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Nowadays people don´t use the local food because they prefer go the supermarket.

On the one hand, we find advantages. It is important to metion that the food is very fresh and
her transport is less harmful to the environment.

In addition I would like to add that if you consume food the farming you will help many
families in the world, because there are who only live on this.

On the other hand there are some disadvantages. Let me give you an example if you have
many greenhouse, you will produce greenhouses gases negatives for the world and the
person. Moreover some people using the chemicals to produce this foods.

So all in all I believe that this food in well to our due to that helping use body to be healthy.

I think it is good because of the fact that this food has a lot of well vitamins for our body.

My grandfather is Natalio and he was 92 years ago. He died several months ago. I´m sad yet
but I have a nice memory of him.

I always went to my village to see him. He was a person smiling and he always did if when he
saw me.

Together walked for the park while we spoken all the time, for example: the summer, my
studies … Also we went to de pub for the drink wine or we this main: “take/drink the vermú”.
In the quarantine we did face time to see us and I can see smile him.

I always think about him although I´m sad but I know that he takes care of me and I´m quiet.

Now I can´t go the village because I know that he isn´t. With the time I will can go and don´t
think sad things.

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