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40 Days Transformation Cheatsheet

Identify your level & do the recommended for 40 days straight - experience the

Also, don’t forget to email me at to get your

Free Self-Transformation Tracker!

Now, let’s go.

There are 3 levels mentioned here.

Self-check which level of your personal growth you currently are & do as

● Set 2x concrete goals for 2 areas of life (health, career, relationships,
social, self-awareness) + Daily habit that will make you manifest them
● 1x Declutter Journaling per day
● ~ 5 minutes of visualization per day
● ~ 10 minutes of Focus meditation per day

● Set 2x concrete goals for 2 areas of life (health, career, relationships,
social, self-awareness) + Daily habit that will make you manifest them
● Designing your Ideal Self & daily implementation
● 1x Declutter Journaling per day
● ~15 minutes of visualization per day
● ~15 minutes of conscious walking per day
● ~20 minutes of Focus meditation per day

● Set 2x concrete goals for 2 areas of life (health, career, relationships,
social, self-awareness) + Daily habit that will make you manifest them
● Design your Ideal Self & daily implementation
● Design your ideal lifestyle & set milestones
● 1x Declutter Journaling per day
● ~30 minutes of visualization per day
● ~30 minutes of conscious walking per day

For Beginner level: Self-Mastery (Free Course)
For Intermediate level: Subconscious Mind Reprogramming Kit
For Advance level: Become Your Ideal Self

Less than 3 months are left in 2022.

Go crush it.

You still got this!

- Dimple

PS. Connect with me here if you have any questions:

- Quora
- YouTube

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