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Weekly Dairy

Industrial Training
From 04th July 2022 to 14th August 2022

Name of Supervisor Mrs. Sonali Gorade

Designation of Supervisor CEO (Chief Executive Officer)

Name of Student Kamble Aditya Balasaheb

Branch of Engineering Computer Technology

Name of Polytechnic Sanjivani K.b.p. Polytechnic

Signature of Trainee Signature of Trainer Signature of Faculty Mentor

Week 1: From 04th July 2022 to 9th July 2022

Day Activities carried out
DAY 1 1. Journey of Sumago Infotech Pvt.Ltd
Monday, 2. Introduction of Sumago Infotech Pvt.Ltd
4 July, 2022 3. Short information of Domains on which Suamgo Infotech
Pvt.Ltd is working Currently
4. Importance & Syllabus Introduction of Industrial Training
5. Ice breaker Activity

DAY 2 1. Deference betn Web Designer V/S Web Developer

Tuesday, 2. Introduction to Different Types of Servers
5 July, 2022 3. Download, Install & Usage of XAMPP Server
4. Download, Install & Usage of Sublime Text Editor
5. Introduction & Information about HTML
6. Usages of Multiple HTML Tags
For Ex - h1, marquee, center, a,   hr, p, b, u, mark, i,
del, br, sup, sub, img, iframe, fieldset, legend,t able, ol,
ul ,etc.
7. Task Given of 2 Table creation
DAY 3 1. HTML continued
Wednesday, 2. Form Designing with different types of fields
6 July, 2022
For Ex - lable, text, number, email, date, text area, password,
radio, select, checkbox, file, placeholder
3. Converting the from to table
4. Creating Submit and Reset Button For Ex: - btn_submit ,
5. Task Given of 6 form creation

DAY 4 1. Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

Thursday, 2. Implementation of Inline CSS
7 July 2022 3. Implementation of Internal CSS
4. Implementation of External CSS
5. Introduction to Bootstrp
6. Implementation of Bootstrap
For Ex: - Glyphicons,Navbar,Jumbotron,Grid View

DAY 5 1. Bootstrap Continued

Friday, 2. Implementation of Bootstrap
8 July 2022 For Ex: - Dropdowns, Button groups, Breadcrumbs,
Pagination, Labels, Thumbnails, Progress bars, Panels

DAY 6 1. Team Building Activites

Saturday, 2. Fun Games
9 July 2022
Weekly summarization of the above activities:

We have Learned How to Create a Static Website with a good Layout

Signature of Trainee Signature of Trainer Signature of Faculty Mentor

Week 2: From 11th July 2022 to 16th July 2022

Day Activities carried out
DAY 1 1. Introduction to JavaScript
Monday, 2. MEAN & MERN Stack
11 July, 2022 3. Point’s covered
Introduction, Syntax, Datatypes, Prompt etc.
4. Four tasks are given

DAY 2 1. JavaScript Continued

Tuesday, 2. Point’s covered
12 July, 2022 Control Structure, Usage of Prompt, if else, for
loop, alert, switch case etc
3. Applying validation to form using JavaScript
DAY 3 1. Introduction to Jquery
Wednesday, 2. Installation of Jquery validation master
13 July, 2022 3. Applying validation to form using jquery
4. Database Login
5. Database Creation , Table Creation,
6. Auto Increment Filed
DAY 4 1. Introduction to PHP
Thursday, 2. Syntax of PHP
14 July 2022 3. Variable declaration in PHP
4. Data Types in PHP
5. Points Covered
If, if-else, if-else-ladder, for loop, while loop, do
while loop , for each loop, string , array & types of
array ,
6. Connect Database

7. Insert (Sending) the data from form to database

DAY 5 1. Database Continued……
Friday, 2. View data of Database
15 July 2022 3. Update record of Database
4. Delete record of Database
5. Student feedback about Web Development Sessions

DAY 6 1. Celebration of International Emoji Day

Saturday, 2. Alphabet Game
16 July 2022
Weekly summarization of the above activities:

We have learned about javascript and PHP

Signature of Trainee Signature of Trainer Signature of Faculty Mentor

Week 3: From 18th July 2022 to 23rd July 2022

Day Activities carried out
DAY 1 1. Introduction to Python
Monday, 2. Why Python
18 July, 2022 3. Benefits / features of Python
4. Role of PVM
5. Job opportunities
6. Installation of Python Interpreter
7. Download & Installation IDE
8. Python Workflow
9. Writing first code in Python

DAY 2 1. Python Syntax

Tuesday, 2. Variable
19 July, 2022 3. Comments
4. Keywords
5. Introduction To Datatypes in Python

DAY 3 1. Fundamental Data Type

Wednesday, 2. Sequential Data Type
20 July, 2022 3. Collection Data Type
4. None Type
5. Type Casting Techniques
6. Number Base Conversion

DAY 4 1. Arithmetic Operator

Thursday, 2. Assignment Operator
21 July 2022 3. Relational Operator
4. Logical Operator
5. Bitwise Operator
6. Membership Operator
7. Identity Operator
DAY 5 1. Reading And Writing Data in Python
Friday, 2. Conditional Statements
22 July 2022 3. Looping Statements
4. Misc. Flow Control Statements
5. Defining Function
6. Function Argument
7. Anonymous Function
8. Special Function

DAY 6 1. Full Housie game

Saturday, 2. Chinese Whisper Game
23 July 2022 3. Interview Story of 1st Head of Stress Management
Department at Infosys Pvt.Ltd

Weekly summarization of the above activities:

We have learned basic of Python

Signature of Trainee Signature of Trainer Signature of Faculty Mentor

Week 4: From 25th July 2022 to 30th July 2022

Day Activities carried out
DAY 1 1. Project Management Session
25 July, 2022
DAY 2 1. OOP’s concept in Python
Tuesday, 2. Class
26 July, 2022 3. Object
4. Inheritance
5. Polymorphism

DAY 3 1. Modules in Python

Wednesday, 2. Built-in Module
27 July, 2022 3. User Define Module
4. Reusing Module
5. Packages in Python
6. Introduction to file Handing

DAY 4 1. File Opening Mode

Thursday, 2. Reading & Writing Data in File
28 July 2022 3. Pickling & Un-pickling in Files
4. Logging
5. Exception Handling
6. Exception Handling
7. Exception Handling with File operation

DAY 5 1. Regular Expression

Friday, 2. Rule of RE
29 July 2022 3. Quantifiers in RE
4. Database Interaction with Python

5. Introduction & Installation

6. Integration of Python in Database Using
7. Connector
DAY 6 1. Funday
Saturday, 2. Group Activities
30 July 2022

Weekly summarization of the above activities:

We have learned about advance python

Signature of Trainee Signature of Trainer Signature of Faculty Mentor

Week 5: From 01st August 2022 to 06th August 2022

Day Activities carried out
DAY 1 1. Test on Web-Devolopment
1 August, 2022
DAY 2 1. Introduction to front end and backend
Tuesday, 2. Introduction to Templet of website
2 August, 2022 3. Download Process of Free Templet
DAY 3 Holiday
3 August, 2022
DAY 4 1. Login Process
Thursday, 2. Logout Process
4 August, 2022 3. Using Session
DAY 5 1. Designing Contact us page
Friday, 2. Sending Data from Front website to
5 August, 2022 3. Admin panel
DAY 6 1. Musical Chair
Saturday, 2. Fun Day
6 August, 2022
Weekly summarization of the above activities:

We have learned about front end and backend

Signature of Trainee Signature of Trainer Signature of Faculty Mentor

Week 6: From 08 August 2022 to 13 August 2022
th th

Day Activities carried out

DAY 1 1. Update record
Monday, 2. Delete record
8 August, 2022
DAY 2 1. Domain Registration
Tuesday, 2. Hosting Management
9 August, 2022
DAY 3 1. Lecture on HRM
Wednesday, 2. Lecture on Hardware Management
10 August, 2022
DAY 4 1. Holiday
11 August, 2022
DAY 5 1. Personality Test
Friday, 2. Motivational Lecture
12 August, 2022
DAY 6 1. Price Distribution
13 August, 2022
Weekly summarization of the above activities:

We have learned about how to website goes live on internet

Signature of Trainee Signature of Trainer Signature of Faculty Mentor

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