tariq Hussein
This base commander is atypical of bureaucrats in that he’s a formidable hand-to-hand combatant, and he can
plan for the future. He realizes that the gift of a Chinese nuclear missile is too valuable to simply detonate. His
country must extract as much intelligence from it as they can, and he’ll do everything to give Iran the chance.

Tariq Hussein (Special NPC – 100 XP): Init VI; Atk VIII; Def V; Resilience V; Damage Save: VI; Competence: VI;
Skills: Intimidate VIII, Notice VIII; Wealth: V; Weapons: (III) RSA AK-47 (3d6, 1-2/20, 30M5, 125’, DEP); Gear: (III)
Tactical radio headset, encrypted, (I) Tuxedo Liner (DR 2/3); Vehicle: None; Qualities: extended training (vehicle
weapons, Rotary-Wing Air Vehicles), fearless (+20), feats (Dirty Fighting Moves, Kicking Moves, Martial Arts
(Str), Master’s Art, Submission Basics), fleet (+10 ft), henchman, steadfast, superior attribute (+8 Str),
treacherous, unnerving.

Init: Atk: Def: Res: V/p: Comp:

Helicopter, gunship (MI-24): Size H (3x11, rotor 12), Occ 2+8, A3/T4, 175/200, Def 8, Damage Save +20, 2/av
gas, CHF, CMF (desert), DUC, HDP (6, 2 70mm rocket pods, 4d10 (explosive), 1-3/20, 500’, IMP, INA(-18); 2 AA-8
Aphid light Anti-air IR missile, 5d10 (explosive), 1-3/20, 1000’, IMP, INA(-12)), SEN (radar 1, thermal 4), UNF,
WPN (25mm machine gun, ADPS rounds, 4d10 (AP 30), 1-3/-, 500’, IMP, INA(-4))
Nuclear Facility Coordinates: 34 deg 22'12.32"N, 49 deg 14'41.75"
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15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Open Game License v1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. System Rules Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast,
Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Spycraft 2.0 Rulebook, Copyright
2005, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.; Authors Alexander Flagg, Scott Gearin, and Patrick Kapera. Spycraft Espionage Handbook Copyright 2002,
Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.; Authors Patrick Kapera and Kevin Wilson. Spycraft 1960s Decade Book Copyright 2003, Alderac Entertainment Group,
Inc.; Authors Robert J. Defendi, B.D. Flory, Scott Gearin, Clayton A. Oliver. Spycraft Agency Copyright 2004, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.; Authors
Steve Crow, Alexander Flagg, B.D. Flory, Clayton A. Oliver, Steven Peterson. Spycraft Battlegrounds Copyright 2005, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.;
Authors Andy C. Davis, Alexander Flagg, Clayton A. Oliver, Jason Olsan, Patrick Parrish. Spycraft Mastermind Guide Copyright 2004, Alderac Entertainment
Group, Inc.; Authors Steve Crow, Alexander Flagg, B.D. Flory, Clayton A. Oliver. Spycraft U.S. Militaries Guide Copyright 2004, Alderac Entertainment
Group, Inc.; Authors Dave McAlister, Clayton A. Oliver, Patrick Kapera. Spycraft World Militaries Guide Copyright 2004, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.;
Authors Dave McAlister, Clayton A. Oliver, Patrick Kapera. Spycraft Modern Arms Guide Copyright 2002, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.; Authors Chad
Brunner, Tim D’Allaird, Rob Dake, Michael Fish, Scott Gearin, Owen Hershey, Patrick Kapera, Michael Petrovich, Jim Wardrip, Stephen Wilcoxon. Spycraft
Faceman/Snoop Class Guide Copyright 2003, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.; Authors Alexander Flagg, Clayton A. Oliver. Spycraft Fixer/Pointman Class
Guide Copyright 2003, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.; Authors Scott Gearin. Spycraft Soldier/Wheelman Class Guide Copyright 2003, Alderac
Entertainment Group, Inc.; Authors Chad Brunner, Shawn Carman, B.D. Flory, Scott Gearin, Patrick Kapera.


This Living Spycraft™ mission is done under version 1.0a of the Open Game License and the draft version of the d20 System Trademark License, d20 System
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Archer Worldbook, The African Alliance Chamber Book, The Archer Foundation Chamber Book, The Company Chamber Book, The European Commonwealth
Chamber Book, The Guardians of the Whispering Knife Chamber Book, The Pan-Asian Collective Chamber Book, The Room 39 Chamber Book, The Russian
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